First Email Marketing Campain on Black Friday

by jvm127
11 replies
I have a very specific list of 5,200 people that bought from my websites selling DVD box sets over the last couple years. Today I finally launched an email campaign for Black Friday and I'm pleasantly surprised at the results so far. Emails went out to all 5,200 at 3:00am EST. So far 485 opened, 145 clicked and 7 sales have been made. That's a 9.6% open rate and 2.9% click rate so far. And I'm thinking many people on the west coast haven't even read their email yet.

What do you experienced email marketers think of these results so far? Average? Better than average?

Also, is there a place you can go to buy targeted lists of any niche and just build a site around that niche and shoot out an email campaign? I know most places like Aweber won't let you email them without first confirming them on the list but Mailchimp will.
#black #campain #email #friday #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author jvm127

    I am now up to 11.6% open and 3.5% click through and 10 sales.

    I'm starting to think this is really working!
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I think that's pretty decent.

    Today is a big day for emailing offers.

    (I know as I just did one about 30 minutes ago).

    Why not! Everyone is buying so much today they're in a buying mood.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Wow, results are very great so far. It always work on Days like black friday. People spend more money on these occassions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    That's pretty good for a cold list.

    I'd say push hard all weekend... Monday is Cyber Monday, so keep rolling out promos all weekend. We've had our turkey, let's buy stuff!
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    • Profile picture of the author ronr
      Did you actively mail them over this time? If so were they relationship buiding emails or did you sell them also?

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  • That looks like an OK rate for me. Good luck for the rest of the promo.

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  • Profile picture of the author jvm127

    I'm up to 13.2% opens and 4% click through with 15 sales.

    I have never emailed this list before. I've just been gathering emails of my customers over the last couple of years. Now I have a platform where I can offer discount codes and all kinds of other fun marketing goodies so I figured I'd go ahead and try to see if I could get some of these customers to come back for more.

    Thanks for the feedback guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author William2010
    It converts extremly well for a cold you should start "warming" it up..try to send a few emails every week with valuable info for the niche you are..not just selling will be amazed by the results!
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  • Profile picture of the author jvm127
    Final numbers for yesterday were amazing!

    17.7% Open

    5.5% Click Through

    38 Sales for $1,865

    BEST day I've had all year!
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  • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia

    congrats and thanks for the update

    love hearing real world results like tis without the sillyness hidden affiliate link

    Skunkworks: noun. informal.

    A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

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