Lead Mining / Lead Generator tools

6 replies
What softwares / application or tools would you recommend for gathering list of websites and their respective descriptions, URLs, contacts, etc?
#generator #lead #mining #tools
  • Profile picture of the author euraffiliates
    I am looking for that too.
    Euraff - Next-G Affiliate Software. With all advanced tools. Know Source and Keyword behind every Non Affiliate Sale and Lead too. Automate 'Revenue Sharing Deals' with your Suppliers and JV partners. Special Edition for Multiple Website Owners. 30 days Free Trial!
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    • Profile picture of the author euraffiliates
      Originally Posted by JamesHook View Post

      I was also facing the same problem even once I have tried but they were all bullshit , now after a long time was able to built a bot it is mine and is really good to extract all the leads in a very short period of time.
      Where does the bot work? To extract leads it must need some data? Either somebody has submitted willingly or you have taken the emails of the interested people without explicitly telling them. How?

      It will be helpful if you share the idea behind.
      Euraff - Next-G Affiliate Software. With all advanced tools. Know Source and Keyword behind every Non Affiliate Sale and Lead too. Automate 'Revenue Sharing Deals' with your Suppliers and JV partners. Special Edition for Multiple Website Owners. 30 days Free Trial!
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      • Profile picture of the author euraffiliates
        Originally Posted by JamesHook View Post

        It works on few selected business websites, it works on linkedin, clicksmart etc. And it will need not much of the details as other does. Scraper extracts data from address (i.e city) or it can help you with zip code, country. These are the basic field from where it fetches the data.
        Does your bot extract data of the people who have shown interests in your product (or at least visited your website)? Or it does irrespective of that.

        Because I think unless I send emails to people who have shown interests, bigger chance that I will get banned by my hosting provider. Also very less chance of conversion.

        I am sorry to be too much analytic, but by definition lead refers to the contact info who have shown some sort of interests. And if your bot extracts data of the people who have visited your site, it really will help.
        Euraff - Next-G Affiliate Software. With all advanced tools. Know Source and Keyword behind every Non Affiliate Sale and Lead too. Automate 'Revenue Sharing Deals' with your Suppliers and JV partners. Special Edition for Multiple Website Owners. 30 days Free Trial!
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        • Profile picture of the author euraffiliates
          Originally Posted by JamesHook View Post

          If someone is talking about your product somewhere in the world(i.e. those business sites for which the bot works) then for sure data can be fetched.
          I saw a website (Magic Leads) who claims to tell you the visitors who do not fill out forms. So I because curious. But the final report did not seem much interesting. It appeared to me (but not sure) that they are simply tracking the IP and tell the company name who have leased that IP. People may use dynamic IP or same IP can be used by many users. They just tell company name, no email. So their outcome will not help you to take specific action. but I liked the idea.

          I liked your idea too, to track if it is being discussed anywhere on net. But still I do not think it will be feasible. For two reason ...

          1. It practically not possible for you/me to search so many websites and pages. Google alert in fact does similar search, it is better not to compare our ability with Google.

          2. You will never have access to extract their email address.

          But it seemed that magic lead are doing good business, just giving some extra information than GA.
          Euraff - Next-G Affiliate Software. With all advanced tools. Know Source and Keyword behind every Non Affiliate Sale and Lead too. Automate 'Revenue Sharing Deals' with your Suppliers and JV partners. Special Edition for Multiple Website Owners. 30 days Free Trial!
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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineAddict
    You should try Scrape Hell, check my sig for a free trial.
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  • Profile picture of the author r0dvan
    As a developer I would have to tell you that I can help you with scraping.
    LeadGen.tools - Lead Generation Search Engine from any Network and many useful tools. FREE trial.
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