Recommend Fulfillment Center For DVD Products

9 replies
I'd like to mail dvd products to people who subscribe to my newsletter. Could someone recommend a reliable and low cost fulfillment center I could use?
#center #dvd #fulfillment #products #recommend
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Thomas
    I've used Kunaki for DVD fulfillment in the past, but it's been a few years. I'm sure someone else can chime in to tell us if they're still good.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Yes I've used Kunaki for years.
    You upload your files to their server, they then create the CD/DVD.
    They create the box cover (or you can) and dispatch to many (not all) countries for $1.
    Never had any issues, although their website needs updating.
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  • Kunaki or

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  • Profile picture of the author James Jackson
    Just found yesterday .... says they have prices comparable to Kunaki.

    BUT ... they ALSO HAVE SUPPORT! :-)

    Kunaki does not.

    They check the customers address is valid before shipping.

    Kunaki des not.

    You can have multiple Part (CD, DVD) Products ie different products in a one package or a full course on different discs. One really great case is designed to hold up to 18 discs and its only slightly larger than a regular DVD case.

    I'm going to try them.

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    • Profile picture of the author DanielBlue
      Originally Posted by James Jackson View Post

      Just found yesterday .... says they have prices comparable to Kunaki.

      BUT ... they ALSO HAVE SUPPORT! :-)

      Kunaki does not.

      They check the customers address is valid before shipping.

      Kunaki des not.

      You can have multiple Part (CD, DVD) Products ie different products in a one package or a full course on different discs. One really great case is designed to hold up to 18 discs and its only slightly larger than a regular DVD case.

      I'm going to try them.

      For me kunaki works fine. But good to know that there are alternatives.
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  • Profile picture of the author hbeezy
    kunaki is good. I've heard about but that's for books. I just did a search and another one called popped up.

    They all seem like they are good websites. But obviously the warrior favorite is kunaki. Do what works for you.
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