Think in reverse
I wanted to share something that might be crystal clear to some, yet very distant to others. Too many times people are beating their brains out trying to come up with the latest and greatest. Meanwhile they are passing up opportunity right in front of them. There are so many ways to use the internet to harvest leads.
Let's take one of my ventures as an example. A few years ago I got involved in the robocall industry. This was a piece of software that you could feed any list of phone numbers, record a message and it would call thousands of people at a time with your message. This was an excellent marketing tool for many different products. People were using this service mostly to promote other MLM programs and Aff programs.
Many people would buy lists (from the robocall company and other vendors) that contained phone numbers of people that were "opportunity seekers". Now the problem with these lists was, you guessed it, everyone else was using them too. These lists had been used up and beaten so many times it was ridiculous. I decided that my best bet was to market this product to the very people who were marketing their own products online. I would market it to them as a sales tool they could use for prospecting in their respective business. I hired some contractors and had them scrub classified sites where these people marketed their businesses. What I ended up with was a list of phone numbers of people who actually could use my product. I fed those numbers into the robocaller and it worked out extremely well. My sales rate was very high and, at a profit of $500 a sale, very lucrative.
My point is this: think differently than everyone else. Think in reverse. If you do what everyone else does, you will get the same results. That could be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing. I have always tended to look around and try to see what other people don't see. Believe me, this is NOT always easy to do. I have made LOTS of mistakes, and I still make mistakes. However, I learned long ago that we learn the best lessons from our mistakes, NOT our successes in life.
In the end, my advice is to follow PROVEN success plans, but always try to think outside the box. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. The simplest ideas are often the best.
I wish you all continued success in whatever you do and let's make 2014 the best year ever!
PS. I know people are going to ask, so I might as well tell you now. The robocall industry experienced a severe downturn when new legislature further hindered this activity. I enjoyed a good run and when the new legislature came out, I shut it down as I did not want to face the fines and headaches. It's important to know when to fold em!

rory singh TIKTOK
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