How to get testimonials for a new product?

11 replies
I'm wondering if there's a thread or resource somewhere on what one can do if you have a new product (an ebook in my case) and you don't have testimonials yet to put on the sales page, how you can get testimonials?

What do you do to get testimonials if you don't have a customer base and it's a new product?
#new product #product #testimonials
  • Profile picture of the author JaredRhodenizer
    Make a Facebook group and invite all the people who've bought your product to go and join it. Tell them you'll give them some kind of bonus of they join then ask them to post reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior X
    It's legit to contact some (preferably well known) people in your field and ask them to write a review for you. As long as you don't label them as 'customer' testimonials, that's completely above-board.

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  • Profile picture of the author John J M
    Yup, as others suggested - give it away for free and get some honest feedback. Obviously, you only post the stuff that works and use the negative feedback to make improvements.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamisonpatrick
    Thanks for sharing useful information.

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    • Profile picture of the author Innovator3
      Originally Posted by JaredRhodenizer View Post

      Make a Facebook group and invite all the people who've bought your product to go and join it. Tell them you'll give them some kind of bonus of they join then ask them to post reviews.
      I would do this but I haven't had anyone purchase the product yet. I'm starting from scratch. How do I know this is a viable market? It's in the dating niche.

      Originally Posted by Warrior X View Post

      It's legit to contact some (preferably well known) people in your field and ask them to write a review for you. As long as you don't label them as 'customer' testimonials, that's completely above-board.

      I thought about that. Then I thought to myself "why would they want to write a review for a competing product?" I have to figure out what would be in it for them. Any thoughts on this?
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      • Profile picture of the author Greg Ray
        Your best option is to provide free access to a select few people that will give you candid reviews in exchange.
        Kindest regards,

        Greg Ray
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnFreshLeads
    You can acquire good testimonials on Fiverr by purchasing a gig of someone offering to provide a testimonial or review of your product or service. Good luck to you.

    A long-time reader and learner of the Warrior Forum. Now an active participant and contributor.

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    • Profile picture of the author ElijahM
      Post in the "looking to hire" section of this forum and offer review copies in return for a review of the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    Some guys on freelancers and fiverr do it, giving genuine testimonials for your product

    Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

    I'm wondering if there's a thread or resource somewhere on what one can do if you have a new product (an ebook in my case) and you don't have testimonials yet to put on the sales page, how you can get testimonials?

    What do you do to get testimonials if you don't have a customer base and it's a new product?
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    • Profile picture of the author honestim
      Get on a forum related to your niche and offer a free review copy of the product to people who promise to review it and leave you a feedback. You may also use this strategy to create a bit of buzz about the product.

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