What would not you do if you could start over

49 replies
Hello Warriors!
I know You have gone through lots of life lessons and we (newbies) appreciate your advice.
I am going to ask you dear successful internet marketers, what mistakes have you done when you started IM business?
And, can we (newbies) avoid of making those mistakes?
It would be very helpful for us.
  • Profile picture of the author ColdWritingLLC
    I would've stuck with the way I made money the first time I made money.

    You get your first decent payday and then you can only see potential everywhere, ignoring the golden egg you're sitting on top of. Once you find one way to make money just push it as hard as you can, because you'll never actually find another way.
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    • Profile picture of the author coffeediva
      I would look for a good mentor or coach one who has a good reputation and talk to tgeir successful students. Don't go looking for the shiny push button way to success because it does not exist. Be prepared to spend some money on yourself and the tools of the trade
      Good luck
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      • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
        Originally Posted by coffeediva View Post

        I would look for a good mentor or coach one who has a good reputation and talk to tgeir successful students. Don't go looking for the shiny push button way to success because it does not exist. Be prepared to spend some money on yourself and the tools of the trade
        Good luck
        I will keep in mind, thank you for your advice, Coffeediva.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by ColdWritingLLC View Post

      I would've stuck with the way I made money the first time I made money.

      You get your first decent payday and then you can only see potential everywhere, ignoring the golden egg you're sitting on top of. Once you find one way to make money just push it as hard as you can, because you'll never actually find another way.
      Thank you for your advice, ColdWritingLLC.
      I am in search of that way, but haven't found yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author Domain 1
      Originally Posted by ColdWritingLLC View Post

      I would've stuck with the way I made money the first time I made money.

      You get your first decent payday and then you can only see potential everywhere, ignoring the golden egg you're sitting on top of. Once you find one way to make money just push it as hard as you can, because you'll never actually find another way.
      My first way of making money was ecommerce, I hated it so now I am moving into making a ClickBank product, if you're right then I'm screwed!:rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
      Originally Posted by ColdWritingLLC View Post

      I would've stuck with the way I made money the first time I made money.

      You get your first decent payday and then you can only see potential everywhere, ignoring the golden egg you're sitting on top of. Once you find one way to make money just push it as hard as you can, because you'll never actually find another way.
      Negative thinking alert?
      Income making potential is everywhere. Great ideas and fortunes are made every day by people across the globe! My tip would be to find ways to make money that you actually enjoy! Keep your dreams alive and never be afraid to quit a job if it is making you miserable. Life is too short!

      What would I not do if I could start over? Nothing. I am happy with my life journey. No regrets, lessons learned, progress developing. Cheers.
      "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author virtualsidewalk
    I would NOT have ignored the Warrior Forum! I would have come here everyday and absorb as much as humanly possible for a bit before getting started.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by virtualsidewalk View Post

      I would NOT have ignored the Warrior Forum! I would have come here everyday and absorb as much as humanly possible for a bit before getting started.
      Yeah, Virtualsidewalk! I haven't seen this kind of forum yet.
      It's especially valuable for newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    If I can start over, I won't waste time on so many useless dabbles, and I will focus on one thing, it is building my list.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I would focus. when I started I was doing this, that, the other, this over here, that over there ,and wondered why none of it worked. Understanding now that Content is king, I would;

      Pick a topic / Niche / market whatever you want to call it. Build a basic site with a blog. I would blog for a few weeks at least. Then I would research more and blog some more. at this point I would look over my body of work, and develop my site. Then blog some more. then I would introduce my service or product to the world.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by dengkane View Post

      If I can start over, I won't waste time on so many useless dabbles, and I will focus on one thing, it is building my list.
      Dengkane, thank you for your advice. So many people are talking about importance of list building. It appears to me it is one of the most important assets in IM.
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    • Profile picture of the author WarTiger
      Originally Posted by dengkane View Post

      If I can start over, I won't waste time on so many useless dabbles, and I will focus on one thing, it is building my list.
      Agree, I would do the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author kpmedia
    Not an "IM" business exactly, but online business years ago, and a full-time revamp some years later.

    Looking back, I'd definitely dumped more women I was with at those times. Most are not supportive. It's happened 3 times now. Women generally ARE NOT supportive of men who have uncertain futures. I choose to be realistically optimistic, and she would fixate on unlikely worst-case scenarios.

    I had one delay me by a whole year. I'm still playing catchup many years later because of her.

    Being your own boss is about support networks, not just the business aspects.

    * This obviously excludes females here. So please, no dissenting posts from the ladies.
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  • Profile picture of the author cuie
    I wouldn't change anything. All my mistakes have brought me all this knowledge that I can use to build and sustain a profitable business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by cuie View Post

      I wouldn't change anything. All my mistakes have brought me all this knowledge that I can use to build and sustain a profitable business.
      An interesting point, Cuie. Have learned another lesson from you, Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Would have never bothered with SEO nonsense.
    Would have never bothered with Amazon nonsense.
    Would have never bothered with Social Media nonsense

    Other than that. All other mistakes where necessary. The above one's I could have done without because the only lesson I learned was that they are all pretty crap, pointless and time wasting.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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    • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
      Originally Posted by retsced View Post

      Would have never bothered with SEO nonsense.
      Would have never bothered with Amazon nonsense.
      Would have never bothered with Social Media nonsense

      Other than that. All other mistakes where necessary. The above one's I could have done without because the only lesson I learned was that they are all pretty crap, pointless and time wasting.

      What do you mean social media nonsense?

      Social media is a great way to connect with millions of potential followers which can lead to them bringing in new traffic which potentially leads to more money and they could also become long term subscribers.

      Social media is very important and it's going to be for the foreseeable future.

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      • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
        Originally Posted by Stefan Shields View Post

        Social media is a great way to connect with millions of potential followers which can lead to them bringing in new traffic which potentially leads to more money and they could also become long term subscribers.
        True - I've also found that a lot of people who visit my blog straight from social media are more likely to comment, subscribe, or thank me for my content - just because they're more "social".
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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    Reading and buying a lot of IM products
    That's the biggest mistake i did, I should have first tried to be expert in something and sell that
    That is what i did after 2 years trying almost everything i learned from IM products
    All that i can sum up is
    > If you are expert in something try to sell it
    > If not try to be in one
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by xpesos View Post

      Reading and buying a lot of IM products
      Xpesos, that's what I am currently doing, thank you for advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
    The biggest mistake was wasting time searching for help and not actually doing anything with that help! Being busy isn't the same as taking action that brings you towards your goal.
    I would find a blueprint that works, make it my own and stick with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author SportsMarketer
    I wish I would not have bought so many WSO's when I was learning about IM. When I was new I spent way too much learning and not enough doing.

    In the IM niche it is all about and making sales. Most people don't want to hear that, but to make money you must sell something.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greenville
    I worked hard from the start and I had good results after the first month. The mistake I made later was to seek other sources of income when there was still much to learn from the first.

    As others have said, focus on one method to start. And do not fall into the trap of changing every week! If you can stick to a niche, it's even better.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    As a product creator I would stay away from development partnerships and just pay coders for their time.

    As a developer, I would stay away from development partnerships and ask product creators to pay me for my time.

    Ron Rule

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  • Profile picture of the author SuperDJ
    I wouldn't have shone away from building relationships in my niche and niches tightly related to my niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author butterballs8
    Stop spending money on shiny objects.
    If you research hard enough, you can get pretty much anything free online or a fraction of the cost elsewhere.
    Find ONE good web designer instead of multiple designers
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    There is a great post by Rod Cortez, but it has been moved to the War Room unfortunately which is a paid section of the forum Aleeshar, cost to join is $37, but that is an investment and will be the best money you ever spend anywhere.

    If you are broke, there is a blog post here that will help put you in the picture, stop you getting ripped off and prepare you for the long road ahead.

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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by Tim3 View Post

      There is a great post by Rod Cortez, but it has been moved to the War Room unfortunately which is a paid section of the forum Aleeshar, cost to join is $37, but that is an investment and will be the best money you ever spend anywhere.

      If you are broke, there is a blog post here that will help put you in the picture, stop you getting ripped off and prepare you for the long road ahead.
      Thank you for a blog post, Tim. I think you have listed all the mistakes I am currently doing.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tim3
        Originally Posted by Aleeshar View Post

        Thank you for a blog post, Tim. I think you have listed all the mistakes I am currently doing.
        Glad you found it helpful.
        ..just remember, before parting with any money, guilty until proven innocent

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  • Profile picture of the author TheUser
    One word: procrastinate. Don't do it. Just follow through in a straight line.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
    What would not you do if you could start over
    I picture Yoda saying this.


    In all seriousness though.. what I would NOT do:

    1) jump from one thing to the next.. I would've just picked 1 thing to do and not even make failure an option.. no retreat. I'd go into a hot market from the beginning where I knew there was money at and would not change path or do anything else UNTIL I was crushing it.

    2) Have an ego. I would ditch the ego, ask successful people questions.. and then I would just shut up and listen. They're successful for a reason. If you just honestly listen, ditch the ego, and do exactly what they say.. you'll make money FAST and skip the learning curve...

    3) Sit around all day, read tons of stuff, do nothing.. and then wonder why I was broke?
    If you want to make money.. you got to do stuff! so many times I would spend my whole day reading forums, reading ebooks, watching videos, and if you asked me what I did all day I would say I was working on IM!

    no I wasn't.

    Reading doesn't make you money. Doing stuff makes you money. The time I spent reading I would've spent DOING.. testing campaigns.. < the school of hard knocks.. real results.. that talks. and that would have taught me a heck of alot more than any book could.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrett
    oh and I would've built a list from day 1.

    I drove tons of traffic to CPA offers.. and didn't built a list.. and the second the offer got pulled or my account got slapped.. I was back at square one and had nothing to show for it.

    Don't make the mistake of NOT building a list.
    Building a list from the beginning is seriously one of the smartest and most profitable things you can do.
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  • Profile picture of the author azulita
    I would avoid purchasing a lot of products because I finished spending a lot of money. So I would keep with one programs that I see it Works and of course stay focus and not get distracted with tons of programs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jassen
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by Jassen View Post

      1. I would have focused on only two projects, instead of dozens.
      It becomes more clear that focus is everything.
      Thank you, Jassen.
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  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    If I could start over again, I would not have married my ex-wife!
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      If I could start over again, I would not have married my ex-wife!
      Joseph, that's the awesome advice for newbies (in family life, I am not married)
      Would I a woman I would envy your ex-wife

      (Let me know if that was inappropriate)
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    I would get a book on marketing before I did anything else. Then make a list of tools I need. Then I would buy them. Set up a proper business plan and follow it to a tee. Failure and learn from them. Change test and grow. Basically master that. Then branch out and do the same thing with a second income stream.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Aleeshar,

    Not spam...lol.

    I made silly mistakes in the beginning. I'd devote the energy I used to plastering my squeeze page all over the place toward writing, 1, 2 or 5 blog posts daily to boost my PR and Alexa score.

    How about yourself?
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi Aleeshar,

      Not spam...lol.

      I made silly mistakes in the beginning. I'd devote the energy I used to plastering my squeeze page all over the place toward writing, 1, 2 or 5 blog posts daily to boost my PR and Alexa score.

      How about yourself?
      Ryanbiddulph, yeah it seems it is not a spam indeed (I can't find a link here)

      Well, I would not be afraid of failure, rejection. That's the only thing.
      Thank you for the answer and the interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author blackli0n
    I would have hired out more often. Starting out, I always tried to save money and learn how to do things myself. This is important but even better is to hire a pro and learn by watching his formula and seeing how he works. There were so many steps of the process that took out so much time because I insisted on learning how to do it myself. Looking back, I would have saved a lot of time and stress AND FAILURE simply by working with someone who knows how to overcome that challenge.

    Think about any challenge you've ever had...I can assure you, there is somebody out there who knows exactly how to deal with it.
    wpjohnny.com - Make Money with Wordpress
    Passive income since 2007. Trying to consistently crack 5-figures/month. find what you love - dream big - work hard
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  • Profile picture of the author kevin timothy
    If I had to start over I would not have shied away
    from Youtube marketing. I would've accumulated
    years of videos that would be a steady source of
    traffic to this day.

    I also would have not allowed myself to be
    convinced to focus all my traffic generation
    on a company's sales page.

    Those were years of lost time and possibly tons
    of prospects - if I would've been focused on
    list building.

    Time, my friend, is a marvelous teacher.
    Your Funnel is Waiting. Fill It With Unlimited Leads
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  • Profile picture of the author rashoman
    I would stay as far away from the Warrior Forum as possible (stay focused)
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    • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
      Originally Posted by rashoman View Post

      I would stay as far away from the Warrior Forum as possible (stay focused)
      To utilise focus, you need wise instruction in order to hone abilities that are worth concentrating on. If not the Warrior Forum, as a source of IM experiential knowledge and tips, then where? :confused:
      "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnTheJock
        We start over again EVERY SINGLE DAY, with the knowledge we've gained and the experience of the mistakes we've made :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author znan
    Don't believe the hype. Don't try to make thousands in the beginning. Try to make one dollar. then when you make one dollar, try to make ten. then 100, then a thousand.

    That's my tip.

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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by znan View Post

      Don't believe the hype. Don't try to make thousands in the beginning. Try to make one dollar. then when you make one dollar, try to make ten. then 100, then a thousand.

      That's my tip.
      Znan, thank you for the tip. In fact, that's my major problem When I first came online I wanted to make a thousand dollars right off the bat
      Get-rich-quick products so attracted me.

      By the way, an amazing picture
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Here are the mistakes I made when I was a newbie:

    1. I didn't study internet marketing.

    2. I believed all the lies I read about how easy it was to make money online.

    3. I believed that just by creating good products I would surely make money.

    4. I started trying to promote my own products without knowing how the internet works.

    5. I didn't try to sell affiliate products first of all, before creating my products.

    6. I didn't make any marketing research. I didn't know who my customers were.

    7. I didn't have a marketing plan.

    8. I didn't discover the Warrior Forum.

    9. I despised the lessons I found at the Warrior Forum even after discovering it.

    10. I delayed to understand that I was still a newbie even after learning the basics.

    11. I delayed to understand that I should visit the WF everyday instead of being merely a tourist here.

    12. I delayed to become a War Room member because I thought that it was useful only for webmasters.

    13. I made many other mistakes, not as important as the ones I have already written in this list.

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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Here are mistakes that I wouldn't ever commit again:

    1. Buying any type of WSO or training product.

    2. Deciding that I'd rather not make my own website.

    3. Deciding that I'd rather not write a lot of content.

    Things that I'd definitely do again:

    1. Analyze other websites and see how they're making money.

    2. Come up with my own unique twists and have some fun.

    3. Provide services and products of value.

    4. Make friends with guys who aren't selling any product, but who seem to be successful. I'm good friends with an Australian guy from here who helped me a ton.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aleeshar
      Originally Posted by Slin View Post

      2. Come up with my own unique twists and have some fun.
      3. Provide services and products of value.
      Slin, you are dead right!

      Originally Posted by Slin View Post

      4. Make friends with guys who aren't selling any product, but who seem to be successful. I'm good friends with an Australian guy from here who helped me a ton.
      Special thanks for this advice, Slin!
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