Favorite Questions from the Main Discussion Forum

31 replies
Sometimes we IMers take ourselves too seriously. Let's turn that around.

I love the WF and have been keeping a list of my favorite questions seen here thinking that someday I'd write a book of favorite opening posts.

I was going keep these private until I had 50 or so, but I just decided to put my first 17 out there and see if you Warriors would like to help me reach 50 much quicker. Here goes:

1. What's the easiest and fastest way to make money online?

2. I bought this great domain name - what should I do with it?

3. How much money are you making online?

4. How do you know if you're not making sales?

5. What are your best niches and how are you making money from them?

6. Is making money online a hoax?

7. Will I get in trouble if I borrow posts from my competitor's blog and put them on my web site?

8. I need $3,500 by next Friday - someone suggest me how to do this?

9. Who is the best mentor that won't make me work hard?

10. If I buy an ebook, I own it and can use it how I want - right?

11. My wife wants me get a job. How do I tell her marketers take a long time?

12. Recommend me a program that works.

13. I got ripped off . . . two weeks and no sales.

14. Bought two million email addresses - now what?

15. What are my best keywords?

16. Do I have to make money to be a coach?

17. Tell me if I can get sued?

18. ?

Have at it . . .

#discussion #favorite #forum #main #questions
  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
    I always love the classic "How do I make money?"


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8795413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    20. What am I doing wrong?

    21. How can I make $...... per day/month?

    22. How can I drive traffic to my website?

    23. When did you start making money?

    24. What would you do if you were beginning now?
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Among many questions being asked here; the funniest ones are when the Original Poster asks "how to make some bucks online?"

    while his / her Singature will be saying "the easiet way to make $20000 in a week without doing nothing Click Here"

    What a funny and desperate world of IMER is......
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    • Profile picture of the author Lady D
      Originally Posted by datingworld View Post

      Among many questions being asked here; the funniest ones are when the Original Poster asks "how to make some bucks online?"

      while his / her Singature will be saying "the easiet way to make $20000 in a week without doing nothing Click Here"

      What a funny and desperate world of IMER is......
      Yes, that was DEFINITELY a good one
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796507].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sam770
      Loved it :-)

      Originally Posted by datingworld View Post

      Among many questions being asked here; the funniest ones are when the Original Poster asks "how to make some bucks online?"

      while his / her Singature will be saying "the easiet way to make $20000 in a week without doing nothing Click Here"

      What a funny and desperate world of IMER is......
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798937].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author digitalsapien
      LOL this one got me.

      Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

      Loved it :-)
      Originally Posted by datingworld View Post

      Among many questions being asked here; the funniest ones are when the Original Poster asks "how to make some bucks online?"

      while his / her Singature will be saying "the easiet way to make $20000 in a week without doing nothing Click Here"

      What a funny and desperate world of IMER is......

      Discover what every Internet marketer needs to know about building a profitable online business only at Entrepreneurs Wealth League.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Is ____ (Clickbank, Facebook, affiliate marketing, ebooks, Google, etc.) dead?

    What works today?

    I am ready to give up after __ hours/days/weeks/years of wasted effort.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

    Sometimes we IMers take ourselves too seriously. Let's turn that around.

    I love the WF and have been keeping a list of my favorite questions seen here thinking that someday I'd write a book of favorite opening posts.

    I was going keep these private until I had 50 or so, but I just decided to put my first 17 out there and see if you Warriors would like to help me reach 50 much quicker. Here goes:

    1. What's the easiest and fastest way to make money online?

    2. I bought this great domain name - what should I do with it?

    3. How much money are you making online?

    4. How do you know if you're not making sales?

    5. What are your best niches and how are you making money from them?

    6. Is making money online a hoax?

    7. Will I get in trouble if I borrow posts from my competitor's blog and put them on my web site?

    8. I need $3,500 by next Friday - someone suggest me how to do this?

    9. Who is the best mentor that won't make me work hard?

    10. If I buy an ebook, I own it and can use it how I want - right?

    11. My wife wants me get a job. How do I tell her marketers take a long time?

    12. Recommend me a program that works.

    13. I got ripped off . . . two weeks and no sales.

    14. Bought two million email addresses - now what?

    15. What are my best keywords?

    16. Do I have to make money to be a coach?

    17. Tell me if I can get sued?

    18. ?

    Have at it . . .


    To be fair, the idea of making money and getting traffic and making sales with no smarts or effort doesn't just occur to them on their own.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796684].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author parvezjasani
      How to make money online ?

      I think it is base of warrior forum ,most of us are interested to know various method of making money online.

      I see this question regularly on this forum but magic of forum members is that every time they have different answer for this question.

      Generation will change but this question will never change its popularity.
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      • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
        This is another one I see often on the forum.

        - I have $10,000, which WSO will give me the best advice on how I should invest it online?

        21 PROFITABLE NICHES - FREE! "GET These 21 Proven profitable Niches, Plus 21 Affiliate Niche Discovery Resources This Guy Uses To Earn $4,598/Week!" Download Here
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796710].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        Originally Posted by rohitmehra View Post

        Good questions to ponder upon as a newbie!!
        Go ahead bro..
        write an ebook on it..

        These are the most popular questions from anyone not going to make any progress in the world of IM.
        Fixed that for you and I think what's being said may have gone over your head.

        We haven't mentioned the "dead" threads yet

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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        • Profile picture of the author Steve B
          Thanks for all your contributions so far. Keep 'em coming.

          Just to be clear . . . I'm in no way making fun of newbies. I realize we were all there at one time and many are so new they don't even know the questions to ask just yet.

          I just get the feeling that posts written can be correlated with propensity for success online. The better and more intelligent the post (regardless of experience in IM) the better the chance that person will make some money online. Those seeking the fastest, easiest, simplest ways to make money might be the least likely to actually do so.

          Thanks for all your contributions.


          Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author David Edwards
    Some more are;

    - My Mom wants to get into IM. What should she do?
    - I have hundreds of subscribers and no sales; Why?
    - How to get traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    29. My wife / girlfriend/ spouse / partner thinks IM is a scam, what can I do to change their mind? Can someone show me a PROVEN system that really works?

    30. What do I tell people I do for a living?

    31. What do YOU tell people you do for a living?

    32. My last post got deleted and I don't know why, so I'm posting it again.

    33. What is Internet Marketing going to be like 10 years from now?

    34. Hi all, I just built this website (URL here), can you give me some feedback on how to make it better?

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    LOL to your number 32 Rod.

    35. Is x really worth my time?

    x being a tried and true marketing technique/platform that has always worked and will work for years to come.
    TEESPRING Student Rakes In Over $116k In Less Than 3 Months
    Niche Pro Profits - How I raked in OVER $120k in 9 months with authority niche sites...

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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    36. Where can I find a good mentor?

    37. Which was the best product/WSO you ever bought?

    38. I have a problem ………….. What would you do if you were in my place?

    39. I gave up forever. Can you help me change my mind?

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  • Profile picture of the author Brady Partridge
    Anything that's poorly worded, bursting with irony, or just plain idiotic does it for me.

    Here are a few personal favorites (not all of them in the form of questions):

    1. What's thr to steal from an empty house.

    2. I am nothing but a worthless POS

    3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad author files for bankruptcy

    4. How to do chemical purchasing online..?
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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    Why is it everyone else's fault except mine?
    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    40. Is this the death of affiliate marketing?
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    • Profile picture of the author ColdWritingLLC
      Originally Posted by Will Edwards View Post

      40. Is this the death of affiliate marketing?
      One of my personal favorites, along with it's corollary:

      41. Is it still possible to make money online in 2013?
      Are you an artist or an entrepreneur?
      Get a sales/affiliate page, custom info product and more!
      Full Packages for $800 --- Product Composer.com
      Free Proofreading Service For Warriors
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    18. How can i use WarriorForum to attract women online?

    19. How can i boost my Alexa ranking?

    20. How can i make $5,000 by 2pm today?
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Some of these questions make me wonder how some of the people on these forums even manage to dress themselves...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Double post.............
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    How much money you think can I make writin articels?
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    URGENT! Can Someone Tell Me What I'm Doing Wrong?!?!

    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Another one;

    I cannot see anyone's signature. Why?
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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      How long does you [Ugg Boots url] having to turn around [Viagra url] disappointed at garage door [Watch Football online url] saved my ant's life [Get fake ID's url]. :rolleyes:

      And can't forget these kinds either...

      "Eran los mejores de épocas; eran los peores de épocas y el todo entre épocas. Era justo una muestra de los tiempos, épocas."

      At least they don't last very long.

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  • Profile picture of the author rrm
    How much money do you make in a month?

    Does anybody here really make any money?
    (No, we're just a bunch of lying dogs with nothing better to do.)

    How much can you make in a day?
    (How far can a dog run into the woods?)

    C'mon, warriors, how many of you make $1000 a day?

    Show proof of your income to inspire us
    (The shadow knows, the NSA knows, my wife knows, my accountant knows, and none of these are inspired yet.)

    Why am I not making money?
    (Why does my lower back hurt?)

    Can you really make money doing nothing?
    (Apparently not, since some folks are "doing nothing" already and not making anything.)

    It's not enough to want it... you have to want it enough.

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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    49. If I won't make $......... until the end of the month/next week/etc. I will be homeless. Can you help me find a solution?
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