Some advice on squeeze pages

17 replies
I've seen a lot of debate on squeeze pages (or opt-in pages, same thing). There's all kinds of software and websites that claim to generate "beautiful" squeeze pages that look great on both mobile and desktop.

Let me tell you my experience...

I have my own niches and I also have a full-time job working for a very large marketing company. I've spent well over $200k in Facebook ads driving traffic to all sorts of places, and this is the common denominator I have discovered with just about every niche:

Ugly = conversions

The shiny, sleek, corporate looking squeeze pages always get much lower conversions than the plain Jane ones.

Also, if you're giving away a free report or an e-book, don't make it all shiny and corporate looking. Make it look like you typed it up in Word and stapled it together.

Also, I think people are tired of seeing "Get Instant Access" on the buttons. Try using something else. Also make your buttons look as basic as you can. That's a big deal too.

Just thought I'd share.
#advice #pages #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author monicawomble
    These are great tips! It's true, ugly converts. I guess people really don't judge a book by it's cover! I use Komposer to make my squeeze pages and it's simple and effective. What do you use to make your squeeze pages?
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  • Profile picture of the author thefutureisgold
    Staying positive in your benefits makes a huge difference. People don't like to feel threatened, but perceiving the threat is important. They need to be encouraged to envision a BETTER future if they are to take positive action.

    Also, I really like GetResponse's Lead Capture Page Software. Very easy to edit and use. Create unlimited squeeze pages and split tests. They do not have a "Corporate" feel but are friendly, attractive, and have hundreds of graphics to choose from. If you look at my "" link below, you will see one great example.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    I don't know about any one else, but I love it when people share real-world results.

    I have not done as extensive testing as you have, but I've found similar results, ugly often works quite well. I found that true for banners over the years too.

    Though I have been using "Get Instant Access" buttons. Maybe I need to change that.

    Funny actually, because there are so many people selling opt-ins designs lately, calling them "Guru Style Opt-ins". They are the slick corporate ones, and they claim or infer that they are high converting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Originally Posted by JaredRhodenizer View Post

    Also, I think people are tired of seeing "Get Instant Access" on the buttons. Try using something else.
    Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

    Though I have been using "Get Instant Access" buttons. Maybe I need to change that.

    Recently Frank Kern said he was able to increase conversions by using the words "Send Me Info" on his submit buttons instead of "Get Instant Access".

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    • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
      Originally Posted by Coby View Post

      Recently Frank Kern said he was able to increase conversions by using the words "Send Me Info" on his submit buttons instead of "Get Instant Access".

      It's all about testing, as you well know

      It's surprising what makes a difference, either up or down.
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      When you, and others, say "Ugly"

      What you mean is "Simple" or "No Frills"


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • What a great post, I think there is a very fine balancing act to be had with any squeeze page.

        I've always believed in the need for it to appear worth someones while to get what ever is being offered, so just sophisticated enough to give a impression of coming from a point of view of knowledge.

        However at the same time not appearing to be out of the league of the individual looking by being too slick and professional.

        That's why I tend to go for the more DIY look - well that's my excuse anyway

        I am trying a bit of a test at the moment to test out the theory with the squeeze pages in my signature, one being a bit slick (and professionally designed) and one a bit of an AW DIY special. I'll let you know how it goes.
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    • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
      Originally Posted by Coby View Post

      Recently Frank Kern said he was able to increase conversions by using the words "Send Me Info" on his submit buttons instead of "Get Instant Access".

      I've had great success with "Yes! Give Me Mine." I learned many years ago in the snail mail business that a positive affirmation and the word "Yes!" (best with a box for them to check) out pulled everything else I tested.
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  • Profile picture of the author digitalsapien
    Originally Posted by JaredRhodenizer View Post

    Also, I think people are tired of seeing "Get Instant Access" on the buttons. Try using something else. Also make your buttons look as basic as you can. That's a big deal too.
    This is so true. People nowadays aren't a fan anymore of "Get Instant Access" buttons. Should try something new..

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Yep, I've generated up to 74.11% opt-in rate using a squeeze page that took 20 seconds to create.

    (Overall average at this point is 66%).

    (True story).

    The really sexy squeeze pages are more fun to make though.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by JaredRhodenizer View Post

    I've seen a lot of debate on squeeze pages (or opt-in pages, same thing). There's all kinds of software and websites that claim to generate "beautiful" squeeze pages that look great on both mobile and desktop.

    Let me tell you my experience...

    I have my own niches and I also have a full-time job working for a very large marketing company. I've spent well over $200k in Facebook ads driving traffic to all sorts of places, and this is the common denominator I have discovered with just about every niche:

    Ugly = conversions

    The shiny, sleek, corporate looking squeeze pages always get much lower conversions than the plain Jane ones.

    Also, if you're giving away a free report or an e-book, don't make it all shiny and corporate looking. Make it look like you typed it up in Word and stapled it together.

    Also, I think people are tired of seeing "Get Instant Access" on the buttons. Try using something else. Also make your buttons look as basic as you can. That's a big deal too.

    Just thought I'd share.
    I'm an avid tester so this interests me. So when you tested the "ugly" page vs. the prettier one, you tested the whole thing and not separate elements? Curious about that one.

    I get that you spent 200k on FB ads, but was that 200k solely for this one test? What I'm trying to get at is how many unique visitors did you send and what were the conversion differences?

    Thank you,

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author hsinclair
    One of the things I've noticed lately is that either ugly or simple works for me. My most spartan squeeze pages which have 25 words or less seem to opt-in those ungodly long, explain everything word diarrhea pages that you have to scroll down in order to find the cost or opt-in button.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Short
      I find that "ugly" squeeze pages work, but it all depends on your audience. It's important to test BOTH instances to see which one works better. Testing is everything.

      For optins, it's also important to assess not just the initial optin, but how well that page converts for you AFTER the lead enters your email list. I've had high initial conversions on simple, "ugly" optin pages with only a background image, a headline and an optin, but my sales were low in the backend. By adjusting some elements on my TY page (providing more info because the optin was very simple), I was able to help conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    Yes, I agree with you. But I don't like the word "UGLY", and I'd rather call it "plain", yes, it doesn't need fancy images, but you need good ad copy which can convert.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    Don't use theory or other peoples stories...

    ...TEST, TEST & TEST again until it screams and begs for mercy!

    You'll never see results yourself until you go out and get your feet
    wet and get down right dirty and get stuck in.

    All the best.

    Chow for now.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoloSalinas
    Depends on your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    The shiny, sleek, corporate looking squeeze pages always get much lower conversions than the plain Jane ones.
    Are you suggesting that you market the exact same thing as the "very large marketing company" you work for?

    That you each draw from the same exact traffic source and target the same demographics?

    Also, if you're giving away a free report or an e-book, don't make it all shiny and corporate looking. Make it look like you typed it up in Word and stapled it together.
    Based on what evidence? /result from what test?

    Wait, was this a sarcastic post?

    Also, I think people
    Uh oh...
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
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