Wordpress content lock/countdown plugin

by rcrem
2 replies

I'm looking to launch my site which offers drumming lessons. I want to build anticipation for the launch, and have offered free videos on my site. I want to lock out the content that will be available on launch with a popup box when users visit a page that has not been launched.

In the popup box is a countdown timer and an email subscribe form. They cannot access the page, but can see the content, either greyed out or not.

Is this possible>
#content #lock or countdown #plugin #wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnZ

    Yes I believe it's possible. I have a plugin that does pretty much what you're talking about I think.

    Here's a link to the demo page if you want to check it out. In the demo its setup so a social share can unlock the content so visitors can get access to it right away but that can be turned off if you don't want to use it.


    I'd say to PM me if you want more info but your account is brand new so I guess you cant do that.

    And to cover myself I just want to mention to others that I have no affiliation with rcrem or rcrems account. Since it's a brand new account my reply might look a bit suspect but I assure you it's not!

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