A List of 76 Embarrassing Problem Niches You Can Dominate
All have over 1,000 searches per month so they have the potential to be profitable.
I don't think I have to tell you that when people have problems like these they want solutions FAST and they will pay for these solutions.
Just don't start playing doctor and giving out fake medical advice to make sales, yeah?
- Genital warts 201000
- Irritable bowel syndrome 135000
- Oral sex 135000
- Menopause 110000
- Constipation 110000
- Cold sores 110000
- Jock itch 74000
- astigmatism 74000
- Head lice 60500
- Varicose veins 60500
- Hiccups 49500
- Wind 40500
- lasik eye surgery 40500
- Stretch marks 40500
- Dandruff 40500
- lasik 33100
- Snoring 27100
- Ejaculation 27100
- Hair loss 22200
- eye Floaters 22200
- Fissure 22200
- Urinary incontinence 18100
- Retinal detachment 18100
- Man boobs 18100
- Laser eye surgery 14800
- Piles 14800
- Bad breath 14800
- Porn addiction 14800
- Blurry Vision 12100
- blurry vision 12100
- Restless legs 9900
- eye diseases 9900
- glaucoma symptoms 9900
- Sweating 9900
- Overweight 9900
- Premenstrual syndrome 9900
- Scars 9900
- Mouth ulcers 8100
- Anal pain 8100
- floaters in the eye 6600
- Itching 6600
- polyphasic sleep 6600
- Fecal incontinence 5400
- Nail biting 5400
- Shaky hands 5400
- Anal itching 5400
- eye exercises 4400
- Erection problems 3600
- how to improve eyesight 3600
- vision therapy 3600
- intraocular pressure 3600
- eye vitamins 2900
- eye health 2900
- bowel incontinence 2900
- Red face 2900
- Smelly feet 2900
- eye conditions 2400
- Hemmorhoids 2400
- eye strain symptoms 2400
- diseases of the eye 1900
- lasik surgery cost 1900
- eye vision 1900
- eye redness 1900
- Memory problems 1600
- Stammering 1600
- eye flashes 1600
- Scaly skin 1600
- Toenail infection 1300
- Verrucas 1300
- blurred vision causes 1300
- Crab lice 1300
- Belly button discharge 1300
- laser surgery for eyes 1000
- Tongue problems 1000
- flaky skin 1000
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~ Jessie Haynes
Erotica Author
Caffeine Headaches: Author Blog
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Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com
- Seldom Seen Smith
Got a health/fitness niche list? Become an affiliate for something new and different here.
Brevity is the soul of wit
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In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt