Leads Generation Without a Website

8 replies
Hello Warriors,

I've been working freelance for a web development and design company for about a year now applying to jobs on oDesk, Freelancer, and Elance. While I have been learning how to apply better and get more responses from potential employers, I spend A TON of time doing this.

I understand that it's a numbers game, but I'm looking to free up my own time to explore other types of lead generation methods. I've hired someone via Freelancer to apply to jobs for me; however, I suspect they won't do as good a job.

Without an email list (really don't want to build one) how can I get people emailing me or adding me on Skype or even calling me? Craigslist is spammy and not very effective. I have yet to explore video marketing or SMS marketing.

I'm simply a college student with a budget of about $100. :confused:

I would absolutely love any advice for how I can automate lead generation inexpensively. I wouldn't be opposed to hiring someone that can get this done for me. I would still sell the service, and I can normally sell pretty well. I just need leads...like everyone I suppose.

Looking forward to your guys' responses!
#generation #leads #website
  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Originally Posted by Rankright View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I've been working freelance for a web development and design company for about a year now applying to jobs on oDesk, Freelancer, and Elance. While I have been learning how to apply better and get more responses from potential employers, I spend A TON of time doing this.

    I understand that it's a numbers game, but I'm looking to free up my own time to explore other types of lead generation methods. I've hired someone via Freelancer to apply to jobs for me; however, I suspect they won't do as good a job.

    Without an email list (really don't want to build one) how can I get people emailing me or adding me on Skype or even calling me? Craigslist is spammy and not very effective. I have yet to explore video marketing or SMS marketing.

    I'm simply a college student with a budget of about $100. :confused:

    I would absolutely love any advice for how I can automate lead generation inexpensively. I wouldn't be opposed to hiring someone that can get this done for me. I would still sell the service, and I can normally sell pretty well. I just need leads...like everyone I suppose.

    Looking forward to your guys' responses!
    I'd try to 'blog' on your Google+ page or profile. Make sure to publish them as public, that way they're indexed into Google search!

    Write or curate content on any topic your target market would find interesting!

    You can cross post this content on Facebook and advertise there too! Btw, Happy New Years!
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    • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
      I am not sure what you are trying to sell. Internet Marketing products or are you looking for web development and design jobs? If it is for a gig, sorry, your best bet is to get off your ass and get in front of the people that will hire you instead of trying to compete with India and Philippines for designer gigs.

      The best bet for you is to spend the $100 this way.

      1. $50 on business cards. You are legitimate aren't you? Then people expect you to have business cards.
      2. $20 on beer. Check out meet up or the local chamber of commerce event and go meet the business owners that need your services. Usually at night after work.
      3. $10 for your lunch at a local BNI event - Go as a guest which has no fee - usually at lunch or before/after work.
      4. $20 - if you are a developer then for gods sake, put up a website at the very least on a google page. Find a 1.99 domain name for a year and if you get hosting for at least 3 months you can set up one of the open source auto responder programs included in most cpanels.
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  • Profile picture of the author bwh1
    You can build your fan groups using LinkedIn, Facebook and G+ etc.

    You also can run a Blog and collect subscribers what let you broadcast to them.

    Anyhow, non of above is fully automated like using an AR like AWeber with scheduled AR messages uploaded.

    Aweber by the way let you use their forms on their hosting so you don't need a website either.


    Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    If your wanting to build leads that you can sell you need a good AR and Aweber maybe the best.
    Another alternative is to get a domain and self host a wordpress blog on it and use contact forms provided by jetpack for free.

    If you ever want to team up with a writer PM me and lets talk
    Happy New Year 2014! might as well date it...
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  • Profile picture of the author hanihaidao
    Make a bunch of flyers and put them out at all the car washes and other businesses that you can of that your potential clients will go to.

    Leave business cards everywhere you go and talk to everyone and make an impression so they will remember you and what you do.

    Money --> Power --> Respect

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    • Profile picture of the author Craigleads
      Originally Posted by hanihaidao View Post

      Leave business cards everywhere you go and talk to everyone and make an impression so they will remember you and what you do.
      It will surely work in next days.......
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    Why wouldn't you want to build an e-mail list??? :confused:

    You're missing a fundamental piece of building a successful business -- ESPECIALLY if you have a low budget.

    VERY Important:

    1. Most people do NOT buy the first time they hear about you and your services. It may be because they don't need you right now, don't know you (and therefore don't trust you), etc.

    2. Building a list allows you to communicate with your people over and over again. With e-mail, this is virtually free.

    Suppose you're paying $1 to somehow get your message seen by just one person, one time. Great! You've paid $1 and they saw your message. Once.

    $1/1x = $1

    Suppose you funnel those same people onto a list for the same price: $1/person. But now you're building a list and sending them a message at least once a week. Accounting for 2 weeks off during the year, you're following up with that same person 50x a year.

    $1/50x = $.019

    Yes, I know there are costs associated with an autoresponder, but they're minimal and I'm trying to keep this simple.

    You have a limited budget. You need clients. Yet you're asking people to immediately give a yes/no answer as soon as they hear from you.

    Statistically, most answers will be "No" and you'll have to start all over again, trolling for clients.


    You can spend that same $1, build a list, build a relationship with them by giving them great info and being there when they need you. If you've stayed in touch and given them helpful info all last month, who are they going to call when they need work done this month? You? Or the guy who just approached them cold yesterday?

    Your choice. :rolleyes:

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Neromancer
      One of the best ways to generate leads is to tap fanatical niches - this would be perfect for a college student because I think you would grasp this content quickly.

      Fanatical niches are kind of like the "lunatic fringe" of our society and they are very loyal to their beliefs and social identity. For example online gamers are a hugely loyal group that devotes long hours and lots of money to their niche they love.

      One of the ways I market is to kind of "co-opt" a fanatical market and identify with group think. This generates huge volumes of traffic because the loyalty and fanaticism is already proven. You just wrap your product and services or create what the group wants because they will buy it.

      Best of all 99% of this method is free to do and is one of the best free traffic sources.

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