24 replies
I plan on getting a .com and using it on Blogger. Is this a bad idea?

Thanks in advance.

  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    I don't get what you mean. Why use blogger when you already want a com domain?

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  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    This is a horrible idea.

    1) Blogger is owned by Google, which means that they control everything. Experience has shown that Google can and will delete your blog/Adsense account/whatever for whatever reason.

    2) Blogger is the same as tumblr, and tumblr has the community built in. Granted, the benefit of being on Blogger is that since it's a Google property, they'll give it priority over those that aren't (re: Youtube, Google+, etc). If you insist on being on Blogger, then create an yourdomain.blogger.com, put a few posts/pages, and point that to your main site.

    3) I would recommend Wordpress, since most sites are on WP, and it helps to learn a proper CMS. It will open a lot of doors for you in the future, because you never know where your IM career will take you.

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe AEM...you can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    Thanks Korean Cowboy! That's great advice. I really appreciate it!

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  • Profile picture of the author sherah
    You should use a .com because of cheap investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    The above answer is suggesting you well. But if you dont have a cash for you own hosting and you know properly blogspot you can buy a .com domain. If not so you should first learn the things about blogspot.
    If u are just starting your blog i would suggest .tk domain which is sort and can be renewd. .tk in the sense you want a short domain.

    No if u have already experience in blogspot and you have apsovd adsense then you can buy .com domain. It will make your blog more proffessional and user will be attracted.

    I suggest blogspot rather than wp if you have started learning few days ago. After than you an move to wp for more experience and benifit.
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    • Profile picture of the author Teravel
      Originally Posted by koreancowboy View Post

      This is a horrible idea.

      1) Blogger is owned by Google, which means that they control everything. Experience has shown that Google can and will delete your blog/Adsense account/whatever for whatever reason.

      2) Blogger is the same as tumblr, and tumblr has the community built in. Granted, the benefit of being on Blogger is that since it's a Google property, they'll give it priority over those that aren't (re: Youtube, Google+, etc). If you insist on being on Blogger, then create an yourdomain.blogger.com, put a few posts/pages, and point that to your main site.

      3) I would recommend Wordpress, since most sites are on WP, and it helps to learn a proper CMS. It will open a lot of doors for you in the future, because you never know where your IM career will take you.
      Using Blogger is not a "Horrible Idea".

      1) Yes, Blogger is owned by Google. This doesn't mean they 'Control' everything. They restrict specific topics, such as nudity, violence, hate-speach and the general 'Bad News' topics that most social sites don't allow. You would be hard pressed to make a profit in most of those markets anyway.

      2) Blogger is not the same as tumblr. They may have many similar features and rules, but to say they are the same is silly. It would be the same as saying Weebly is Blogger, or Facebook is Google Plus. Simple minds think simple things. Pull your head out and open your eyes.

      3) Why would you recommend something with such a large learning curve, when you don't even know what business model is being created? Not all websites use Wordpress, and I have yet to see a 'Big Player' using Wordpress.

      Blogger is much easier to use 'Out of the Box'.

      You log in through your Google account, you don't need hosting, and you don't need a domain. This skips the biggest entry hazards for beginners!

      Blogger has been around for ages now, so anything you need to learn can quickly be found on Youtube with visuals to learn from. Though, a few hours on the website and most can see how easy it is to figure out.

      Want to put ads on your website? Blogger inserts Adsense and Amazon in just a few clicks.

      Yes, I do recommend Wordpress over Blogger... This is due to my personal knowledge of Wordpress.
      If you are a beginner, and you're looking for a way to get your feet wet, Blogger is a great platform.

      I know these links are from 2010, but you won't find better on Blogger in these forums without some serious digging.



      "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

      PLR Packages - WSO

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8836603].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
        Originally Posted by Teravel View Post

        Using Blogger is not a "Horrible Idea".

        1) Yes, Blogger is owned by Google. This doesn't mean they 'Control' everything. They restrict specific topics, such as nudity, violence, hate-speach and the general 'Bad News' topics that most social sites don't allow. You would be hard pressed to make a profit in most of those markets anyway.

        2) Blogger is not the same as tumblr. They may have many similar features and rules, but to say they are the same is silly. It would be the same as saying Weebly is Blogger, or Facebook is Google Plus. Simple minds think simple things. Pull your head out and open your eyes.

        3) Why would you recommend something with such a large learning curve, when you don't even know what business model is being created? Not all websites use Wordpress, and I have yet to see a 'Big Player' using Wordpress.

        Blogger is much easier to use 'Out of the Box'.

        You log in through your Google account, you don't need hosting, and you don't need a domain. This skips the biggest entry hazards for beginners!

        Blogger has been around for ages now, so anything you need to learn can quickly be found on Youtube with visuals to learn from. Though, a few hours on the website and most can see how easy it is to figure out.

        Want to put ads on your website? Blogger inserts Adsense and Amazon in just a few clicks.

        Yes, I do recommend Wordpress over Blogger... This is due to my personal knowledge of Wordpress.
        If you are a beginner, and you're looking for a way to get your feet wet, Blogger is a great platform.

        I know these links are from 2010, but you won't find better on Blogger in these forums without some serious digging.



        I get what you're saying in regards to using Blogger versus WP, but if you're going to use WP anyways, why not start there? WP is a lot easier to use than whenever I started using it back in 2006. It's mostly drag and drop nowadays.

        Plus, you're learning how to use a proper CMS, which will serve them well in the future. I know that every IM job that I've gotten is because I knew WP.

        I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe AEM...you can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    If you're getting your own domain name, might as well have your own personal blog as well where you're in control so you won't have any problems or issues in the future. Hosting is pretty cheap so it shouldn't be a problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author run
    Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

    I plan on getting a .com and using it on Blogger. Is this a bad idea?

    Thanks in advance.

    Good or Bad depends on your intention to use it as!

    It's a good idea if you're a newbie and yet to know what hosting is.
    It's a good idea if you don't want to pay for hosting.
    It's a good idea if you want to make as your SEO campaign.
    It's a good idea .....................

    It's a bad idea if you want to base your business on Blogger.
    It's a bad idea if your blog unpredictably got deleted.
    It's a bad idea if you want to have better control on your site.
    It's a bad idea if you're already known how to host a site and build the site.
    It's a bad idea if you want to have professional site.
    It's a bad idea if .....................

    Therefore, what you want to do with it is up to you! My 2cents is to always not use Blogger as your main asset. Start learning a bit more about website whether it's CMS, Static or Custom Dynamic if you want to build your empire on the net. It won't hurt much but the result is very satisfy.


    I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    sherah, run, koreancowboy, Teravel, TheZafraGroup, & pin9211,

    Thanks so much for the great responses!

    I have used both WP and Blogger. For sheer speed of use Blogger seemed to be easier. However, I was concerned if there were any SEO issues that I might be concerned about using blogger. Actually, I have created blogging sites to post info for my students lessons online (I teach tech classes in a High school) and I have found some of the pages through the Blogger sites to be found at the top of some keyword searches. Not highly competitive ones though. The reason for the blog is to post mostly text based material, not trying to sell a product or anything like that. I am getting a .com though and I want to rank as high as I can for articles I write.

    Yes, I do know links coming in, and using social media can get me an audience and I will be using those tools. Anyway, thanks again, you all have been wonderful!

    God Bless, my fiends!

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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Yes! You can use your .COM Domain with your blogger blog. As Other says that Blogger has its own features and restriction. A Hosted version of wordpress will give you the more options and features for your blog.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author Teravel
      Originally Posted by vishwa View Post

      Yes! You can use your .COM Domain with your blogger blog. As Other says that Blogger has its own features and restriction. A Hosted version of wordpress will give you the more options and features for your blog.
      But are those features really needed for the kind of website the OP wants to create?

      And if not, do the benefits of using Blogger outweigh the learning curve of Wordpress?

      A educational website that is content heavy doesn't need loads of features. Blogger could be a faster, cheaper, and easier option. At the very least, Blogger could be used as a free way to test the waters and see if the site will gain interest.

      "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

      PLR Packages - WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author kickdude
    If you don't know anything about hosting, Cpanel etc then it is better to chose blogger. They have some really good theme & anyone can build a eye catching website without advance designing knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    Thanks so much Run, Vishwa & Travel. I really appreciate your responses.

    I also wonder if anyone has used ever used Blogger to create a site that sells or that was successful at selling a product.

    Thanks again!

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  • Profile picture of the author run
    I used to build sites for selling things and making affiliate sites. At the time, I didn't know and didn't want to learn using other platforms beside Blogger. It was my days because I earned with them.

    As soon as I received the email that my blogs got deleted because of the violation of TOS. There's no way to recover. Even if I've read and tried to follow their rules strictly, my blogs still got deleted.

    Yes, you could successfully sale through Blogger. Yet, I just recommend to stay away from hosted platforms that we have no much control of it if you want to make it your money making machine.
    I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8837499].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Teravel
      Originally Posted by run View Post

      As soon as I received the email that my blogs got deleted because of the violation of TOS. There's no way to recover. Even if I've read and tried to follow their rules strictly, my blogs still got deleted.
      It's people like this that give Blogger, Weebly, and other Micro-Blogs a bad name. It's not Bloggers fault that you couldn't follow the rules of their platform.

      It's these same people that say you need multiple Yahoo Answers or Youtube accounts "Because you'll lose some".

      If you follow the rules presented to EVERYONE that uses the website, you should be in no danger of losing your account.

      Originally Posted by davegarcia939 View Post

      There is a change you lose all your contents and the full site without any notice.
      Wow, the ignorance of this thread is astounding.

      There is no reason to fear using Blogger unless you plan on breaking their rules. Don't post content in "Problem Topics" (Porn, Hate, Violence, Crime, etc), have a Contact page with your business info, and have a disclosure informing visitors of Cookies and Affiliations.

      "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

      PLR Packages - WSO

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8838078].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author run
        Originally Posted by Teravel View Post

        It's people like this that give Blogger, Weebly, and other Micro-Blogs a bad name. It's not Bloggers fault that you couldn't follow the rules of their platform.

        It's these same people that say you need multiple Yahoo Answers or Youtube accounts "Because you'll lose some".

        If you follow the rules presented to EVERYONE that uses the website, you should be in no danger of losing your account.
        Funny enough that you're ignored to give better recommendation. Are you serious to based your business on third-party controlled platforms? Absolutely, even if you're good BUT majority of times NO.

        4 years of the same account using the same content rule out with no additional hatred, porn, political or nothing against the general rules GOT DELETED! When there is no explain from the supports from THE BIG BOY like G either through support forum or email, nothing to say!

        I still have blogs on Blogger, Weebly and other similar platforms BUT I won't depend on it to host my business there.

        It's not a bad idea to use Blogger for starter or for some small business ideas BUT it's too bad to recommend people to base their incomes on 3rd party platforms. Period.
        I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
    If you are more comfortable using Blogger and just want the ease of having a Blogger style site up and ready to use without investing money into Wordpress hosting, then you should go for this idea. Just buy the domain. Most times, you can get a first year domain for as little as a dollar. Awhile back register.com had one for $0.50, which beats everyone's deal. Then you will have a year to see if you can make the blogger site site work. If it works, you could easily migrate over to Wordpress hosting which is paid. For now, just give your ideas some room to breathe and don't feel pressured to rush into paid hosting before you are ready.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Pretorius
    Not a bad idea at all. I have blogs on blogger with and without my own domain, and I've made money with both as well.

    The biggest advantage to having your own domain on blogger is that if you ever want or need to move to a self-hosted wordpress solution, you can simply export your entire site and all links will still work.

    BTW it's not true that you "have no way to recover" if blogger deletes your blog. All you have to do is regularly back it up. As I said above, if you have your own domain then it's as simple as importing your back up into wordpress. If you're using a blogspot domain then you would lose all of your links but you would still have your content which you can load up into wordpress as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author davegarcia939
    Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

    I plan on getting a .com and using it on Blogger. Is this a bad idea?

    Thanks in advance.

    There is a change you lose all your contents and the full site without any notice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mollywhite
    It is all right to make a website with blogger, and in my opinion, the best one is WordPress.
    There are so many free wordpress themes and plugins you can use for website design.
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  • Profile picture of the author john01a
    Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

    I plan on getting a .com and using it on Blogger. Is this a bad idea?
    Go for it. When I started my blog on Blogger, I also used a custom domain.

    domainname.blogspot.com vs domainname.com?

    A custom domain is a lot easier on the eyes and is probably a lot easier for a reader to remember.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    All my sales come from Wordpress sites, but I find Wordpress buggy.
    Blogger is fine, but the design interface is horrible. I prefer Weebly as it seems easier and quicker to get something half decent looking up and running. You can use .com on Weebly also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    I plan on getting a .com and using it on Blogger. Is this a bad idea?

    Thanks in advance.

    Your can use blogger but it better to use Wordpress because it have many free theme free best plugins and many more things. People mostly recommend Wordpress in IM.
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