Niche site vs. main site content
I'd like to start using my brand to branch out into niche sites that can do deep-dives into content I scratch the surface on with my blog. And I have one lucrative niche in particular to start with (I already get a lot of traffic for this niche on my main site).
My question is this: that niche has a lot of specific content I can cover. I'm creating that content now, but not sure where to put it...
1. On a special niche domain I own
- Separate the content to super-focus on the niche
- Make it more sales focused and use a single CTA to get them to buy a high ticket item
- A colleague/competitor of mine ranks #1 with a relatively thin site
- I can link to the niche domain from my main domain, but it still wouldn't have the ranking power of my main site
2. Make the articles Pages under the appropriate niche sub-category on my main site
- Much easier to rank
- Enhances my main brand as a source of evergreen information on the topic, rather than just blog posts
- Distracting CTAs; I sell a newsletter that discusses the topic and having more than one offer on the site might confuse people or delay purchases
- My main site is more informational than e-commerce, and people may delay making a decision because it "feels" like a library, not a store
Any recommendations?
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