How does a web developer find website content?

23 replies
I am a freelance web developer who is just just getting started with IM. My skill is to build modern and professional websites.

I have read a lot about finding the right niche, Google Adwords, Adsense, affiliates and such to give me a heads up.

Now, my problem is that I am now standing here with a bunch of nice looking websites with decent .com domain names, and I have no clue to where all internet marketing pros get their content? And no, I'm not going to write them myself, because I honestly suck at writing articles.

So where does one find good content that isn't very expensive? Where do you get your content?

#content #developer #find #web #website
  • Profile picture of the author EarnMoney2014
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    • Profile picture of the author zioncg
      You can get pretty decent articles written for as little as $5-6 a piece.... but, they're not very long. Basically a summary blog post.

      Check on Elance, Freelancer, etc... for someone with a good reputation
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      • Profile picture of the author Danny McConnell
        Depends on your goals. If you just want them to look good and don't care about search engines, you could just stuff them with quality PLR. There are plenty of folk on here selling the stuff.

        Otherwise,iIf you are not willing to write your own or re-write plr stuff, your best option is going to be to buy it.

        Remember, you usually get what you pay for. Once you find a writer you like, stick with them.
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        • Profile picture of the author domino123
          Originally Posted by Danny McConnell View Post

          Depends on your goals. If you just want them to look good and don't care about search engines, you could just stuff them with quality PLR. There are plenty of folk on here selling the stuff.

          Otherwise,iIf you are not willing to write your own or re-write plr stuff, your best option is going to be to buy it.

          Remember, you usually get what you pay for. Once you find a writer you like, stick with them.
          Sounds good, and thanks. I am aiming to outsource my content.
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      • Profile picture of the author domino123
        Originally Posted by zioncg View Post

        You can get pretty decent articles written for as little as $5-6 a piece.... but, they're not very long. Basically a summary blog post.

        Check on Elance, Freelancer, etc... for someone with a good reputation
        How much does a decent 1000 word article cost you reckon?
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        • Profile picture of the author Sheila Ross
          Originally Posted by domino123 View Post

          How much does a decent 1000 word article cost you reckon?
          A decent 1000 word article will cost you around $5-$10. It depends on the person you are hiring. A native writer will never do it for that cheap but if you find someone for example from Philippines or India, they will happily accept this rate.
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          • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
            Originally Posted by domino123 View Post

            How much does a decent 1000 word article cost you reckon?
            Originally Posted by Sheila Ross View Post

            A decent 1000 word article will cost you around $5-$10. It depends on the person you are hiring. A native writer will never do it for that cheap but if you find someone for example from Philippines or India, they will happily accept this rate.
            Wrong. You won't get a "decent" article at that price, you'll just get a wannabe writer who doesn't know English enough to save his life.

            If you're on a limited budget, write the content yourself. You might hate it at first, but as you slowly start doing it more, you'll get quite a bit faster and you'll have exactly the type of content you want.
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            • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
              Originally Posted by JRJWrites View Post

              Wrong. You won't get a "decent" article at that price, you'll just get a wannabe writer who doesn't know English enough to save his life.

              If you're on a limited budget, write the content yourself. You might hate it at first, but as you slowly start doing it more, you'll get quite a bit faster and you'll have exactly the type of content you want.
              You definitely seem to be jumping to conclusions.

              A lot of writers/editors for magazines and big publications actually spend some of their spare time writing at a very low rate.

              My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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    • Profile picture of the author domino123
      Originally Posted by EarnMoney2014 View Post

      If you're relying on just a website developer, it could be anything but smooth sailing ahead
      Yeah, that's why I'm searching for good web content.
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  • Profile picture of the author hbhanot
    Fiverrcom, Seoclerks, Freelance, Elance to outsource content.
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  • Profile picture of the author gamestoenjoy
    Original content is the best thing because Google loves it.
    I also didn't know to write articles at the beginning, but I improved a lot as I gained experience.
    Don't be afraid to write, you will see that it will be easier as you write.
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  • Profile picture of the author john01a
    If you're looking for low cost content, but you don't want to write the content yourself, you could try:

    PLR Content
    However, PLR content is sold to multiple people. The reason why PLR content is so cheap, is because the cost of creating the content is shared between multiple buyers.

    So, you may need to rewrite the content if you want unique content.

    Outsourcing the Writing
    There are article writing services like, where articles costs are low. So, you could try those sites... you'd end up with unique content without paying to much.
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  • Profile picture of the author dominik77
    there is nothing better than freelance in your case
    I'm lookin' for people who are active in facebook or twitter.
    We could team up and make $ Hit me back if you’re interested
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  • Profile picture of the author tess47
    Website content typically is sourced from content writers who are skilled. Website pages are different from articles in that they are a company's online storefront, and therefore must be written in a way that is suitable for the industry, but professional, compelling, and designed to attract leads and customers. Most web design firms outsource the content writing to skilled writers who are capable of writing engaging content that is properly optimized for keywords and which meets the needs of the reader. Thorough research is required to write great content that is unique from competitors and that both users and search engines appreciate and find useful.

    Ghostwriting Services - Exceptional Content With An SEO Twist!
    Internet Marketing Tips - Straight Talk Marketing! Is Success on YOUR Horizon?
    Content Writing Services - Great. Content. Period.

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  • Profile picture of the author francescolleen
    search for high quality PLR, wait for sales or specials so that you get a good discount, and rewrite your PLR (or have it rewritten for you if you don't feel like doing it yourself). high quality PLR can be a great starting point for quality content. you just have to rework the PLR for you to get original content for your site. more than SEO, it's about traffic. if people love what they see on your site, they will keep coming back for more.
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  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    Are you looking to resell these sites with the content on there?

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    It's always best to create your own content. If you don't want to write, then outsource it. There's so many skilled writers out there that you can hire for very cheap. If you have a website, having original high quality content is always a must. Start checking out odesk, freelancer, guru, etc. There are tons of sites where you can outsource this task.
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  • Profile picture of the author danielml
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    I hire 2 writers from to write pretty much everything for me when it comes to clients websites.

    The writers names are...


    They usually charge around $5 - $8 per 500 words and do a wonderful job

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    you should have to get the good content from writer because google loves it,quality content get more visitors etc. Hire writers from, there is also fiverr but there is only small articles like blog post. So i don't want to refer you fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    Go and read this blog post . Go to Bloggerscope to get ideas for posts and then tell someone at what you want.
    Good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.
    Any good ghostwriter is going to charge you $20 bucks a page.

    Geri Richmond
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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    PLR and MRR on Unselfish Marketer...I have a link on my blog if that's the direction you decide to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author steven8433
    As everyone else said, write your own content! it can be fun and rewarding too
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  • Profile picture of the author ServicesForIM
    You have to first decide what quality you need. You can get articles from $3.00 to $100 per article.

    If you are looking for quality make sure that the person you are hiring speaks English fluently.

    If quality is not a big concern, you can find people to write articles $3.00. The quality is not perfect, but it is better than doing it yourself.

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