TWITTER Is Deeeeaaad !!!!

by gareth
56 replies

Those poor twitter guys should have sold 4 months ago.
#deeeeaaad #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Jinks

    Time will tell
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenh512
    Oh wow.. from the looks of things at and they're not only trying to build a "better Twitter" they're actually trying to build a network of "mini Twitters" that all connect together and share data. It'll be interesting to see how it works out, right now it looks like it's a closed (invite only) beta, I went ahead and signed up for the waiting list.

    This signature intentionally left blank.

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  • Profile picture of the author gareth
    The internet certainly is a competitive environment.

    Gareth M Thomas
    Serial Entrepreneur
    Auckland, New Zealand

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  • Profile picture of the author JonStein
    Twitter is dead? so is eBay, amazon, Myspace Facebook, hell the whole internet is dead!

    They're not dead, its just another Flavor of the month club

    Gives marketers an opportunity to overload the internet now with

    Wave is Hiring! Just type a few words make millions!
    I made $13,754 on Wave, you can too
    How I make $369 a day on wave

    At least Twitter's servers will get a break!

    Seriously though, Do you honestly believe the 9.7 million people on twitter are going to quit right now and jump over to wave?

    One thing is for sure, if the 4.5 million people that joined in the last 60 days, because of all the "You can make money on Twitter" hype would go to wave, it sure would be less "noisy" on Twitter!
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    • Profile picture of the author SamNugroho
      Originally Posted by JonStein View Post

      At least Twitter's servers will get a break!
      Just yesterday my twitt on hold for few second, Twitter said the server overload..
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      • Profile picture of the author crazyfish22
        But in the video demonstration, they actually show how Wave and Twitter can work together. Pretty neat.

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        • Profile picture of the author ic7
          Looks like Google got it right this time. Signed up for the beta.

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          • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
            So, is my clay tablet and writing stick out of date?
            Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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            • Profile picture of the author George Sepich
              Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

              So, is my clay tablet and writing stick out of date?
              Not yet Kevin, but someone should have told you that fire has been invented, no need for you to eat sashimi.

              And BTW, pay no attention to those voices in the bushes, where you got that clay tablet. It's not God, just Chris Sutton being weird again.


              Need Help? Digital Marketing Solutions From George Sepich.

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              • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
                Twitter is far from dead. It will be around for some time. As for Google Wave, well..... I'll just wait and see what this "wave" brings. Signed up for the beta so I can get ideas on how to make more mulaah with it and get Kevin to break his tablets.....

                "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
                - Jim Rohn
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          • Profile picture of the author borischileno
            this is great, competition is always good. I see this as a twitter challenge, twitter won't back down with out a fight am sure will see changes. But hope the simplicity stays the same.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by JonStein View Post

      Twitter is dead? so is eBay, amazon, Myspace Facebook, hell the whole internet is dead!

      They're not dead, its just another Flavor of the month club

      Gives marketers an opportunity to overload the internet now with

      Wave is Hiring! Just type a few words make millions!
      I made $13,754 on Wave, you can too
      How I make $369 a day on wave

      At least Twitter's servers will get a break!

      Seriously though, Do you honestly believe the 9.7 million people on twitter are going to quit right now and jump over to wave?

      One thing is for sure, if the 4.5 million people that joined in the last 60 days, because of all the "You can make money on Twitter" hype would go to wave, it sure would be less "noisy" on Twitter!
      Exactly .... Gee maybe some of the SpaMarketing on twitter will slow down

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  • Profile picture of the author ildarius
    May be, may be not

    Google's Orkut certainly didn't kill myspace or facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author subhub-mark
    Having watched the demonstation video last night, i'm really excited for this to be rolled out. A biggie is that this is open source - developers already have access to the API's. You'll be seeing Wave integration in blogging and social networking platforms - this is set to be huge.
    Mark Ramskill, SubHub
    Create Your Free Website in Minutes. Now With Added Membership Goodness!

    Visit to Get Started
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Looks pretty neat let me tell you. It is sort of a mixture of everything that is around. It was developed by the same guys who did google maps and is being developed here i Australia quite a bit.

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  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    Time will tell. But I don't think twitter is going die .... but an interesting thing to point out..

    I felt I can't keep up with the technology now. :x
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Behrens
    Ha... you know what's been one of the biggest forces of word of mouth for getting people excited about Wave? Twitter. google wave - Twitter Search

    Internet marketing irony

    - Harry Behrens

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  • Profile picture of the author RGallowitz
    There is too much buzz around Twitter. But I must say...Google Wave sure looks like a credible competitor.
    Make INSANE money by promoting PHYSICAL affiliate products.
    The one and only "GALLO Affiliate System" -
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      Probably looks nice for young folks, like a turbocharbged Facebook.

      The reality is the page is too busy, chaotic.

      Twitter is beauty in simplicity and usefulness...
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  • Profile picture of the author usualcliche
    After watching the presentation I was very impressed with the instant send/response timing and the streamline effectiveness. Google certainly has a winner in its hands now can they accomplish it on a huge scale thats another chore! Twitter will def get some competition from wave just because people know the name "google" there are so many that have never heard of or know of "twitter" name recognition will drive wave!
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  • Profile picture of the author gareth
    I'll put my money on google wave

    Gareth M Thomas
    Serial Entrepreneur
    Auckland, New Zealand

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    • Profile picture of the author TimStephens
      I think it is all good for those of us who know how to take a tool and make it work.

      Make a friend first. Too many people jump on you when they come on board and think they have to lead with the biggest, greatest, most fabulous...blah, blah, ever devised.

      Point being, it is just another contact medium.

      Live the Dream!
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  • Profile picture of the author Old_Fart
    Hah, Twitter is dying before I even have a chance to figure it all out. Just my luck.....
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  • Profile picture of the author JaniG
    hmm, not sure Twitter is dead or is going to die.

    This may be big, but not sure it will kill Twitter.

    but we will have to wait and see...
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  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Looks pretty good though I won't say Twitter is dead. As Eric said, the homepage looks a bit too busy.
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  • Profile picture of the author ltdraper
    If Wave truly is a Twitter competitor, then it makes Twitter a more attractive acquisition target to the other players.

    But Twitter should have sold out when they had the chance. Someday they're going to unveil what their business model really is and everyone is going to say "That's it?"

    Nothing to see here, move along...

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  • Exciting to see Google Wave! Thanks for the head's up - this should get even more fun!
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  • Yes, I signed up for the beta, too - thanks, again!
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  • Profile picture of the author ltdraper
    Here's a good article that isn't quite so hot on Google Wave:

    Nothing to see here, move along...

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeb
    Google's getting into the social networking thing as well huh...This could be interesting but i never was active in social sites like facebook or friendster (remember that one?)
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  • Profile picture of the author jasoncercone
    Social networking is the most powerful and fastest-growing entity of the Internet, so it's no surprise that Google is jumping on board with their own application. Plus, the most popular sites like Facebook and MySpace are all mirroring the Twitter layout and giving users the "What Are You Doing?" option right when they log in. Obviously it's what the people want.

    Google Wave looks like it's going to be a good system and the next big thing in social networking, and Google's releases normally help those involved with Internet marketing. So I say, the more the merrier! Looking forward to the release.
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  • Profile picture of the author ltdraper
    This puts Google Friend Connect in an entirely different light, doesn't it?

    Nothing to see here, move along...

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    • Profile picture of the author chrisnkay
      I will be looking forward to maybe the first year or so of Google Wave. This seems to be the best time to be a part of something like this. I know a lot of people really benefited from Twitter when it first started, but it is getting a little harder these days to get quality traffic. SO many people have diluted Twitter with all of their spam and junk promotions that I refuse to click on any tweet links. I still do enjoy checking out peoples profiles and going to their listed website. A lot of junk, but some pretty interesting stuff as well.

      Signed up for wave. See you when it happens!

      Chris Jensen
      Not finding the answers to your Internet Marketing questions? Maybe I can help. . .
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  • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch was bought 29.may 2009.

    I see a lot of eBooks coming up on the radar. You have a new niche here if you want to attac it. I know the facebook and twitter gurus gets a lot of traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author ic7
      Originally Posted by MisterMunch View Post was bought 29.may 2009.

      I see a lot of eBooks coming up on the radar. You have a new niche here if you want to attac it. I know the facebook and twitter gurus gets a lot of traffic.
      Extremely good point. Get in on the beta, and get your products rolling ASAP!

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  • Profile picture of the author John Delavera
    Try to see Twitter as DATA.

    And then study what can you do with its API.

    There is much more than what can be seen on the surface.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Wait... What's Twitter? Damnit, I just went outside for a walk! Can somebody slow this thing down, please.
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  • Profile picture of the author gotteeth
    I would be happy if they just changed the name

    If I read or hear the more time, I'm going to scream. For me, the word Twitter is like the word "space." Now that everyone's been watching HGTV and considers themselves a designer, I hear the word "space" constantly from the woman in my life...

    "I just love this space"

    "I love to fart in this space"

    "I Twitter and fart in this space"

    Ok...I'm going a bit too far. Clearly I need help

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  • Profile picture of the author stevechen
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

      I was just about to launch "The Mega Comprehensive Everything Guide To Twitter".

      Do you think if I do a search and replace and substitute "Wave" for "Twitter' anybody will notice?

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      • Profile picture of the author gareth
        Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post


        I was just about to launch "The Mega Comprehensive Everything Guide To Twitter".

        Do you think if I do a search and replace and substitute "Wave" for "Twitter' anybody will notice?

        Thats IT !!!!

        Search and replace on all that twitter PLR

        Gareth M Thomas
        Serial Entrepreneur
        Auckland, New Zealand

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  • Profile picture of the author DavidTheMavin
    I seem to remember people saying the same thing about IE when chrome came out lol
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR. dont get the point i *think*.

    There is currently a trend, and this has to do with the future of the internet/web.

    Right now, we have 100s (1000s) of so called "social networks" and social sites/applications all splattered around the web. Dig, Facebook,IM, AIM, myspace,twitter,blogging,email, skype...and so forth.

    The trend is to *centralize* all those 1000s of spread out social gathering places into one single application. People do NOT want to visit 20 social networking sites, install 10 different IM apps, clients. my lips:

    This is the future of the web.

    Whoever comes first gets the cheese. Google knows what they're doing.
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyrus Antas
    They are trying to commoditize social networks. That way, nobody has absolute control over a network.

    It's good for them. They don't want to be the flavor of the day social network. They just want access to all information that's inside them.

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  • Profile picture of the author admin
    George makes a good point, however I have no fear of something like this at all.

    What happens when you get 20 million using this thing?

    What happens when even 5 people try to have a discussion? From the video I saw what you would end up with is a cluster**** of messages that are completely unreadable.

    Believe it or not, most people still DO want a place where "everybody knows their name"...

    Private little 'coves' if you will, are not going to cease to exist because of google. They will actually become even more popular the more popular something like this becomes.

    So, kick back and drink a Mojito my friend, no worries on this little island..
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Originally Posted by admin View Post

      George makes a good point, however I have no fear of something like this at all.

      What happens when you get 20 million using this thing?

      What happens when even 5 people try to have a discussion? From the video I saw what you would end up with is a cluster**** of messages that are completely unreadable.

      Believe it or not, most people still DO want a place where "everybody knows their name"...

      Private little 'coves' if you will, are not going to cease to exist because of google. They will actually become even more popular the more popular something like this becomes.

      So, kick back and drink a Mojito my friend, no worries on this little island..

      We like to saunter over to our nearby Izakaya (pub) Senban and enjoy a meal. It's small, friendly, and the owner knows my name (not many Rileys in Osaka, er Rairii in Japanese). Senban is my version of Cheers.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve L
      Originally Posted by admin View Post

      George makes a good point, however I have no fear of something like this at all.

      What happens when you get 20 million using this thing?
      Yes, but will you be friends with all 20 million? You'll only get messages and what not from people you friend (or whatever they decide to call it)

      What happens when even 5 people try to have a discussion? From the video I saw what you would end up with is a cluster**** of messages that are completely unreadable.
      hmmm, a cluster of messages... kind of like a forum right? like the very thread we're reading right now?

      Believe it or not, most people still DO want a place where "everybody knows their name"...

      Private little 'coves' if you will, are not going to cease to exist because of google. They will actually become even more popular the more popular something like this becomes.

      So, kick back and drink a Mojito my friend, no worries on this little island..
      Again, you have control over who you friend or receive messages from. I think:I
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  • Profile picture of the author quiescen
    I'm all for it. It'll be nice to get my Google adwords ads seen there.

    Play Piano in Just 1-Hour! Free Lesson Shows You How!
    Online Piano Lessons by Quiescence Music

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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Originally Posted by quiescen View Post

      I'm all for it. It'll be nice to get my Google adwords ads seen there.
      Well, good luck trying to squeeze an ad into that frame

      And I thought the trend was to mobile devices - I guess we'll just have to project our screens onto the sides of buildings as we walk..


      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author kckaz
    I'm coming out next with myfacetwigoog

    Follow me on Twitter: and I'll follow you back.

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  • Profile picture of the author hangtimenino
    pretty interesting. i bet this will only make twitter come up with a better look, or upgraded service.. . or whatever the developers could thing to take twitter to the next level.
    i think i saw , way back, a twitter look a like, but instead of putting up words, you have pictures, snapshots of what your are currently doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    anyone buying up the wave domains yet to flip later? haha
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonvthomas
    If Twitter is smart enough they will fare better to take advantage of Google wave's API and integrete it to work seemlessly offerring maybe a more advanced Twitter.

    I think every webmaster and website can benefit with a new technology like Google wave.
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  • Profile picture of the author pjjimbo
    Whoever comes first gets the cheese. Google knows what they're doing
    Remember, the second mouse always gets the cheese.....
    I guess what im thinking is that twitter pioneers, google watches, betters and launches something that will take the cheese. I think wave will be a big deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisByrns
    lol @ everybody talkin' bout the "next" big thing, while they didn't even grasp the potential of the "last" big thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Hmmm....just another one to add to my minggle I guess. LOL. At least they are making toolbars to keep everything organized.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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