Animoto - Effective video marketing or waste of effort?
Now, I've always been of the impression that for videos to succeed they have to be VERY high-quality, and most of all, interesting. Something that's narrated with an energetic, friendly voice and featuring people in front of the camera showing how they do something. Something like the awesome "Will it blend?" videos from Blendtec.
But what I'm being told to do in this course is to take a few screenshots of my website and my product, plug 'em into Animoto, choose a song and away it goes, and that's good enough - I'll get my good traffic from that.
Does this sound feasible to you guys... I'm just a tiny bit skeptical of something like that. Granted, the videos do come out looking professional... but they are kind of boring to me, and I've learned that if a promotion is boring to me it will probably be 100 times more boring to somebody who doesn't have any vested interest in it like I have.
Of course doing it like this is infinitely easier, faster and cheaper than doing what I described above. That would almost certainly get prohibitively expensive fast.
Of course I'll certainly test this for myself. But it would be nice to get some feedback from warriors who are already out there putting this to use. What are your impressions, results, thoughts?
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