Warriors what are your problems in the Internet Marketing World???

4 replies
Hey Warriors,

I need the help of you and especially the help of the ones which are new to Internet Marketing or the more advanced ones. I see a lot of discussions going on the forum about problems which new marketers have. About things which are working in 2014 and things which are mainly dead.

I’m planning on a new training for my customers, subscribers, readers combined with a coaching and I want to know what problems related to Internet/ Network Marketing do you have. What are you struggling with or what would you think is the missing peace in the puzzle which would bring you the breakthrough?

Most people would now answer getting traffic, product creation, email marketing and so on because most new marketers have always those kind of problems. But maybe you can help me and answer my question a bit more in detail.
I would really appreciate your comments that I can help my audience as much as possible.
Just see it like this when you can tell which problems you have you are one step closer to solve them.

Thanks Guys and Gals of course!
#discussions #internet #internet marketing #issues #marketing #network marketing #problems #warriors #world
  • Profile picture of the author Mychelyne
    Focus would be the number one problem for most of us. You need to laser focus in one method/area/niche and don't leave it, until all the stones are turned and you did every thing you can possibly do learn and succeed at it.
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  • Hi,

    A very good question. For me apart from the usual suspects that you've already mentioned such as traffic, email follow ups, we would add attention grabbing headlines in your website and emails and engaging content in your blogs and newsletters that people actually look forward to reading.

    Also when and how to convert those on your lists to buyers who will buy again and again. Add to these good website design, easy navigation on websites and blogs, lots of really useful tips to build a strong relationship with your lists so they would be much more likely to buy from you.

    The biggest problem of all for most people is getting started, and having the faith in yourself so that nothing will make you quit until you have made millions online? Winners never quit and quitters never win! List building is also something that has to be mastered.

    This should get the ball rolling and maybe some people will add other good suggestions as well. Regards.

    Stephen & Jennifer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
      Originally Posted by Stephen and Jennifer View Post


      A very good question. For me apart from the usual suspects that you've already mentioned such as traffic, email follow ups, we would add attention grabbing headlines in your website and emails and engaging content in your blogs and newsletters that people actually look forward to reading.

      Also when and how to convert those on your lists to buyers who will buy again and again. Add to these good website design, easy navigation on websites and blogs, lots of really useful tips to build a strong relationship with your lists so they would be much more likely to buy from you.

      The biggest problem of all for most people is getting started, and having the faith in yourself so that nothing will make you quit until you have made millions online? Winners never quit and quitters never win! List building is also something that has to be mastered.

      This should get the ball rolling and maybe some people will add other good suggestions as well. Regards.

      Stephen & Jennifer.
      Thanks Stephen and Jennifer thats a lot of problems which might new marketers have problems with! I wrote already quite a few mails and post about mindset and I would agree with you that this could be the number one problem of all when it comes to Internet Marketing!
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  • Profile picture of the author jigsneth
    1. Mindset (I agree with Stephen and Jennifer)
    2. Setting up the website/blog
    a. buying domain name
    b. setting up hosting
    c. Wordpress configuration
    d. Website design
    3. Writing Content
    4. Getting traffic (SEO)

    For me this is the step by step procedure needed by a newbie internet marketer.
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