by josh22
18 replies
Hello Everyone,

I have one query and I need an opinion from your side. Where I will get expired domain with few good backlinks not bad backlinks and how to identify good and bad backlinks of that domain? Thank you.
#domain #expired
  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin T
    Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure that once a domain expires and gets dropped back into the ICANN pool of available domains, the backlinks affiliated with it disappear.

    I'm speaking from experience... Long story short, one of my first websites I ran for a few years, built up tons of back links. I didn't have time for the site anymore so I let the domain expire. About a year later I decided I'd try it again. All the back links were gone.

    I suppose the secret may be to grab a domain immediately after it expires. I know some people (before a number of notable Google algorithm updates) used to make a killing buying expired, high PR domains.
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    • Profile picture of the author josh22
      Originally Posted by Benjamin T View Post

      Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure that once a domain expires and gets dropped back into the ICANN pool of available domains, the backlinks affiliated with it disappear.

      I'm speaking from experience... Long story short, one of my first websites I ran for a few years, built up tons of back links. I didn't have time for the site anymore so I let the domain expire. About a year later I decided I'd try it again. All the back links were gone.

      I suppose the secret may be to grab a domain immediately after it expires. I know some people (before a number of notable Google algorithm updates) used to make a killing buying expired, high PR domains.
      Thanks Dude....People taking advantage of this and through this way you will get a lot of business without any handwork.
      Get Ideas for Creative Business and Company Names by FrozenLemons
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  • Profile picture of the author seekdefo
    Yep grab domains as soon as it expires and you will always get some from, for the quality of the backlinks use something like ahrefs

    Brevity is the soul of wit

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  • Profile picture of the author Spree Ads
    ^ above user actually it has 24-48 hours till they drop it on available domains.

    24-48 hours is the time frame given to the owners of those accounts or better yet Domain seekers to buy the domain and get the full traffic available.

    That's why flipping domains is a business.

    People have tools to track out expiring domains then buying them out as soon as they expire then keep up their records (traffic records / rankings / backlinks) then flipping them out with a small investment to large profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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    • Profile picture of the author armysmoke
      Expired domain names work if you grab them quickly.

      I just grabbed an expired domain name today with 7,000 plus backlinks, created a site, and received 300 unique visitors with 3 hours. Not to shabby.
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    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Be careful buying any of these domains. many of the PR and backlink numbers are incorrect. Check them out through and or some other verification method of your choice. But I would recommend using at least those two at the very minimum. Or be disappointed.

      Tim Pears

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      • Profile picture of the author josh22
        Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        Be careful buying any of these domains. many of the PR and backlink numbers are incorrect. Check them out through and or some other verification method of your choice. But I would recommend using at least those two at the very minimum. Or be disappointed.

        Hey TImepears, Thanks for sharing about how to identify genuine sites. Can you please add some points in it?
        Get Ideas for Creative Business and Company Names by FrozenLemons
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        • Profile picture of the author timpears
          Originally Posted by josh22 View Post

          Hey TImepears, Thanks for sharing about how to identify genuine sites. Can you please add some points in it?
          For trust factor and citation you need to go for anything with at least 10 in each. Hard to say on back links, but more is always better. Check the PR etc of some or most of the back links as best as you can.

          That is about the best I can say as I am no expert on this, but I have picked up a few hints from a couple of the Warriors here who know their stuff.

          Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author boomerevents
    Does traffic mean anything on expiring domains?

    I have been looking at GoDaddy Auctions for expiring/expired domains. There are many available domains monthly traffic of 60,000+.

    1. Wouldn't one of these expiring domains with traffic in the tens of thousands be an ideal purchase to develop into an affiliate page targeting that URL niche?
    2. Wouldn't traffic be more important than PR or backlinks if the goal is to turn the domain into an affiliate page selling products targeting the niche of the URL?
    3. Can traffic be falsified for an expiring domain for sale?
    Or does traffic go away once the domain expires.
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  • Profile picture of the author rwbovee works pretty well. You want to filter the search results for maybe at least Page 2 page rank and 100 backlinks minimum.
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    • Profile picture of the author josh22
      Originally Posted by koubain View Post

      Hey koubain,
      Thanks for sharing this links. I will surely go through this links.
      Get Ideas for Creative Business and Company Names by FrozenLemons
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  • Profile picture of the author MonopolyOnline
    Thanks for the reminder on

    For searching expired domain via keywords, try
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  • Profile picture of the author gsinfovision
    Originally Posted by josh22 View Post

    Hello Everyone,

    I have one query and I need an opinion from your side. Where I will get expired domain with few good backlinks not bad backlinks and how to identify good and bad backlinks of that domain? Thank you.
    Don't pay extra for the links - good or bad. Those aren't going to do you any long term good, if any good at all. I think you should rather look at the overall brandability.
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    • Profile picture of the author onSubie
      Originally Posted by gsinfovision View Post

      Don't pay extra for the links - good or bad. Those aren't going to do you any long term good, if any good at all. I think you should rather look at the overall brandability.
      If the links are good they will do you good. That's why you need to do some research when buying old domains.

      Backlinks do not disappear. A backlink only goes away if the webmaster who created it removes it. That may happen for some contextual links or blogrolls on active websites but any forum profiles, blog comments, etc will remain.

      If you find backlinks to inner pages you can use them by recreating a page with the same url or using a 404 plugin to redirect.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    I google it for you these links are containing list of expired domains.Hope this Helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author peterb1234
    I use registercompass to find domains. I then check in majesticseo and ahrefs to see the backlink profile and anchor text used. These tools make it quite easy to avoid anything spammy, that might have been used for a questionable site
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