It Doesn't Have To Take Forever To Create A Product
heck of a lot of work these days. As a matter of fact, I just got back home
after being out with my daughter. Got her pizza and some games for her PC.
Well, attempted to get some games but that kind of turned into a bust. Don't
Anyway, spent 2 hours this morning working on my one product for the
month of June. Got the main PDF done in those 2 hours.
That's it...2 hours.
The rest of it shouldn't take more than another 2 or 3 hours tops and then
my work for the month of June is over.
A whole month to record songs, play games and spoil my daughter.
Point is, it doesn't have to take forever to create a product.
1. Come up with an idea.
2. Make an outline for what is needed for it.
3. Take it one chapter, piece, or whatever at a time.
4. Stay focused. Don't let yourself be distracted by stupid sh*t.
5. Treat the process seriously, like a job if you have to.
All of the above can be summarized as discipline. Once you have a process
in place, you'll be surprised how quickly it will go.
There is no excuse for somebody to take months putzing around with
a product and still not have it out the door...none.
It all comes down to how badly you want it.
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