How to pick a good product from Clickbank?

17 replies
Hi Warriors,

I have an email list, and i'm wondering how should i select a good product from clickbank to send them it?

#clickbank #good #pick #product
  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    what works great for me is a video/webinar sales page. even if it 20 minutes long....people will eat it up and watch......
    i even love the white board where animation is involved.
    good luck..
    i prefer 30-100 gravity
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    A sales page with video and a buy button works best for me. There are other video salespage that does not have a "buy button" until the video ends - they don't work well for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    Go to CB and choose products that have a high gravity. That should do the trick for you – of course, be sure to pick a product that is relevant to the niche that you are in.

    All the best. Regards.

    Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    Go to Amazon and find something that will actually sell.
    he is asking CB product and not amazon..

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    • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
      Originally Posted by Adie View Post

      he is asking CB product and not amazon..
      Yes, rightly said.
      From where did Amazon enter the scene???

      Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author i58biz
    If you find clickbank not giving you the information you want easily, you will find sites like

    Clickbank Statistics Have Never Looked So Good -
    ClickBank Marketplace - cbengine
    Make Money with ClickBank | ClickBank Affiliate Marketing | Click Bank Trends and Analytics

    will attempt to give you the top selling clickbank products in a more analysed format.

    Admittedly you may have to subscribe but if you have a decent list, then a few dollars is a good investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author claw22
    Originally Posted by Caspoor View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I have an email list, and i'm wondering how should i select a good product from clickbank to send them it?

    First of all you need to look at what niche your list is and then do a little research and whats selling well.

    Once you got a idea of whats selling well, find a product that suits it. Look for a product with High Gravity , good sales page or video and something thats gives you a nice return on your sales
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    • Profile picture of the author Pierre Ader
      Originally Posted by claw22 View Post

      First of all you need to look at what niche your list is and then do a little research and whats selling well.

      Once you got a idea of whats selling well, find a product that suits it. Look for a product with High Gravity , good sales page or video and something thats gives you a nice return on your sales
      Same words that I wanted to say.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
        Originally Posted by Pierre Ader View Post

        Same words that I wanted to say.
        Lolzzz...then what stopped you from saying???

        Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author mariomvr
    Originally Posted by Caspoor View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I have an email list, and i'm wondering how should i select a good product from clickbank to send them it?


    Don't focus so much on Gravity. Start by looking at the titles and sales pages of the offers that you have available there for your market and buy the one that excites you the most. This is something that almost anyone does but it is crucial if you want to promote something that you actually believe in.

    Then promote it if you feel that it will add value to your list, if not ask for a refund and try another one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    I think gravity has nothing to do in selecting a product to promote. High gravity means a lot of affiliates are promoting the same product. I am promoting a product that has almost 1 gravity and everyday I am making 2 to 3 sales.

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    • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
      When it comes to a list,It is not all about a product. Other things will come into play. For example, you need to first know what exactly your list wants. If you do not know what they want, you can chose the best product based on all the right criteria but still get minimal returns from the broadcast to your list. Whereas it you tailor the message to rhyme with what your list wants, you can get good returns even from the product you selected not following the right criteria.

      So I would suggest that you first know for sure what they want (You can send them an email to find out.)

      To do this, your email subject may read "Help Me To Help You" or any other creative subject. You can read more about this from email courses like one particular one I read in a WSO called " The Mother Of All Profits"

      After you know that, you can then use some criteria to select the best product on clickbank, such as a High gravity, Vendor reputation etc.

      21 PROFITABLE NICHES - FREE! "GET These 21 Proven profitable Niches, Plus 21 Affiliate Niche Discovery Resources This Guy Uses To Earn $4,598/Week!" Download Here
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  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie

    You may want to try Alexas Smith's approach.

    ClickBank product selections probably the single area where most affiliates make mistakes that are most expensive in terms of opportunity-cost.

    Here's my own 10-point checklist for CB product-selection (and these are more or less the order in which I look at them, too, I think):-

    1. Has to be a niche in which the prospective customers are not already Clickbank affiliates themselves (Obviously! Otherwise, how can you possibly ever earn an affiliate commission on a sale to them? ) - that completely excludes the "IM advice" and "make money online" niches.

    2. No leaks on the sales page: (no opt-in, no "free trial", no "contact the vendor here" etc.)

    3. No ridiculous hype or deceptive tactics on the sales page (nothing obviously non-FTC-compliant, no phony urgency/scarcity, nothing clearly deceptive/dishonest, no credibility-losing claims, no income-claims, no cancer-curing claims, no deceptive crap about "as seen on Yahoo/MSN" which people will rightly ridicule!).

    4. No pop-ups/discounts.

    5. Gravity not too high (over 30 puts me off a bit; over 60 puts me off a bit more; over 100 I won't consider at the moment).

    6. Sales-page looks to me as if it will convert my traffic well (obviously subjective and not entirely reliable, but as a copywriter I like to think I can guess pretty well, and I can tell whether it's "professional copy" or "home-made copy" - and I don't care about anyone else's traffic so "overall conversion rates" aren't relevant to me, not that they're available anyway).

    7. Good product (I don't promote anything without seeing and assessing it myself, obviously)

    8. Good vendor reputation/attitude/behaviour (I'll contact them first, one way or another, and if I don't get a reply I won't promote their product, because I can imagine what their after-sales behaviour will be like if they won't even reply to a prospective business associate).

    9. Reasonably high earnings per sale (75% of small amount, 60% of medium amount, 50% of larger amount etc.) - I slightly prefer more expensive products around $100 when I can find them, because I think they're easier for me to sell than cheaper ones (really).

    10. Has to be something I can write about (I'm an article marketer) - for me, that probably excludes anything terribly technical or for which I'll have to go to night school to understand the vocabulary.

    The things I don't really care about, though I recognise that some affiliates do, which are therefore not on my list at all, are (i) "% rfd", and (ii) affiliate gimmicks (banners/articles etc) offered by the vendor, which I'm probably not going to use anyway. I strongly suspect that almost no professional affiliate has much interest in "marketing tools" provided by the vendor or really takes this into account in product-selection.

    In my first 4 or 5 months as a Clickbank affiliate, I earned very, very little. The two things that made a huge and dramatic difference to my income were (a) not touching anything with a vendor's opt-in on the sales-page, and (b) staying well away from high gravity products. I changed just those two things and quite quickly I was really making a living, and have been ever since.

    Gravity is an indication of how much competition there is. It measures the number of affiliates who have each made one or more sales over the previous 8 weeks. Each affiliate gets, effectively, a "score" between 0.1 and 1.0 (according to when they made their last sale, but not according to the quantity they sold) and the total is the product's gravity figure. Sounds easy enough to understand? It isn't.

    Nearly all internet marketing guides make the howling mistake of advising beginners to promote only high gravity products. This has a hugely distorting effect on the market and its observed statistics. There's a big and constant turnover of new affiliates trying to sell high gravity products, failing, dropping out and being replaced by others repeating their experiences. This of course boosts those products' gravity figures further and further, because gravity measures the number of affiliates who (eventually) make a sale, not the number of sales made.

    If there are two otherwise equivalent and equally good products, with otherwise matching statistical parameters, but one has a gravity of 15 and the other has a gravity of 150, my own instincts are to suspect very strongly that (other things being equal) both the conversion-rate and the numbers of sales are actually very likely to be higher for the lower gravity product.

    So, I actually avoid high gravity products: the day I learned that (and a few other things) and started acting on it was the day I started earning some real money through being a Clickbank affiliate

    I promote 15 different Clickbank products at the moment, and my two best-converting products, by far, out of all those, both have single-figure gravities. Some people think that's a "coincidence". I think they're wrong.

    I stay away from high gravity products because (as Clickbank now, finally, advises affiliates openly on their site) the one thing you know for sure about a high gravity product is that it's going to be competitive to sell.

    Here's a little example, which might possibly clarify the issues:-

    Clickbank Product A

    - Sales-page conversion-rate 2.8%
    - Solid product from well-known marketer
    - Product has almost no refund requests
    - He has 20 affiliates of whom 10 are superaffiliates who sell huge numbers of the product
    - Product is easy to promote and sell
    - Sales numbers are therefore very high, but the gravity figure is obviously very low (maybe around 10)

    Clickbank Product B

    - Sales-page conversion-rate 0.2%
    - Dreadful product from scammy marketer
    - Refund request-rate is higher, of course
    - Product had a "professional launch" with 100 "temporary affiliates" (accounts used once each to buy one product, privately refunded, and/or the figures were massaged in one of the other "customary ways")
    - Product is obviously a complete and utter nightmare to promote and sell because the sales-page doesn't convert well
    - Gravity figure starts out at about 110, and rapidly rises to 150/200 because gullible affiliates are attracted by the gravity figure, believing wrongly that it "validates the fact that the product is selling very well", and they all struggle and waste time/money, but eventually they obviously make 1 or 2 sales each anyway, and for this reason the gravity figure rises still further to 250/300 as the inevitable consequence of its self-fulfilling prophecy for the naive.

    Obviously enough, product "B" is the high gravity product.

    Obviously enough, product "A" is the one for which I want to be an affiliate.

    These examples are in no way contrived. They're both realistic and common.

    A product with 20 affiliates each making 1,000 sales will have a far lower gravity than a product with 500 affiliates, all attracted by the high gravity and struggling to make 1 sale each because the sales page hardly converts their traffic at all. But by the time they make 1 sale each, that boosts the gravity figure still higher. This is part of the explanation for the sometimes dreadful conversion-rates of the sales pages of the products with the highest gravities.

    Key points:

    (i) there's no correlation between the gravity figure and the conversion-rate

    (ii) there's no correlation between the gravity figure and the number of sales: specifically, for various reasons, low gravity products can have enormous numbers of sales without this showing. High gravity products can (and quite often do) have comparatively low sales. This confuses a lot of people.

    Here are more little examples of how the numbers work:-

    - A product with 100 active affiliates each making steady sales will typically (but not necessarily) have a gravity score around 50 - 70

    - A product with 100 active affiliates who all made their sales very recently will have a gravity score much closer to 100

    - A product with 100 active affiliates who all made their last sale many weeks ago will typically have a gravity score of about 10

    - A product with 100 active affiliates can't have a gravity figure higher than 100, however many copies they each sell

    - If product A has 100 affiliates who each made one sale last week but have never made any other sales at all, and product B has 100 affiliates who have each made 500 sales over the last 2 months, of which in each case the most recent sale was last week, then these two products have the same gravity, though one has of course sold 500 times the number of copies of the other. (This difference will be reflected to some extent in the product's "popularity score", but not in its "gravity score").

    If the five points above make sense to you, then you know how "gravity" really works.

    Break a leg.
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  • Profile picture of the author nutan s patidar
    you can view products on review site and choose what is best for you and also product should be related to your sites topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sunganani
    I think the first question to ask is what the purpose of that list is. Why did they join your list? What were you offering? In other words, what is the niche? In my books, anything we can say here will be like shooting in the dark.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caspoor
    Thanks guys
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