Flipping a website and images question

8 replies
I'm not too sure about this so here's the question.

I have a site that has images on it which I have the rights to from sites such as istockphoto, fotolia, etc. I now want to sell the site but don't know how this affects the images on the site?

In other words can I sell the site with the images or do I have to remove them? I've often wondered about this in the past but never needed to know until now.
#flipping #images #question #website
  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    If you are selling many web sites with the very same images. Then an extended template license is necessary. If it is just one image... Well, a regular license is fine to use. Ask I stock photo for specific uses. Template license is typically 50 - 100 credits each and regular license is one credit or more.

    Typically, I take my own pictures with my own camera. Like there are different rules for each stock photo agency. Get it in writing as to if you can transfer the images. Oh yes, to a new web site owner. There are some agencies that do not allow you to transfer the owner.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    Read the fine print on each stock image site you've used, and if it still isn't clear, best to ask them.

    Am sure there would be other sites with the same images (cause the same regular license must have been sold to others too) so yours would be just another site using them, but, I think it's best to know for sure when it comes to copyright / allowed usage.

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  • Profile picture of the author DylanC
    Most of the time, these paid photos can be sold with the site. However, it is better to send an email to their support for confirmation or read their terms if available.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    I once bought images from istockphoto. If my memory serves me right, there's a description of your "rights" for every image. The other member's recommendation to read the fine prints is right.
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  • Profile picture of the author barryjhall
    I would remove them anyway because more than likely they will not be relevant to a new site buyer. Just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    Mostly if you sell a site, you sell everything inside it including images,
    but for a safer side, you need to check the details of those images you have in your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Most stock licenses don't allow the passage of rights. Unless you license them to a corporation and sell the corporation.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidaclark
    If you sell the site for enough money, buy another copy of the image in the site buyer's name and send the licence to them. You can do this every time you sell the site.
    Buy the perfect domain name for your website.

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