If alexa rank of my site is below 100k

12 replies
If alexa rank of my site is below 100k then how much can i earn from it. And its a downloading site. I am just asking the range of earning.

Plz reply soon.I am waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance
#100k #alexa #rank #site
  • Profile picture of the author JRJWrites
    That's a stupid question.

    Alexa rank means nothing in terms of income. You could have the #999 site and make $0/month.

    It all depends on if you monetize, how you monetize, conversions, traffic targeting, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    May be you are right but i asked in the sense of traffic.

    The alexa rank depended on traffic.so if it is ranking well.And i have montize with cpc cpm etc. then what will be the range of earning.
    Can i join affliate marketing for downloading site ?
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    There's way to many variables to even guess how much you'll earn my main blog is 80000,in world and 22000 in USA but that don't mean anything unless your making money on that traffic.

    My point: everyone's results will be different its all about trial and error
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Ok.it means we cant pridict the range.
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephC
    Alexa rank, in my experience, has nothing to do with price. Does it get sales and have a good page rank? If yes, then you can sell it for a good price. That is what an investor is looking for, something that generates revenue, or could in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author stretch361
    Yeah, it's pretty simple. Alexa ranking is a terrible indicator for what a website is worth. I can push tons of paid traffic to a site to increase an alexa rating, but it doesn't mean I'm making any money.

    Think of it as a business, and what would someone buying a business want to see? I doubt they would say "wow, your alexa rating is awesome! I'm going to offer you 50k!"
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    Alexa rank means nothing at all, I work for a company that has less than 100 visitors a day and earns millions... work on revenue not traffic. If you can get a client to spend £1,000 a day with you - then you only need 1 visitor to your site a day...
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    • Profile picture of the author TatiW3B
      It all depends on how you monetize. It depends on what you've got set up, and if it's interesting enough to convert people into buyers. You can have low levels of traffic and still make decent sales. Too many variables. My recommendation is do a bit more research on internet marketing and monetizing websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    Owh nice.Realy thanks for you suggestions and words.I will leave worrying about alexa now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Here's the real answer...

    Nobody else in this thread wants you to know this top
    secret information because they all do the same thing and
    they want to block you out... YOU ARE THE STRONG FORCE

    OK... are you ready for it?

    With an Alexa rank below 100,000 you will earn somewhere in
    the range of $1,347,155 per year if you make the right offer to
    the right people at the right time!!!!

    HURRY... DO IT NOW!!!
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author Ripster
    Alexa rank doesn't mean anything and it can easily be increased with fake traffic.
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