Non-IM Markets = Easy Money in Your PayPal Account... Today!
Now, I'm originally a Texas boy, but doesn't this seem like a bad idea?
Someone that's a beginner at making money online trying to teach other beginners how to make money online?
Now, I know a lot of products teach this method, and quite frankly, there's no question that IM is a big market. Also, just because you're new to online marketing, doesn't mean there aren't ways to ETHICALLY enter the IM market...
Some commonly taught techniques involve...
1. Interview an expert
2. Live case studies
3. PLR
4. Etc...
But, in reality, if you're brand new to the online world and you're looking to get started making money, it's actually pretty EASY outside of the IM market.
I'm going to outline a simple system for people struggling to make money online or those that are new that is foolproof and has worked for me on several occasions.
The cool thing is that once you do this, you can now teach people to how you did it, show people a case study, offer coaching, etc. if you so desire to enter the MMO or IM niche... ethically.
So, here's the simple system that anyone can use to get started online and putting real money in your PayPal account as soon as today.
Step #1: Pick a market... Most people get stuck on this one. They are afraid to pick the wrong market, etc. Don't spend more than 30 minutes on this step. I recommend picking something that has a large enough audience that you can branch out, sell multiple products, etc. You also want to pick a market that already has information being purchased... You can validate your market by research some of the following sites:
For Dummies Store
Store - For Dummies
Best Selling Books on Amazon
Best Selling Clickbank Products
Top Clickbank Products For 18 Jan 2014
There are a lot more places to look... Facebook, books stores, Magazines.com, etc.
NOTE: Trying to enter and sell a product as broad as "weight loss" is not going to be a great idea... Think "Weight loss for new moms."
NOTE #2: A lot of courses and marketers suggest health, wealth, relationships and then narrowing down... Nothing wrong with that, but you can be successful with all sorts of markets where information is sold... "Learn to play guitar," "boat building plans, "how to be a beekeeper," etc. If there is a magazine at the book store being sold on a topic (health, hobbies, money, etc.), you have a good possibility of success in the market.
NOTE #3: Give yourself 30 minutes... pick your market... and run with it. Imperfect action is WAY better than no action at all... Getting this launched the way I'm going to outline is not going to take that much time or money, so if it fails, it's good practice, you learned from it, and you can move on to the next market. Do NOT be afraid to fail. Spending weeks researching, etc. is guaranteed to lead to information overload, shiny object syndrome, and ultimately failure. If you get anything out of this post... THIS is the most important take away.
Step #2: Find affiliate programs, articles, and private label rights content about your topic. Make a list of everything you can find, and put it in a spreadsheet... Take no more than one hour doing this... Ultimately, we're going to use a PLR product to validate our market, setup our first funnel, and start making money. Don't roll your eyes... There are great sources of PLR out there... Don't by bottom of the barrel stuff. Look for higher priced PLR, PLR with limited copies being sold, etc. There is some great niche PLR here on the Warrior Forum... some with a limited number of copies being sold. The search bar is your friend... as is Google... Search like this "Your market" PLR
If you don't turn up results, broaden your search a bit, and see what you find... you will definitely find some solid content that you can use.
Step #3: Purchase your PLR. PLR with video and audio is awesome, although not a requirement. Read through the PLR and fact check if applicable... The first time I did this I bought some PLR in the dating niche. Skimmed the content and it seemed pretty sound. I didn't change anything initially... I just launched it as-is to get the idea validated... After validating, I made some changes to the sales copy, etc. to make it convert better, but this is not an absolute requirement.
NOTE: Don't buy junk PLR. I will say, that most non-IM market PLR is of a higher quality than a lot of the IM-related PLR I've seen out there. The problem with PLR in the IM and MMO arena is that many of the methods, tactics, etc. out there can become outdated pretty quickly. Think Facebook... A product talking about Facebook marketing from a year or two ago would not be nearly as relevant as today. Same thing with SEO tactics, YouTube, etc. Too many things that change... With "learning to play a guitar," not a lot changes there... PLR from 2 years ago is still relevant.
Step #4: Setup your sales funnel... I could make this REALLY complicated and do a hole training course just on setting up a sales funnel, testing, tweaking, etc. Many online marketers get hung-up here as well as they want a perfect funnel... You can ALWAYS add to your funnel, make changes, etc. later... Just get the funnel setup. Getting the funnel I outlined here could taken a few hours if you're brand new to this... the cool thing is, once you set it up once, it's great practice and it's much easier the next time.
Here's the simple funnel format I used when I did this for the first time...
1. Squeeze page with a giveaway report... Here are some easy ideas... "5 Tips to..." "The 3 Mistakes Most..." "Get access to a free online guitar lesson" "Quick Reference guide reveals..."
Quick Tip #1: Look at what others are doing in your market and do something similar... if someone is sending Google Adwords or Facebook traffic to a squeeze page, it is very likely that it works... not guaranteed, but a good starting point.
NOTE: Look at magazine headlines for ideas on your squeeze headline
Quit Tip #2: Unbounce and Lead Pages can help you get a squeeze page and funnel up in minutes without any coding required... Although paid resources, they are super easy to use and they have proven templates that convert.
2. Integrate your autoresponder with your squeezepage and deliver the freebie via email... Aweber has a $1 trial and Getresponse has a 30-day free trial. If you're not willing to invest in an autoresponder, you probably aren't going to have a lot of success online. You should be building a list... there is a ton of value for cross-promotion, etc.
3. After opt-in, send your subscriber to your paid offer... This can be done with a Thank-you page our redirect. Both are easy to setup. If you go the thank you page route, you can pre-sell your offer a bit... You should test both. I was lazy the first time I did this and just redirected to my paid offer (the PLR I just bought). I have had the most success in the $7-$27 price point for this first offer.
4. The first time I did this, I had an exit-pop that would send those that did not opt-in directly to my paid offer...
5. Write 7-10 emails sending traffic back to your paid offer... This is easy to do and many over-complicate this... You can literally take chapters out of your PLR or find articles online and give teaser content and a link that says... "to learn more, click here." Something is better than nothing here... you can also test new email copy or hire a copywriter once you make a little money. After your first 7-10 emails, you can send people to affiliate offers in your market, etc. Just make yourself do this... You can knock out 2-3 emails in an hour even if you suck at writing. The goal is the click through... remember that... I've found that some of the shortest emails I write convert the best... under 250 words is normally ideal... people have short attention spans these days...
NOTE: People get worried about continuing to send emails to someone that has purchased already... you can and should setup a buyers list in your autoresponder program that takes people off of the "lead list" when they purchase... Although not a perfect science as someone could use a different email when they purchase, don't worry about it. These little "what ifs" are what keep people from taking action.
6. Upload your sales page to a domain and create a payment button with PayPal. I used Ejunkie to deliver my digital products the first time I did this, but there are a lot of options. You can literally just setup a download page, put a link to your product on it, although this method is not secure (but it's free and doubtful anyone in markets outside of IM is going to be looking for backdoors onto your download page). You can also put affiliate links on your download page, etc.
7. Setup something to track opt-ins, conversions, etc. There are A LOT of options here... don't get crazy and keep it simple when starting out... Lead Pages has some cool analytics built in if you go that route, but you can find some awesome programs here on the Warrior Forum by doing a search. I admit, when I first did this, I just used Google Analytics and nothing else when I first launched.
8. That's it... This is VERY easy funnel to setup... you can always add OTOs, downsells, upsells, etc.
Step #5 - Send traffic to your squeeze page... There are lots of options here depending upon your budget, etc. Facebook is a GREAT way to get started and you can tailor your ads to the demographic you're marketing to pretty easily... Again, I could do an entire course on traffic, but it's really all tactical. Lots of ways to skin this cat...
When I did this the first time, I ran $50 in Plenty of Fish ads and used Quantcast to research my target market. There are a lot of research tools out there to determine WHO your ideal buyer is and tailor your ads to those exact demographics.
I also used Yahoo answers and some forums to generate free traffic. This is great if you have no money for traffic. You can also outsource this.
With that being said, paid traffic is a great way to quickly build your list and test your funnel.
I eventually reached out to some people that had websites that catered to people in my market and bought some banner ads and paid mailings to newsletters for a very affordable price.
That's it in a nutshell... Again, there really is no SECRET sauce, but the above is a really easy way to get started. You can always ramp up and create more products in your market, market affiliate products to your list, etc. The options are endless, but you have to start. If you do the above, you'll learn A LOT and you'll be leaps and bounds ahead of what most courses out there will do for you...
Hope this helps someone out!
PS - I do want to point out, that buying a course is not a bad idea... I think buying courses to solve specific problems in your business is a great idea... "Facebook marketing, etc. if you plan to implement that tactic in your online business.
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