Honest Internet Marketing Mentors

10 replies
I would love to hear who everyone's top 5 internet marketing Mentors are. Who are the ones that you have on your A list for sources of honest, knowledgeable and successful information. There are so many so-called gurus out there... and a ton of misinformation that wastes a lot of peoples time and energy. Thanks!
#honest #internet #marketing #mentors
  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    My advice to you would be to go into the product review section right here on the Warriorforum and look at courses related to internet marketing @ make money online mentoring and see what people have to say about these courses and mentors and then make a sound decision based on facts.

    P.S. Chris Farrell always has some pretty positive reviews but do your own research it all depends on what you are looking to learn exactly.

    Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author terryh19642005
      Originally Posted by entrepreneurjay View Post

      My advice to you would be to go into the product review section right here on the Warriorforum and look at courses related to internet marketing @ make money online mentoring and see what people have to say about these courses and mentors and then make a sound decision based on facts.

      P.S. Chris Farrell always has some pretty positive reviews but do your own research it all depends on what you are looking to learn exactly.

      Good luck.
      Heard of Chris Farrell before but don't know much about him... thanks... heading to the big G to do some research on him.
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Mentors for what? If you mean a "make money online mentor" then bend over and prepare to get plowed. You need to choose a very specific business and find someone with recent experience there.

    Originally Posted by terryh19642005 View Post

    Heard of Chris Farrell before but don't know much about him... thanks... heading to the big G to do some research on him.
    Ask him what experience he has outside of being a pro guru. Ask to see his main projects. They should be current and have a level of success making him someone you want to learn from. If he (or any guru) won't provide this info, walk away no matter how many positive reviews you find.

    FYI: The internet is packed with fake reviews for Chris Ferrell. He has been banned from this very forum in the past for fake reviews.
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    • Profile picture of the author StrategicCheetah
      What do you want to do? Find someone that's done it and hire them to show you how to do the same thing.

      Precision beats power
      Timing beats speed

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      • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
        1. Ali Brown
        2. Jeff Walker
        3. Marie Forleo
        4. Derek Halpern
        5. Carrie Wilkerson
        "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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        • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
          Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

          1. Ali Brown
          2. Jeff Walker
          3. Marie Forleo
          4. Derek Halpern
          5. Carrie Wilkerson
          Question: Are you still in the red after paying these people or have you made a profit yet? Last I recall you saying is you've spent like $15,000 on them.

          Originally Posted by yoangov View Post

          The new breed of "transparent" gurus are interesting. Though I do question why Woodward has the following he has when his only apparent project is the MMO blog. It's nice that he shares his income, but it's also irrelevant to his readers (or should be) since that income wasn't made down in the trenches. I'd like to see him launch a few non-MMO niche projects and report on those.
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    • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
      That is why I told him to do his own research he's a big boy

      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      Mentors for what? If you mean a "make money online mentor" then bend over and prepare to get plowed. You need to choose a very specific business and find someone with recent experience therk him what experience he has outside of being a pro guru. Ask to see his main projects. They should be current and have a level of success making him someone you want to learn from. If he (or any guru) won't provide this info, walk away no matter how many positive reviews you find.

      FYI: The internet is packed with fake reviews for Chris Ferrell. He has been banned from this very forum in the past for fake reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    Yaro Starak

    Entrepreneurs-Journey.com - The Blog Of Yaro Starak

    In the beginning in "08" I learned more from reading his blog then any other single source.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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