1 Concept Lost on Struggling Marketers
Many take to WF asking to REAP but do not want to SOW.
Give before you get.
If you impress this idea on your mind you can find out all the technical stuff you need to know.
Unfortunately some IMers sell a "get before you give" philosophy which confuses newbies.
I like hanging with folks who work intelligently and persistently to raise the collective reputation of our niche.
Write blog posts, newsletters....publish videos or podcasts. Practice your copy.
Meet new people by promoting their work and commenting on their blogs....(more giving)...
The getting can happen if you give, give, give, because if you are screwing up, and ask for help, fellow givers will be more than happy to give help to you and promote your success.
I was on the getting end of much help from kind givers and I have also been on the other side of the fence as I gained experience.
Keep giving guys, keep promoting others, keep assisting, and even if you are failing, good, kind, free-giving people will lead you in the right direction.
Example; my blog has serious design flaws. 2 of my friends uploaded a new theme - free of charge - tweaked it, and continually tweak my blog, to improve its performance, free of charge.
Of course I became friends with these folks over a period of months and years, promoting their stuff, commenting on their blogs, and shouting them out....but they were critical to my blogging success because they tied up some lose ends for me.
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