6 replies
How do you share a video in drop box without making it available for someone to download it?

I am new to drop box, so though it may sound like a stupid question to some of you, I really need to know the answer.

#dropbox #how to use drop box
  • Profile picture of the author yakim1
    Originally Posted by Lisa Paule View Post

    How do you share a video in drop box without making it available for someone to download it?

    I am new to drop box, so though it may sound like a stupid question to some of you, I really need to know the answer.

    I would say put a link with any content needed in a pdf. When they download and open the pdf they can click on the link to view the video.

    I hope this helps,
    Steve Yakim
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  • Profile picture of the author nicogrim
    Originally Posted by Lisa Paule View Post

    How do you share a video in drop box without making it available for someone to download it?
    I don't think thats possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author XanBarksdale

    The point of dropbox is to share files with other people. If you want someone to view a video, but not download it dropbox is the wrong option.

    You may be better off using Vimeo or YouTube and making the video hidden from the public.

    However, you should know that if it's on the Internet and someone wants to make a copy of it they can...period.
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    • Originally Posted by XanBarksdale View Post


      The point of dropbox is to share files with other people. If you want someone to view a video, but not download it dropbox is the wrong option.

      You may be better off using Vimeo or YouTube and making the video hidden from the public.

      However, you should know that if it's on the Internet and someone wants to make a copy of it they can...period.
      Uploading the video to Youtube and then making it unlisted, so that only people with the link can view it makes the most sense here. Although as you say, anyone with RealDownloader can download a Youtube video easily and redistribute as they want. So many video downloaders now, very little way to keep someone from getting a video if they really wanted it.

      David Oriol
      AFFILIATE links and sites you don't control!) Get all the details here

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Hackett
    What Xan said - Dropbox really isn't meant for that purpose. But only people that you share the folder with can download the video.
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  • hmm its not somehting about videos - dropbox simply means to share folders with someone - so I dont understand if you not sharing video then why to keep it in dropbox then
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