by Evan H
22 replies
I have a small list of 50 subscribers that I just started building...Besides giving away a free e-book (which I do) in exchange for their email I want to give them the opportunity to buy and affiliate product (right off the bat)....My question is...

Where is the best place to pitch this product?

Should I do a "custom URL" and put my affiliate link as the "Thank You Page" after they opt-in?

Or should I leave the "You're Almost Done - Activate Your Subscription!" part as it is?

When is the best place to pitch an offer right away?

Thanks for the help

PS: I don't want to confuse my subscribers too much either, I want this to be as easy as possible for them
#email #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
    Pitch the product in the ebook you give away. At least you know everyone is going to read it.
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueOne
    You might find this post helpful:
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  • Profile picture of the author actionplanbiz
    The wso protege program specialize with this kind of model.

    You can create a page something like this:

    Thanks for subscribing your download has been emailed to you

    But wait theres more...
    Headline here

    presell content here

    A call to action affiliate hyperlink here
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  • Profile picture of the author zimzalabim
    Various ways you could do it though is hitting your subscribers in the face straight away for a paid product the right way?

    That said, you could add an offer or two to your confirmation page (if you are using one for diouble opt-in purposes) along the lines of thanking the subscriber for their interest and asking them to check their email for confirmation details. On that page perhaps have one or two things to monetise the page so you have an opportunity for a bit of commission even if the potential subscriber does not confirm.

    You might do the same with your download page though at that point perhaps you probably don't want to distract people from downloading your free ebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    When your subscriber put there email then take them to an OTO page mean One Time Offer.Like this: Thanks for subscribing but i have one time offer for you.this could be help to turn your subscriber is buyers without any confusion.
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    • Profile picture of the author Evan H
      Originally Posted by Moneymaker2012 View Post

      When your subscriber put there email then take them to an OTO page mean One Time Offer.Like this: Thanks for subscribing but i have one time offer for you.this could be help to turn your subscriber is buyers without any confusion.
      This is what I am thinking of doing...I have a product that can my list can benefit from right away, so I will give them a OTO...Without doing this I del like I am leaving money on the table!

      Thanks for the help guys, every time I think my funnel is set up correctly there is always something to tweak...Live and learn I guess
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    There are several ways; and I've tried them all, with varying degrees of success.

    What I will say is this: it depends on the product.

    When someone signs up to receive free information, it will put them off if you hurl a paid product at them if that product is quite unnecessary. If, however, the product will help them achieve greater success with the free information, it's okay, in my experience, to show them right from the get-go.

    You can either soft-sell through your newsletter, after building trust and giving value for free. Or, you can promote the offer on your signup success page. If you choose the latter, and the right product, you'll make more.

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
    Do not always assume that they 'want' your product no matter how good it may be.

    I always like to survey them to get an idea of who they are, what their pain points are and what they are actually looking for.

    Once you know that, you can create another Ebook (and one that they say they want).

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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    I am also using double opt-in which I am thinking of switching to single if possible, after reading some of the threads here on warrior forum
    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here:
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  • Profile picture of the author Ripster
    After they opt-in to your list, redirect them to your product page.
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    • Profile picture of the author digitalsapien
      Originally Posted by Ripster View Post

      After they opt-in to your list, redirect them to your product page.
      This will help create awareness on your product. Great idea.

      Discover what every Internet marketer needs to know about building a profitable online business only at Entrepreneurs Wealth League.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
    You get their email and give away the free report or free info.

    You're going to turn off a lot of people by offering them the free info and then saying by the way here's your free stuff and buy this as well.

    You're going to get a better result by offering the free info then providing more value and come in with if you like what I'm providing here's the product to buy.

    Sure it'll take a little longer to get them to buy but you'll find growing a relationship with your prospect will give you a better return.


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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I would vote for selling in the ebook itself. Most such ebooks or
    reports are simply glorified sales letters anyway (sometimes called
    White Papers). So why not give great information then invite them
    to feast on more?

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author TimS
    Personally, I make the OTO page one that is personal and directs the individual to the affiliate program or to one of my own products that I am selling.

    I tend to make the first 1 or 2 messages in my autoresponder series of a personal nature, thanking them for downloading the product, etc. On the third message and further, I begin to weave in some sales messages. Sometimes, I find that people make their purchase after they have received many emails on the same or similar subject.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    OTO. Describe the product as being in limited supply perhaps?
    "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage." - Mark Russell
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    At least you know everyone is going to read it.
    What makes you think that? It's very unlikely that everyone who opts into your list will read your ebook.

    Assuming you're putting the link to the book in your initial email to make sure people put in legit emails you'll have the problems of emails not being delivered, ending up on spam or junk folders and never being seen, going into the Gmal promo tab and being forgotten about, being downloaded to "read later" but left to gather digital dust on the hard drive.

    I doubt any marketer can get a 100% open rate even on email 1.

    Even if you're directing them straight to the download page after email is entered many will download the book but never read, get distracted by something else or read a bit of it and not get to the end.

    Where is the best place to pitch this product?
    Various ways.

    As an OTO / special offer after opt-in. You know that spammy as hell "STOP, I've got a special offer for you before I give you the ebook" type page.

    Inside the ebook it's self.

    On the thank you page as a subtle mention to check the product out if they want a solution to their problem(s) NOW!

    In the welcome email.
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    • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
      When I give away a free ebook, I make sure that when they enter their email, I immediately send them to an OTO page, followed by a downsell. if they do not convert on any of the above, I also make sure that the product is pitched on the thank you page.

      It is also good that you pitch the product in the free eBook you are giving away.

      In you email series, you can pitch the product as one of your follow up email. by doing this, you create many opportunities to present your product to the subscriber.

      If you do not have an OTO, but marketing a product as an affiliate, you can still redirect your subscribers to Thank you page ( Which tells them to check their email for the download link. The thank you page should then refresh to the affiliate page within a few seconds. You then send the download link to your subscribers through an email. On this download page, you also pitch your product.

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  • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
    Just make sure that the product you offer is relevant to your sign ups. Test it and see which works best - immediate offer on thank you page or wait a bit and build some value first in your email campaign.
    If the product you intend to offer is an information product (not software or plugin) then think about creating your own version once you feel you have the knowledge and experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author 07
    As per my experience the best way to pitch a product is only after some time from the actual sign up.
    They will not beleive you if they sign up and get a product pitched right in fron of their face.
    The best thing will be to gather more subscribers to build relationships with them with sending them some useful content for free and the only you can start promting products to them mixing it with free stuff so that open rates would still stay high.
    Thats how pro's do. Thats how I do.
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