Combining resale and affiliate physical products - My strategy
I am researching on what would be the most appropriate ways to promote my products online. I will first open a hosting plan with unlimited domains.
Any brainstorming will be sincerely appreciated
Case 1
Actions: I have imported a coffee related machine.
After listing it on ebay I want to make a site where it can also be promoting other coffee amazon affiliate products. And as time is passing, I can recognise what products sell more and then import them, too, hoping to increase my margins and maybe make an ecommerce shop.
-Should I make a landing page for the product with a wordpress plugin?
I haven't understood how it goes with the one page templates. I am willing to pay for a premium one page template in order to look more professional but if I put one of these am I able then to have a blog?
-How can I set a seo strategy on that. The domain name and main keyword should be about coffee or about the name of the machine which is not the same. Coffee unfortunately is competitive and I would prefer to avoid. The name of the coffee and similar ones are in less competition but I'm afraid I will not be able to base a whole blog on that.
Case 2
Actions: This looks it is going to be an affiliate only site which will be promoting products made from a healthy oil. However, I have one main product in which I have good keyword on (not much competition, good searchability).
-Should I base the keyword campaign on the product or on the name of the oil and similar keywords. Because I have read affiliate instructions where they base their keyword research on a keyword similar to the main product. The branding name of the product is similar to the name of the oil but I wouldn't use it as a domain because is is branding.
Case 3
Actions: I have imported a herb and I want to create a campaign on that. I am planning to make a worpdress blog, SEO optimised in the herb.
-Should I make a landing page with calls to action to buy the product and then behind have the optimized blog?
-The above hypothesis is easy to happen with wordpress, a landing page plugin and a paypal plugin or is something more needed?
-Should I think about platforms for one product promotion like shoplocket? And if yes, can they be combined with a wordpress blog so that I have them in the beginning and then the blog being "behind"?
-With the case of ecommerce sites if I have more imported products in the future and I want to make a shop? Do the hosting plans let me create an ecommerce site if I want or should I purchase another plan for ecommerce sites?
-When you make an affiliate site the basic rules are that you pick a main product (and the corresponding keywords) which you promote in the first page and then you have similar ones which you promote in seperate categories or you make a site about a topic (by icking the corresponding keywords) and then you create categories on these and review products in them?
I appreciate a lot your time reading all the above

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