Need help from some expert internet marketer

7 replies
Recently i have read an article talking about placing re-targeting code in landing pages.
When visitors visit landing page,a cookie will be saved in their browser and whenever they will go my landing page will pop-up.
Unfortunately there were no descriptive tutorial how to do that. :confused:
so is it possible???
#expert #internet #marketer
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Talk about pi$$ing people off


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author eklipz316
    It's hard to understanding what exactly you are talking about but it sounds deceptive, and this can't be done that easily.
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    • Profile picture of the author AffiliateWaves
      This is called retargeting marketing and now a days it is used by Google Adwords if you noticed it.

      You can try wordpress plugins or php codes to do it

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    When visitors visit landing page,a cookie will be saved in their browser and whenever they will go my landing page will pop-up.
    Either that article was wrong or you didn't understand what they were talking about.

    Up till placing a cookie - you were right.
    However, the next step in retargeting doesn't work as you implied - 'my landing page will pop-up'.

    Here is how it really works:
    You place banner ads with a retargeting ad agency to be shown in their content ad network of publishers.
    After the visitor's browser got the cookie on your site, if they visit a site that is displaying ads from that specific ad network... then one of the creatives (banner, square etc.) will be shown, according to what the site owner/publisher defined as preferred size.
    Next, if the initial visitor goes to another site that is also part of that network... your ad is shown again, reminding the visitor of your offer.

    Short version: you need to sign up with an ad agency to be able to do it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    Originally Posted by prytamdas View Post

    whenever they will go my landing page will pop-up.
    Unfortunately there were no descriptive tutorial how to do that. :confused:
    so is it possible???
    I believe Istvan has nailed it as have others who mentioned AdWords.

    Your idea of what it does leaves a lot to be desired though.

    If you think that by forcing your website upon people as they surf the web, is ever going do you any good, this may not be the business for you.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Originally Posted by duplication View Post

    In some auto-resonders one being gvo you can tell the autoresponder popup how many times you want the popup to be displayed. If you want to have it show up 10 times, then every time the person displays your page a popup with your splash page will be displayed. On the 11th time when they display your page the popup will not be displayed.
    What you said might all be true... except it has nothing to do with retargeting!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    What OP is asking sounds like malware/adware to me.
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