Help two brothers out...
I'm currently in the whole just lost my job/downsizing corporation thing. Pretty bad timing as well as we just went through being displaced due to a flood and finances are nasty but the tax refund will get us through and my wife has an income that is steady increasing but we can't make it at all on just her money. Just not going to happen.
At the same time my brother is not able to get employment as he is stuck in a small time rural area with next to nothing in the way of employment. There are other factors but the bottom line is that he is not able to get a regular job. Once again, not going to happen.
So we have decided to make a go at making money here online. I learned a lot about this years ago but wasn't able to get anything done with my ADD brain. My brother and I have been working together for the last week and it seems that we do well together and get things done.
Problem is that we are having a hard time figuring out the best way to go. We are stabbing in the dark too much and wasting too much time. There are just so many options.
By the way, suggesting a course isn't going to help, nor is a paid for tool as we are just not going to be able to sink that kind of money in upfront. We are paying for the basics... hosting, domain, aweber and that is about all we can do in the beginning.
We have pretty much decided that we will start in the Healthy eating and living niche. I am super passionate about the subject. I can straight take you to church on it. I have significant food allergies that went undiagnosed until I was 38 years old and I went through some pretty terrible life experiences due to that.
I had to completely change my diet which forced me to actually pay attention to my food. What I learned was kind of awful and it made me realize how we are playing with our food supply and how scary that potentially is and how much hard we are doing ourselves due to our diet.
My brother is not in the same physical condition as me and does not share the same history but he is interested and wants to lose a ton of weight himself. and I was thinking about doing some sort of landing page based around the concept of two brothers. One who has walked this healthy road for a long time and one who is just getting started.
Do you think this could play for landing page, sales copy, facebook page, etc?
I am thinking we could make a blog with the idea of the experienced guy and the person getting started who needs motivation and coaching. Is that a narrative that would fly? Do I even need to be worrying about this?
My wife thinks that we should focus on my story, which is powerful I guess but it is hard to tell really. It involves multiple hospitalizations and over $150,000 in medical bills that accrued over a number of years and the medical trail is pretty messy (as was my families personal life)
I have made a complete turnaround and am a good bit healthier than a lot of people my age but I just don't know how to tell that story. Kinda weird. I can make up one easier than I can tell one that I lived through.
Maybe neither of those is the way to go. Maybe we should just focus on keyword research, do a landing page to email signup and market clickbank products and such to our little corner of the world.
Maybe I should do a combination of blog and social media web based around of the earlier ideas or another one and also focus on grabbing long tail keywords for traffic and try to build the rank of the site over time.
Problem is I just don't know how to proceed further confidently. We do have a little time where we can go without more than a trickle income, but not much.
And like I said earlier, we can spend next to zero money. Other than cheap hostgator, a domain and aweber we have nothing to spend and are going to have to do it the old school hustle way. I just need a little guidance...
I have some particulars down. I want to bring good products to people that need them and help walk them down the road of eating and living well for probably the first time in their lives. I know from experience how much changing your diet changes your life and I would love people to experience what I have. I just don't know the best way to get that message out there, while being able to feed our families.
If that message has to come later and we just have to focus on income regardless of message for a bit that is fine. I just keep thinking that I need to come with value and something to say before I start taking people's money. You know? Problem is that we am pinched for time.
If you made it thorough this you are a better man or woman than I am

⢠Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
⢠Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)
rory singh TIKTOK