Godaddy's "buy now" auction- I just bought a domain. What am I suppsoed to do now?

11 replies
Hi there,
I have never used Godaddy auction but I found a good domain and I just bought it. I got a receipt but I received no other information. I could not find any information about the domain I just bought anywhere on my account.

So - what am I supposed to do now?
I have never used Godaddy as a registrar either and I have no idea what I am supposed to do.

Will the domain automatically transfered to my Goddaddy account? What if I want to use with another registrar? Is there info about the domain I bought on my account and if so where can I find it?

I couldn't find the answers on Godaddy's FAQ and if anyone could tell me the process I would appreciate it.

Thank you.
#auction #bought #buy now #domain #godaddy #suppsoed
  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    Usually, it should be in your account unless there's some hold up.

    Call them, that's the best way to reach them and get the situation sorted out. Their support ticket system tends to be sloooow.

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  • Profile picture of the author rdpayne
    It's been a while since I've used GD domain auctions, but I seem to recall they put a week hold on the domain before releasing it to the buyer.
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    • Profile picture of the author DiggitySEO
      Will the domain automatically transfered to my Goddaddy account?

      Yep. You need to pay first. It usually takes 7-14 days for the domain to be added to your account.

      What if I want to use with another registrar?

      Then you have to do a domain transfer, originated from the registrar you want to move it to. Then on the GoDaddy side you need to unlock the domain. Some domain transfers ask for a transfer code.

      Is there info about the domain I bought on my account and if so where can I find it?

      Login, click on "My Account", then click the domains button.
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  • Profile picture of the author ikuret75
    Hi guys,
    Thank you for your replys.
    Yeah I was gonna call the support but it was a 40 minutes waiting time last I checked - so I thought I would ask here first.

    Yes I already have paid and I have a receipt both from Goddady and Paypal- it shows up on my account. But NOT on my domain list. Does the domain only show up usually after it is transfered and on your account already?

    Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    I usually go for Godadyy auctions,
    once you win the auction,
    the domain name is transferred into your account
    also you get notifications from godaddy.
    If you haven't got domain name in your account,
    its better to call them,
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Don't bother using Godaddy Spport, they probably can not help you. You might want to ask this question at a weightloss or Golf forum as well


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author ikuret75
    OK - updates. I called Godaddy support (it was less waiting time now) and they say the domain name won't show up on my domain list until the transfer is complete (will occur within 7-10 days). The only place I can see the info about the domain is "order history."

    Could anyone confirm this statement from support? (He was just trying to understand the process as he goes, so I'm not sure if he really knew what he was talking about.)

    Do domains show up ONLY AFTER the transfer is complete(7-10 days later) in your experience?

    Thanks again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    Yes, it usually takes at least a week to show up in your account, as several other posters have told you.

    You will get an email when it is ready. Might as well forget about it until then, as there is nothing you can do to speed it up.
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    • Profile picture of the author ikuret75
      Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

      Yes, it usually takes at least a week to show up in your account, as several other posters have told you.

      You will get an email when it is ready. Might as well forget about it until then, as there is nothing you can do to speed it up.
      Thank you - I was a bit confused if other posters meant that it would take 7-10 days to show up on my account as my domain but it would still show my domain info somewhere saying something like "transferring in process" OR it does not show anything at all except in the order history.
      Thanks your answer cleared it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tommy Turner
    I've never bought a domain through auction, but Godaddy customer service is really good so I would just call them and they will walk you through the steps.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChromeHost
    definitely call godaddy. customer service is good. It can take some time to transfer to your account after you pay. I've bought from them before.
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