Do number domain names have any value?

5 replies

I have been thinking of buying some domain names in the hope of selling them for a higher price.

My question is, are domains which contain only numbers valuable at all?

I have found some good combinations which I could see potential in

#domain #names #number
  • Profile picture of the author JosephC
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    • Profile picture of the author saxguru
      Originally Posted by joecason View Post

      It depends on how many numbers. would be worth a lot of money, while would be worth nothing.

      i would stay away from number domains if you are domain flipping. Who would buy a number domain? You need to find brandable domain names to resell.
      Thanks. I'm having trouble finding any brandable domains. Everything I search for seems to be taken already
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    It would depend on the relevance of the numbers in the domain name and also how many numbers are associated with the domain name.

    e.g. domains names with single digits (1, 2, 3, etc.) or double digits (10, 20, 30, etc.) could prove to be valuable as there is always going to be someone wanting to buy such domain for some reason or the other.

    On the other hand, any kind of random numbered domain names like 23 or 37 or 58 or 8758755687 or 875869868-08 or 12526774578847 are not going to make any sense at all – unless someone ha plans of opening a business related to them.

    All the best. Regards.

    Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    You might consider searching for reports of sold domains, and drawing your own conclusions from the data.

    Domain Name Journal - The Industry News Magazine at is a good place to start, also Top domain sales and DN Sale Price- Domain Name Sales Price and History
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  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    Don't lose hope, mate.

    Check and

    These two sites have tons of brandable domain names listed which should give you some ideas on what to look for.

    As far as numbers go - they have to mean something. For example, would be valuable. Here's why: Leet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Now, that's not available of course, but if you are hard-pressed on going with numbers, then that's the type of stuff you need to look out for (no guarantee it would sell still).

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