WHat's Going On? I am not a spammer!

6 replies
Hi Guys,

Has anyone else had this problem?
Recently, I have been trying to create backlinks and other such IM stuff. I never spam and if anything I don't even promote much at all. I have only participated in a few of my niche forums and have never overly promoted or anything like spammed. But now frequently I have been turned down for links and accounts because of apparent recent spam and over promotion.

Whats going on? All I have done is create the usual web 2.0 sites and write articles, and a few forum posts that only involved giving information, no links or anything and have my own sites.

I'm now getting paranoid that possibly someone can intercept my IP address and use it to spam lol. I am not techy wise at all so I have no idea what people can do.

Can someone shed any light please, as I am getting quite worried about this.
  • Profile picture of the author Eliza. N
    Have you had a virus lately, maybe someone is using your details. To be honest I am not very technical either but I think some viruses are used to get your information, although the chances of them using it to spam are probably slim. Mmm thats a tricky one.
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
      Originally Posted by Eliza. N View Post

      Have you had a virus lately, maybe someone is using your details. To be honest I am not very technical either but I think some viruses are used to get your information, although the chances of them using it to spam are probably slim. Mmm thats a tricky one.
      If the hacker was careless enough to leave a trail (virus) they wouldn't be smart enough to hurt you .

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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
        I don't see how and "skilled" hacker would be to blame for this...

        You said your being turned down for link exchanges? Yes that will happen all the time when your new.

        Maybe a particular Forum account of yours was hacked, or your email address.

        To be safe, change all your email account passwords, and other criticle passwords ASAP.

        Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Sorry partner , someone is riding your horse . If you pull their mask off you will see it is a spammer

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  • Profile picture of the author artwebster
    Bot farms are not new and it is frightening just how easily your computer can be 'recruited'. You need to ensure that you security is boosted by the sound of it. There are many sites that promote ways and means so, if you are not sure how, Google it.

    You might not like what I say - but I believe it.
    Build it, make money, then build some more
    Some old school smarts would help - and here's to Rob Toth for his help. Bloody good stuff, even the freebies!

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  • Profile picture of the author bethsuzi
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    There is definitely something up so I'll take your advice and change passwords and such.


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