Best Website Ideas To Make Money?

41 replies
What are some good website ideas that will make money? Please not the same old things that everyone says all the time. And they need to make money!
#how to make money #ideas #make #make money #money #online #website
  • Profile picture of the author bnorton2010
    If your only goal is to make money, then you will probably fail. You need to focus on providing people value. Your income will be in direct proportion to the amount of value you provide. Keep that in mind. So the answer to your question is not what sites will make money, but what sites can you build that provide the most value to people...what are you an expert in? What knowledge do you have? Without that, it's gonna be a long, hard road my friend.
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    • Profile picture of the author lived
      Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

      What are some good website ideas that will make money? Please not the same old things that everyone says all the time. And they need to make money!
      There are plenty out there but if you want something out of the ordinary, profitable, and proven, then be prepared to outlay some £££/$$$ to get yourself on board.

      Originally Posted by bnorton2010 View Post

      If your only goal is to make money, then you will probably fail.
      Not true.

      The only goal of any business is to make money, otherwise why set it up.

      Originally Posted by bnorton2010 View Post

      You need to focus on providing people value. Your income will be in direct proportion to the amount of value you provide.
      No it wont.

      Your income will be in direct proportion to the product/service that you provide, and how uniquely you are able to market it.

      Some of the best products and services that have ever been touted offered no "value", in as far as "value" is perceived. What they did offer is a novelty factor, and that novelty factor is exploited by the person behind it who is aggressively and astutely pushing and promoting it.

      Originally Posted by bnorton2010 View Post

      So the answer to your question is not what sites will make money, but what sites can you build that provide the most value to people...what are you an expert in? What knowledge do you have? Without that, it's gonna be a long, hard road my friend.
      You don't have to be an expert in jack shit to make money. You have to be an expert in marketing.
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      • Profile picture of the author bnorton2010
        You contradicted yourself a few times there. Products/services provide value, or else they would not sell, so yes, how much money you make is in proportion to the value you provide the customer, whether or not that product is your own. Also, you just proved that you DO need to be an expert in something. If your area of expertise is marketing, then you are an expert in that, and you will have success. If you are an expert in NOTHING, then you will fail.
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        • Profile picture of the author lived
          Originally Posted by bnorton2010 View Post

          You contradicted yourself a few times there. Products/services provide value, or else they would not sell, so yes, how much money you make is in proportion to the value you provide the customer, whether or not that product is your own. Also, you just proved that you DO need to be an expert in something. If your area of expertise is marketing, then you are an expert in that, and you will have success. If you are an expert in NOTHING, then you will fail.
          Nit picking. Sad.
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          • Profile picture of the author bnorton2010
            Take a look at your original post and then talk to me about nit picking.
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            • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
              Originally Posted by bnorton2010 View Post

              Take a look at your original post and then talk to me about nit picking.
              Nitpicking means picking on incorrect details of how something was said, while missing the larger point that was clearly meant. You're the one who did that, in order to defend a well intended but wrong piece of advice.

              "Lived" didn't pick on small details or linguistic errors and avoid your larger points. It seems you threw the term back at him/her, because you think "nitpicking" means the same thing as "contradicting". But it doesn't, and rather than nitpicking, "lived" addressed your 3 main points head on:

              1) That the OP needs to stop focusing on making money for themselves, and instead focus on providing the most value to others.

              2) That their income would be in proportion to how much value they provide.

              3) That in order to determine how to provide this value, they should figure out what they are an expert in.

              Then you nitpicked:

              In contradicting point #3, "Lived" made the claim "You don't have to be an expert in jack sh*t to make money.", followed by the contradictory claim: "You have to be an expert in marketing."

              You seized on the contradiction, which really misses the point; obviously "Lived" believes that one needs to develop some marketing expertise, and said so, not bothering to say "the exception is", but which implication was obvious to an honest observer.

              What was being refuted is the idea that the OP needs to determine what to bring to the market, by asking themselves "what sites can [I] build that provide the most value to people...what [am I] an expert in?"

              That larger point, which is clearly what was intended, stands, and you avoided dealing with it, probably because you sense that it's true.

              On the other points, your defense was less nitpicking, and more just restating the wrong points you made in the first place, with no evidence:

              "Products/services provide value, or else they would not sell, so yes, how much money you make is in proportion to the value you provide the customer, whether or not that product is your own.".

              Even if we accept the first falsehood (perceived value is not actual value, and garbage marketed widely and well, sells by the billions; witness Micky Dee); the " proportion to the value" part doesn't follow at all.

              The statement ignores the marketing part, which is the strongest factor in determining success. One of Dan Kennedy's famous contributions to marketing, is his insistence that most business people could make a lot more money if they understood that whether you're a plumber, artist, pizza maker, landscaper, or internet marketing hotshot, you aren't in the business of doing your thing; you are in the business of marketing your thing. In other words, by concentrating mainly on providing the best whatever it is they bring to the market, they get it wrong. Your advice is exactly what Kennedy warns against; focusing on the thing itself, rather than the marketing of it. If falls in the category of "if you build it, they will come and buy it".

              Kennedy is also known for repeating the insight: (paraphrased) "a mediocre product with great marketing will always beat a great product with mediocre marketing", contradicting your article of faith once again.
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      • Profile picture of the author shakamon
        Originally Posted by lived View Post

        You don't have to be an expert in jack shit to make money. You have to be an expert in marketing.
        Yep. Tons of crap out there making good money because of good marketing and salescopy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Kruz
      I am an expert in NBA Basketball, and I didn't mean to give the impression that I am only in it for the money, sorry about that. There is NO ways to make money online with basketball, ive tried to find ideas but i just can't
      ----> LIMITED!! [FREE REPORT] How To Generate 1,200 Visitors A Day FREE! <----

      Step-By-Step Traffic System :: Free For Limited Time!
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

        I am an expert in NBA Basketball, and I didn't mean to give the impression that I am only in it for the money, sorry about that. There is NO ways to make money online with basketball, ive tried to find ideas but i just can't
        REALLY? tell that to "Dude Perfect".

        For goodness sakes HERE - NBA Store Goto town and I'll PM you my address to send 10% to for the next 12 months!

        Don't like that one... hmm try these:

        Ganon Baker Basketball Partner Program

        Basketball Affiliate Program | Ballers Institute

        Affiliates |
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

        I am an expert in NBA Basketball, and I didn't mean to give the impression that I am only in it for the money, sorry about that. There is NO ways to make money online with basketball, ive tried to find ideas but i just can't

        Below is a quote from a fellow called Brian Moran.

        In August of 2009, I (Brian Moran) had recently graduated college with a degree in marketing management and yet found myself beginning a career that had nothing to do with marketing. I was engaged at the time, and started to think about my future and path over the next couple years.

        I had played baseball and college in my career had come to an end after a short stint in semipro baseball. So I began thinking what if there was a way for me to merge my two passions baseball and marketing together and actually start to create a new hobby for myself. I had always dreamt of owning my own company one day so I began searching online and eventually stumbled over website that changed everything.

        I started listening to every podcast, reading every blog, and trying to suck in every piece of content that I could. I struggled with what business to start first and I finally decided to go into the baseball industry, something that I knew that I could provide good content to my visitors. I spent the next six months endlessly searching, reading, and learning every strategy that I could. I wasn’t making a dime, but the dream was still alive and I didn’t really care about the money.
        If Brian can monetize his Baseball knowledge, there should be no reason that you couldn't do the same with Basketball.

        You can read the entire article here.
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      • Profile picture of the author heavysm
        Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

        I am an expert in NBA Basketball, and I didn't mean to give the impression that I am only in it for the money, sorry about that. There is NO ways to make money online with basketball, ive tried to find ideas but i just can't
        *Bangs head on wall*

        Sports are one of the easiest thing to monetize. Think game tickets, apparel and memorabilia. As an "expert" what items do you own from the sport that other people just like you might want?

        Huge markets like that are dripping with people pulling out their wallets.

        Shoot, I'm pretty sure a super tiny niches like "sewing machines for old ladies" could be sold things like thimbles. There are ways to monetize all angles. Just think!

        **Nothing at all against old ladies who like sewing/sewing machines lol
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    If you don't want to hear the same old things, then I am afraid there wouldn't be anything to say. If someone would have any innovative idea, rather than sharing with you, why wouldn't they try it themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

    What are some good website ideas that will make money? Please not the same old things that everyone says all the time. And they need to make money!
    The answer to your question is damn near anything you get a solid system behind.

    I can now say I have sold ice to eskimo's! I have a client that produces ice. We started a marketing campaign in December... we both understood it was his worst time of year... DUH. January.. is in his books as the most profitable month he has ever had!

    With all the new business he has, he is going to invest in a entirely new facility to make ice for the Peak Season.

    The point is just pick something and run with it!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    The only thing that I would ever do online is 'create' targeted traffic and feed it to a system that is highly 'converting'.

    That is what I have always done, what I am doing now and what I will always do.


    Because it works!
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  • Profile picture of the author retrobeast
    If you are looking for money via the internet and can follow instructions then futures trading may be for you.
    The YM Dow future is very profitable to trade if you listen to your teacher and follow the important rules he has layed down.
    Go to and take a look at what Alex can offer you.

    You do not need to be experienced to do this and actually you will have a more open mind with less bad habits then an experienced trader.

    Question then ask me. Always willing to help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendon Zahrndt
    I think rather highly of these sweet ass money making websites:

    A site where the only videos are videos of people eating cereal. Like a YouTube, but only videos of people eating cereal.

    A site where you can order your dreams for the evening. So like when you go to sleep, you dream about EXACTLY what you ordered on the dream ordering website.

    A membership site where you pay and then the site tells you exactly when, where, and how you are going to die. It gives you the option to change all of the parameters if you don't like them - but in order to change those parameters someone you love has to die. Then it turns out to be a spoof site after all and you die some other way thinking the whole time you were going to die exactly the way the site said.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Watch Cable TV and take note of the Ads that are repeated
    regularly. Those guys are not spending there advertising bucks
    for nothing. Then Google an affiliate program for that product.
    That is what i do and i make good money that way
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    • Profile picture of the author bwizard
      yea I really dont think many share their money makers or if they do they will want to sell it to you not just give it away
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    I thinks you are new to IM because there is no one have any confident idea about make money online or if someone have then why give it to and for free LOL Hope you don't mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author medmarke
    Buying and selling domain names is another way to make money from home and requires very little investment or time. You can buy domains at their registration prices or even cheaper and trade them at a profit. However, always research on sites such as,, or other domain auction sites to get an estimate of the hottest selling names. The best way to find good ones is to use terminated domain lists, which contain several expired names that are back in the pool.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mateenyall
    Find something that's working real well,
    Make a variation of it but niche specific.

    Don't know if people will actually give you their website ideas :p
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

    What are some good website ideas that will make money? Please not the same old things that everyone says all the time. And they need to make money!
    The best ideas are the ones you come up with yourself. And, because you "Ordered" us not to say the same old things, I will say them.


    Now, do your own homework and come back with good questions and not be so demanding. We won't do your work for you

    Good Luck


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
    Why reject the "same old things", that have been tested and work? It seems to me you found some sticking points, which is of course, something we all go through, and you're now looking for something with which you won't find any problems. I doubt that thing exists.

    Why not instead post about what issues have so far been getting in your way, and get advice on succeeding with one of the "same old things"? We all run into obstacles no matter what we try, and there will be a lot less help available to get past them, if you're trying some brand new model. Sometimes all that's needed is a little encouragement or insight to get you past your obstacles. Other times, you just need to be a little more stubborn. I'd say stop despairing of succeeding with the "same old", figure out what is in the way, and get whatever help you need to get past it.

    You just got help with one of your sticking points: ideas for how to make money from basketball. There is always more help, but the farther you get on a model you decide on, and the more specific the question, the more useful the help will be. Sometimes the biggest step is just to stop looking for something new, decide to pursue something that already works, and dive in, with the willingness to seek help when you get stuck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Start a porn site... men and women go nutz over this.

    ...does this count as something that people talk about all the time?
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  • Profile picture of the author Xfrazer
    Go over to Flippa and copy a site thats making money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Start a blog and talk about current events in the N.B.A. Monetize your blog with ads. If done correctly, you can start making a couple hundred a month sooner than you think and your income will increase over time as long as you're writing engaging content and doing it consistently.

    There are of course some other factors that play into your chances of success, but you won't get anywhere unless you try. You will learn a lot just by going through the process of setting up a blog and generating traffic to it and you might actually have fun doing it since you're an expert on the topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Innovation and enthusiasm are important. My friend started a membership site last year in a fairly crowded niche, but he's pulling in $5000+ a month by being totally passionate about his niche.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author kingleo101
    You can try build a list in a niche which has a lot of buyers. Just make sure you build a quality list of buyers, there is no use in having a million people on your list if none of them are not interested in your product. Browse the warrior forum and see how other people are building their lists. You can get a free mailing account at which allows you to have 1000 people on your list before you have to pay the monthly subscription.
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    • Profile picture of the author MickK
      Originally Posted by kingleo101 View Post

      You can get a free mailing account at which allows you to have 1000 people on your list before you have to pay the monthly subscription.
      Much as I love the plug for the free account, GetResponse has a 30 day free trial not a free account.

      Mick Kitor - Affiliate Manager

      Phone: +1 585.286.1819 | Email: mick.kitor(at) | Skype mick.kitor

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  • Profile picture of the author Tamalkrishna
    Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

    What are some good website ideas that will make money? Please not the same old things that everyone says all the time. And they need to make money!
    My all time favorite is affiliate marketing that makes the most amount of money even for a new site. At least, this is what i think. I consider that it is very much important to understand that affiliate marketing is not an easy job. Because you have be really serious about your business. But if you continuously promote your products online, you will definitely be able to make sales.

    Obviously, it is a good idea to build a blog to promote affiliate products. But don't make it solely for money making purpose. Let your visitors love your blog and only then they will be interested to buy the products you recommend.

    Also do not just recommend any product. Remember to promote only good products that will be valuable for your readers. This way, you will not lose your reputation. In the beginning, you might make some money promoting bad products. But slowly your income will slow down.

    However, this is what i think. But it is always suggested to start a website or blog on a topic you are interested in. Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author theprofitjam
    Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

    What are some good website ideas that will make money? Please not the same old things that everyone says all the time. And they need to make money!
    You are asking directly the roadmap of earning money online.
    I don't think anyone can give you the correct answer as you want because even if they would find it why would they tell you. Instead they will apply it on their own project.

    Rishit Shah
    3 Case Studies -
    Two niche sites
    One authority site
    One already running at
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    • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
      Originally Posted by theprofitjam View Post

      You are asking directly the roadmap of earning money online.
      I don't think anyone can give you the correct answer as you want because even if they would find it why would they tell you. Instead they will apply it on their own project.

      Rishit Shah
      These threads asking for money making guidance usually have a couple people chiming in to say basically what you're saying, but it isn't true that people won't tell you, won't give you a roadmap; there are thousands of people in here explaining exactly what to do, but usually not giving away their exact niche.

      The thing is, threads like this are started because the person found sticking points with every roadmap they have seen so far, and lost confidence. They post to find a method they think they can do, but usually, all that's needed is for them to work through sticking points with methods they already gave up on.

      Warriors help because they want to help, or they enjoy talking about marketing, or whatever; it doesn't matter. The fact is, people are giving it away; they just aren't doing it for you, or helping you compete against them (although in some cases they are even doing that; it's a generous group).
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    Find something you are actually passionate about and monetize through affiliate matketng or Google Adsense. Don't focus only on making money cuz you will probably fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    best website to make money = cannot work alone
    you have to have the whole package (niche,affiliate,promoting through social networks, email marketing , videos. email marketing bla bla bla)
    Good way to start = find what you like & find what is missing -if there's any-
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  • Profile picture of the author ther
    I created website witch can be interesting for you. I made rotator for users in affiliate program. One of them is from the company witch offer hosting, autoresponder, video creator etc. So you can use this tools to build your brand in Internet and at the same time build your income from affiliate program in this company. I will help with my rotator to get some direct refferals for you but what more important - build structure of users below what will help you earn passive income. SO if you want to check this please visit:

    Website with rotator
    Signature - I Work For Your Success
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  • Profile picture of the author christophercuna
    Choose something that works and isn't way too saturated. Other than that, like brettb said, it's all about hard work and dedication.

    A freelance career for example takes a lot of learning and marketing to get it done. If you don't quit, you'd land clients, or in your case customers.
    Fix Content Problems In Just A Snap
    Tasty And Profitable Content
    Click here for more info
    I also own a freelance blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Nuke07
    What i believe is that, most of the Big and Famous name doing over web is to develop a community whether it may be a forum, social media or blog and keep most of things free of cost and charge from advertisers for placing their Ads in multiple places.
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  • Create a new idea, study it well, launch a website about it. Build traffic, be real and provide a big value. More you help people, more that people will help you grow.
    It's not a chinese proverb, it's the real truth!

    See you soon,
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  • Profile picture of the author Caden
    If you want to build a business, nine times out of ten it takes money. If you want to make money, then you need to look for websites that will pay you to do some sort of task. For example, if you want to make money writing articles, don't go to the sites that pay you a few dollars, look for 'higher paying markets' that pay $50 on up. Google it. I do.

    Are you looking to sell your items quickly for cash? Skip the wait and sell to companies directly! Your solution for a swift and hassle-free sale!

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  • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
    You are looking for something unique, when maybe you should stick with where the money is, weight loss, dating, health and wellness, self development, self help, etcccc these are huge markets and do not be afraid of what people say, you can still make a s*** load of money if you become an expert marketer.

    Ideas are around you offline and online........keep looking for ideas, and you will find some eventually. And do not dismiss the stupid ideas, for they could be your millionaire ticket the one that everyone tells you is the stupid idea ;>)
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    I'll give you my golden ticket to every good business I've created:

    1. what product or service do I want that I can't find or isn't available?
    2. what product or service sucks, and how can I improve it?
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