Multiple Ventures: One "Series LLC" or Multiple LLCs?

4 replies
I'm wondering if you have several different business ventures, and want to shield each one from liability risks in the others, what is the best route to go?

My understanding is that Series LLCs are popular with property owners who use it to isolate risk among their properties. Is it a good idea for internet businesses?

As an example, say I have 3 ventures: a site that makes money from advertising, a second site that is a "web application" with a paid monthly subscription, and a third service-based venture where I do consulting or freelance development. Options would be: 3 different traditional LLCs, one traditional LLC, or one series LLC. I'm thinking it would be more convenient (and cheaper, a single business license, etc) to have these under one entity, but maybe not?

I live in NV which does offer Series LLC, so there are no out-of-state issues for me.

Note, I'm not asking for legal advice, just want to hear some thoughts on the topic.

ps -- some info on Series LLC:
What Is a Series LLC? |

#llcs #multiple #series llc #ventures
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Dash Riprock View Post

    I'm wondering if you have several different business ventures, and want to shield each one from liability risks in the others, what is the best route to go?

    My understanding is that Series LLCs are popular with property owners who use it to isolate risk among their properties. Is it a good idea for internet businesses?

    As an example, say I have 3 ventures: a site that makes money from advertising, a second site that is a "web application" with a paid monthly subscription, and a third service-based venture where I do consulting or freelance development. Options would be: 3 different traditional LLCs, one traditional LLC, or one series LLC. I'm thinking it would be more convenient (and cheaper, a single business license, etc) to have these under one entity, but maybe not?

    I live in NV which does offer Series LLC, so there are no out-of-state issues for me.

    Note, I'm not asking for legal advice, just want to hear some thoughts on the topic.

    ps -- some info on Series LLC:
    What Is a Series LLC? |

    For me personally, Consulting I would corp, and the other 2 you could LLC I guess. It all depends on the advantages at the end of the year for me.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I am doing the same kind of thing. Each business is a separate entity (LLC) under one primary LLC/Corp. This way, I can sell each separate business entity, without causing a big mess.
    For Example, I have ABC Consulting Corp.
    ABC Consulting Corp may also own AB Memberships LLC and Big C's Advertising LLC. I can now sell Big C's Advertising to someone else without there being an issue.
    Just like Savidge said.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
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    • Profile picture of the author Dash Riprock
      Hmm...good point about selling! I wasn't even considering that.

      Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

      I am doing the same kind of thing. Each business is a separate entity (LLC) under one primary LLC/Corp. This way, I can sell each separate business entity, without causing a big mess.
      For Example, I have ABC Consulting Corp.
      ABC Consulting Corp may also own AB Memberships LLC and Big C's Advertising LLC. I can now sell Big C's Advertising to someone else without there being an issue.
      Just like Savidge said.
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  • Profile picture of the author palmtrees
    I listened to a webinar done by this lady about series llc's and they are set up to do exactly what you are saying and they are cheaper than forming individual llcs.

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