Physical Product with Affiliates

4 replies
I have an audio adventure CD. It is geared towards families with kids aged from 8-14. I'd like to make it available for others to recommend and get their affiliate commission.

I can handle all the coding to do it myself, but wondering if there is a program out there already to use? Looks like commission junction and clickbank would not work for this?

Also, if I just put it for sale on Amazon, people who are affiliates with Amazon could then sell it that way for a percentage I believe. Seems like a possibility though too much money going to Amazon it appears and not sure how many people are actually promoting individual items to Amazon and how to get them to promote this one.

Thanks for any advice.
#affiliates #physical #product
  • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
    Originally Posted by SolidSolutions View Post

    I have an audio adventure CD. It is geared towards families with kids aged from 8-14. I'd like to make it available for others to recommend and get their affiliate commission.

    I can handle all the coding to do it myself, but wondering if there is a program out there already to use? Looks like commission junction and clickbank would not work for this?

    Also, if I just put it for sale on Amazon, people who are affiliates with Amazon could then sell it that way for a percentage I believe. Seems like a possibility though too much money going to Amazon it appears and not sure how many people are actually promoting individual items to Amazon and how to get them to promote this one.

    Thanks for any advice.
    If it is a single physical product, then Drupal, with Ubercart and an affiliate module to plug-in. If you will have multiple CD's/DVD's look at a shopping cart with affiliate functionality build in, i.e. opencart or others.
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  • Originally Posted by SolidSolutions View Post

    Looks like commission junction and clickbank would not work for this?
    With Clickbank you are able to offer shippable media, (CD) as well as have affiliates for that product.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Hope
      You might consider as well.

      Reasonable fees, shopping cart, sell digital or physical products, affiliate tracking, works with several payment processors.
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  • Profile picture of the author SolidSolutions
    Thanks to each of you who responded! Great info. Much appreciated.

    Another example of why WF is so fantastic!

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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