Was Just About To Launch My First WSO When Something Froze Me...
This is my pretty much my first post. I know the recommendations about having 100+ of them before launching a WSO, as per my title but that's not actually what I want to talk about. I want to have an honest and hopefully meaningful discussion.
I'm a semi-newbie (haven't made money yet after 3 months learning) and long story short - I was following a coach who told me how to build a reseller free hosting account using AdWords and cheap clicks.
Of course not everything went to plan, as these things do, but after 2 and a half months I have 930 users on my site.
By this point I wanted to just sell my whole site and be rid of it (my first online income yay...) but was told I actually needed to monetise it for it to have any real value. I set about writing my sales copy and linking up JVZoo, with the recommendation of using a WSO for traffic - to a link building service as instructed.
I planned to provide support and be friendly and prompt and everything else but... as I learnt more I began to suspect that the links I would be selling might be ineffective...possibly even negative to people's sites.
I have a dilemma. Do I go ahead and press the pay button for my WSO, most likely get my first sale/profit but potentially compromise my integrity; or do I cancel the whole thing off and concede my personal goal of making my first sale by the end of February...?
Alternate title for this post: The Ethics of Selling Crap
I guess it's great I've realised I do care about my integrity. I don't want to sell something where I'm unsure of the savouriness.
I had a whole discussion about it with my father. I thought - is, for instance, the weight loss niche just the same? Say I'm selling some diet pills, do I feel ok about that? Most of the time they always come along with the same smallprint: "...when taken alongside exercise and the healthy option".
I don't really believe the pills will work for the vast majority of people but they still are clamouring to get their hands on some. But for some reason that doesn't feel AS dishonest to sell. It seems acceptable.
The consumer was consenting, they sought it out, they spent their money, and I expect most of the time...it didn't work for them. Maybe they even gained some weight because they thought the pill'd work automatically and so treated themselves more.
I don't know if there's a difference between a diet pill and a suspect backlink. I honestly AM interested in people's opinions about this. Is it solely down to my own judgement: buyer beware?
Thanks for reading this far!
What do you think I should do? What would YOU do? If you wouldn't sell a suspect backlink would you have the same thoughts about a diet pill, or even most WSOs? Where the results just aren't what the customer expects...
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