Joomla for membership sites?

12 replies
Hi Guys,

Have you used Joomla to start and run membership sites?
What are your impressions?

What about the maintenance and carrying big loads of traffic?

Could you send me some links to successful Joomla membership sites?

Thank you very much in advance!

Good luck!
#joomla #membership #sites
  • Profile picture of the author Anomaly1974
    I have Joomla but I have a personal phobia I guess you would call it about membership sites. It may seem silly but with all of the membership sites I have seen starting up and then folding with the owners disappearing, I never opened up a membership site of my own.

    Also, I have heard some people talk about having Joomla "crash" on them but I have never personally experienced this. I have had some pretty intense errors that I unintentionally created but I could always back in and delete my latest addition and put the site back where it was. I love the Joomla though with the wide selection of mods that are generally available and compatible with the latest updates of Joomla as well.

    Just my two cents for what it's worth

    “They did not know it was impossible so they did it”
    -Samuel Clemens" (As Mark Twain)

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  • Profile picture of the author billbarrett
    Hi Anomaly1974,

    Thank you for your feedback. I was asking about Joomla, because I am testing it currently and I can see that its features and functionalities are very easy adaptable for membership sites.

    Maybe there are a lot of disappearing membership site owners. I am lucky that I didn't met anyone of them! )))

    Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Anomaly1974
    Well I am a professional writer by trade, my marketing skills online are less than favorable and my web design skills are a bit iffy but I really do love Joomla. I am working on integrating five different installations right now for a rather eclectic site I have. If you have any questions, I will certainly help where I can.

    I do not believe (or at least have not seen any evidence) that the issue with membership sites is as bad now as it was a year or two ago but it just left a bad taste in my mouth and I could see how some of them would become more than just a full time job, many with only a part time income ... so I personally avoided them.

    Just my two cents for what it's worth

    “They did not know it was impossible so they did it”
    -Samuel Clemens" (As Mark Twain)

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Z
    I have tried setting up Joomla for a friend of mine, i had read on the internet that it would be easy to install, i found it far from easy and i lost a lot of hair out of frustration, i just recommended him to pay for a good membership software.
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  • Profile picture of the author billbarrett
    Have you run a membership site before? Could you share some impressions? What were your greatest challenges?

    By the way, do you need professional design services? Either for your joomla sites or for your e-book covers? Please, see my portfolio if you wish?
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    I use Joomla with the AEC plug-in for my membership site Your Website Academy Your Website Academy - Home. It was a breeze to set up and is very easy to maintain. I hightly recommend it (the price is pretty good, too )
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    • Profile picture of the author billbarrett
      Thank you, spearce000!

      I am going to check the AEC plugin.
      Did you find any bugs in this plugin? Any problems?

      Originally Posted by spearce000 View Post

      I use Joomla with the AEC plug-in for my membership site Your Website Academy Your Website Academy - Home. It was a breeze to set up and is very easy to maintain. I hightly recommend it (the price is pretty good, too )
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  • Profile picture of the author ayolov
    I've used Joomla for years, I think it's a marvelous pice of software. With all the modules you have available there are few things you would program yourself. It is stable and secure, there are constant updates and fixes that are also easy to install.

    You should have someone with experience using Joomla though, either in your team or as an outsourcer.

    I definitely recommend using it, there are by the way several modules specialized for subscription based websites, including what articles are restricted, it even allows you to display an extract for the general public to read and a subscription option if you want to read on!
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  • Profile picture of the author LADWebDesign
    The Community Builder plugin, found here: Joomlapolis - The home of Community Builder - Home is a great way to have a true community website. They just updated it with a new forum integration.

    Best of all, it's free and open-source.
    LAD Web Design

    Follow me on Twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author askmichaelknowles

    I tried Joomla to create a few minisites. I had some videos as well. It seemed pretty straight forward. But I didn't care for it.

    I use memberspeed for my main membership site. It's pretty highspeed. I also love wordpress for my blogs and minisites now. It's just soooo much easier to use.

    If you really want to use joomla you should be able to find some ppl on the elance type sites to build them for you pretty cheap.

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