MLM Re-direct? Empower etc...

6 replies

Im an empower user.

Would you recomend having you're own domain name with a redirect to you're own affiliate page?

If so, how do you set up the domain and with what provider would you recommend buying the domain etc?

#empower #mlm #redirect
  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Yes, I would recommend redirecting with a domain with your affiliate link. - I would buy with GoDaddy... Once you have the domain go to your domain manager and click on forward domain and mask it. This will allow you to promote on social media sites and other places. Makes your affiliate link clean and nice looking.

    Watch this for a detailed tutorial -
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    • Profile picture of the author duf1310
      Having your own domain name makes it more professional. Some people gets turned off when they see a long affiliate link. I know I do. Also, many solo ad providers won't even take EN because too many people are promoting it. Having your own domain name and squeeze page will make promoting EN easier. Message me and I can tell you more.

      Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Just a word to the wise...

        If you do set up a domain redirect to an empower/mlm template page, don't put it into your Warrior Forum sig. It's viewed as (and is) an attempt to get around the rule against such links.

        On the flip side, you may not have to worry about your WF sig or what to put in it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Glynn Kosky
    i need to know about squeeze pages and making something unique.

    any ideas?

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  • Profile picture of the author affguy89
    Get a domain as it will brand you first before empower. Setup a lander for pre-selling purposes. And boom you're all set. Capture those leads. Warm them up as fast as possible while maintaining trust.

    Affiliate links, templates, and redirects are not allowed.

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