is it easy to make 6000$ a year

by amlouk
56 replies
Hi friends.
I'm a web developer I like making WordPress themes and I can make good looking ones but actually my job prevents me from starting my online business because it takes all my time. So I'm thinking of quitting my job( very boring) and do something else but I need 6000$ a year for my living, is it possible to make that with WordPress themes?
#easy #make #year
  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    How many hours per day do you work at your job? There are 24 in each day. You just gotta use them properly.

    You can make $6000 per year with Wordpress themes. But, if I were you, I'd find better use of the hours you have available to you now, and not quit the job until you are consistently making $500 per month with your business.
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    • Profile picture of the author amlouk
      Thanks 4ur answer?
      And again is it easy to make 500$ per month?
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    • Profile picture of the author GerryFox
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      How many hours per day do you work at your job? There are 24 in each day. You just gotta use them properly.

      You can make $6000 per year with Wordpress themes. But, if I were you, I'd find better use of the hours you have available to you now, and not quit the job until you are consistently making $500 per month with your business.
      Wise advice ... recovering from Debt is a lot harder than earning it in the first place ...
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  • Profile picture of the author egoldzone
    Yes, It's easy to make $500 a month with this niche
    > Instant Traffic Formula : Top Affiliate Make $568K in 30 days
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    No. It is not easy to make any money. That is why you should not quit your job until you are making that much money.

    If you just want someone to tell you it's easy, because that is what you want to hear, then that other guy with likely false forex claims helped.
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    • Profile picture of the author InternetWriter
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      No. It is not easy to make any money. That is why you should not quit your job until you are making that much money.

      If you just want someone to tell you it's easy, because that is what you want to hear, then that other guy with likely false forex claims helped.
      Money is easy to make, you just need to work for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author dailycoinsnet
    Don't quit your day job unless you're 100% sure that you can make living out of it. It's never easy to make money if you're not sure that you have enough paying customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author loaf1011
    As Drew pointed out, it's not necessarily "easy" to make money. But what I like to do with people in your situation is reverse engineer what it would take for them to quit their job. In your case, if you need $6,000 per year, then that's $500 per month. $500 per month is $125 per week. So if you're selling a Wordpress theme for let's say $60, then you need to sell two themes per week to make that.

    What I would do from there is go to ThemeForest and see what sort of sales volume new themes are getting.

    I hope this helps.
    BRAND NEW for January 2016: Want to grow your business to six-figures in 2016? Take the quiz to see if your business is ready to make six-figures this year!
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  • Profile picture of the author seniorsnestegg
    Definitely don't quit your day job but if you're passionate, and it sounds like you are, about the word press themes keep chipping away at your 'niche'. Promote yourself through social media and you'll most likely develop a following. I can relate to your concern as I too work full-time and am nurturing my affiliate marketing on my off hours. But I love the marketing so it's an enjoyable venture for me. Best Wishes to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    If making money was easy, the world would be free from poverty.
    All the best. Regards.

    Ricardo Furtado

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    • Profile picture of the author digitalproducts
      Originally Posted by Ricardo Furtado View Post

      If making money was easy, the world would be free from poverty.
      All the best. Regards.

      Stop discouraging people please if you cannot help ( or be a critic at least if he is doing something wrong) then you don't have any right to discourage others.

      It is easy to make money, one need opportunity and brain

      He has an opportunity as he is the on the world's best IM forum and lots of guys will try to guide him and help him put on right track And he seems to be intelligent guy as he is a web developer.

      I am sure with the positive advices he got from other positive minded warriors, he will find his way to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Riki Stein
    Even if it'll take you longer to produce your themes because you are still working, don't quit. Build your online income slowly until you can rely on it.

    Or find a different job that is less boring to bring in the consistent, reliable income while you work on the side creating themes.
    Are you a newbie who would love to learn how to start making money online? Boy, do I have a free report for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author roger6000
    Why don't you share some of the wordpress themes you've designed

    Launching a WSO with some of your best designs is always a good idea

    I'd also suggest not to leave your job until you get sufficient savings to cover you for quite sometime

    Launch WSO, Create Videos explaining your Product
    Have backend to your WSO with Monthly membership ( Continuity) for monthly themes
    Do Coaching about how people can secure & have better websites
    Do Consulting sharing from your knowledge

    All these are to have high ticket earning options for you so that you can make more money working part time on this
    Ofcourse you need to build these things 1 thing at a time & it may take time , but make good amount of progress each day so that within few months you can have good amount of savings
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  • Profile picture of the author Wynter Jones
    Yes it is. But it doesn't just happen.

    I have been selling Wordpress related stuff for a long time. Without seeing any of your work I am going to give you some options. These are same options I still struggle with choosing. All are profitable however.

    1. Make 3 high quality themes - post them on ThemeForest and redirect back to your home site that showcases your other themes.

    2. Make free Wordpress themes and collect emails on a blog. Sell them rights or high quality themes.

    3. Stop doing Wordpress stuff. Seriously try to leverage a much NEWER technology - such as Ghost, Tumblr or Medium.

    Those are all new and gaining much more attention than Wordpress at the moment. If you can code a wp theme, you can learn how to code any other type.

    Do not create for Joomla or Drupal. Even just writing "jooooomla" feels like I stepped back 5 years. So be innovative and most importantly - get something online for free right now. Get attention, collect leads and then make that $600 a month.

    Seriously. Go do that right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Facebookcash
    Hi, as others said if you are not making money online NOW you definitely dont want to QUIT your job. How many hours does your job make you work?? You should be able to do your gigs on the side. Have you tried fiverr? This can be additional income. You should first do your wordpress themes etc, on your off or downtime, THEN when you start making income you can consider quitting your job.

    Please do not use affiliate templates in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Don't quit your day job yet.

    You surely can find 1-2 hours per day to start your business.

    No job, person, or your current situation will and can prevent you from starting your own internet business on a part time basis. Only your mind will.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrrightme
    To be frank, it is not easy if you are a newbie to Internet marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author GamerZag
    Originally Posted by amlouk View Post

    Hi friends.
    I'm a web developer I like making WordPress themes and I can make good looking ones but actually my job prevents me from starting my online business because it takes all my time. So I'm thinking of quitting my job( very boring) and do something else but I need 6000$ a year for my living, is it possible to make that with WordPress themes?

    Absolutely you can. In fact, if you're talented, can design + HTML/CSS/Javascript, then I'll be your first customer for a couple custom designs (a month of your work) @ $500 total. PM me your credentials/references and let's talk.
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  • Profile picture of the author domainscience
    Yeah, in America.
    Its called welfare.
    Benefits put together can add up to about $31,000
    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    Nothing is easy my friend but the only thing i believe in my own experience and what I see in the world is that you will never be a millionaire working as an employee!

    No matter what niche or business you starting out, you are already on your path to becoming financially free.

    Now the hard part. There are no difference between richard branson, bill gate, mark cuban, sandra bullock lol, they allstarted from the bottom now we here!

    Initially there are lots of work and sleepless nights but the rewards of planting these seeds is worth it trust me

    The only answer now is time. What business platform are you willing to spend your "time" on to succeed with the best ROI or return on investment.

    The true answer is networking period. Any networking generates the most income. I would rather make 1$ from a million people than making 100$ everyday from my job.

    Having passive income and accumulating will get you retired faster than any business system out there.

    You can see Im not promoting any affiliate or products. Im promoting the idea.

    With that being said, your skill of creating themes can be a skill or specialty you can do that complements your network marketing business.

    For example. I am a personal trainer and I have a fitness website.
    Without my knowledge from network marketing my fitness site will never take off the ground.
    So naturally I have the knowledge in marketing so i choose to coach beginners and my network marketing students how to do it.

    I also have my fitness site totally separate from network business but im using my network skills to rank my fitness site and make it popular.

    In your case you can create an massive passive income from network marketing and create a page to sell your themes or a bonus for your leads by joining that you will create a theme unique just by joining your business.

    Most entrepreneurs I have met do it this way where hey get familiarize in online network marketing and then branch off to a niche they are highly skilled in and have both business running. Then they pick another niche and another maybe in real estate etc.

    Then you can finally brand yourself as an entrepreneur
    Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
    Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    You can make $6000 in a month and more..

    It all depends on your approach.

    If i were you, i would learn the ropes of internet marketing and promotion first,
    test the waters, start making the money and test run for a few month before quitting my job.

    If you can offer your services in various freelancing site and get good reviews you wouldn't have trouble making that kind of money.

    Remember, you have to be consistent, roll out products, have different offers and stuff people will like.

    Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
    Software & Mobile APP Developer
    Buy Spotify, Facebook Bot & IG M/S Method
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  • Profile picture of the author sthsrtjrj
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    • Profile picture of the author Rhadoo7
      If it was that easy to make 500$ a month by working from home, everyone in the third world countries would be sitting at home right now, making a great living in their countries...
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    You should be aiming for $6000 per month. That is achievable if
    you do the right things. Can you really live off
    $6000 per year? Which country are you living in? WOW!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    I think the hardest part is developing a customer base of people that really stay with you over the years. Getting those first customers and keeping them over a. Of time is really where you need to focus.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greenville
    I will explain how I started 2 years ago at the age of 55. I hope that it will help.

    Set aside time every day. Those who succed find the time to do a lot. Those who have never the time are doing nothing. I have created hundreds of ads for CPA offers while working 9 hours a day at a full-time job and without neglecting my family obligations. I also volunteer in my community once a month.

    Here is a tip that I used to find the time. First, I get ​​into the habit of going to bed earlier and I get up an hour earlier than before. I worked an hour at home before I go to my full time job. In the evening, I was still working an hour or two on my ads.

    It took me 2 months to make good profits. I was really motivated and my incomes continued to grow.

    If you are really determined, you will succeed. Do not ask to others if it is easy to earn $500 per month, ask yourself if you are motivated enough to achieve this goal because it will not be easy! The answer is in you. Be ready to work and don't give up!

    I wish you the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author arcyonline
    I think $6000 in a year is achievable as long as you are guided with the right principle and drive to learn something new. I'm starting to educate myself on all the possiblities to earn money online. I found this guide and sharing this to all the community members. Make Money By Sharing What You Know! A Legitimate 10-Step Business Plan~ | glowbees "How To" Blog. Read all of the tips and this is the right conditioning to get to that goal!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    with lists, funnels, and a good conversion strategy in place, this would not be easy, but very much in reach and achievable for many.
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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      $6000 a year is not hard - but I would advise that you keep at least a part time job until you can replace your income - unless you have a very good nest egg - because nothing happens over-night as a web developer

      you need to build trust and...

      you need to be able to set yourself apart if you are to make it as a web developer - seriously. Maybe design for a specific niche or an industry.

      so - if I were you - start creating a few really good standout designs (make sure they validate, they are modern and it would help if they are responsive), and give them away using a squeeze page - build a list
      and use social media to your advantage. Post tutorials on YouTube of how to use your free templates linking back to your site.
      if you know WordPress - design for it but as Wynter Jones, posted - learn something newer - WordPress is still big, but it doesn't mean there aren't other apps/software that are up and coming that will make you stand out.

      I know that with a few months of focus, working smart and building a list that you can market to, I can't see why you couldn't be making $500 or more per month - you have skills, my friend. So do a few free templates and then showcase some premium ones too - and remember: Do not ever undersell yourself!

      I wish you much good fortune - there is plenty of work for everyone - especially if you stand out and develop for specific niches or for specialized apps.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    I just paid 300 for one and 180 for another both custom themes from a Russian coder.
    I would think it would be possible especially if your signed up to all the virtual sites and build your reputation first.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leon Zykos

    I believe nothing comes easy and that you will have to work for it. As you work harder and gained more experience, you will start the bigger picture in IM and be able to focus on what truly matters to bring in the dough. I am not shy to say I did not make any money for the first 2 and a half years while I am online while still in college. It was only after I focus on my solo ad business did I bring in a solid income.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Make your first 100 then do it again. Point is you need something repeatable. Or know your numbers. You could sell six items that cost a thousand bucks each or maybe a 500 dollar item and all you need then is 12 sales! Me, id start off small building a list offering a low cost item as a front end sale and then more on the backend.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Walt SEO
    I'd suggest you quit your job ASAP. Right now you're in a comfort zone but your mind works best under critical pressure - you'll stop wasting time on meaningless things. Been there, done that.

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    • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
      Originally Posted by Walt SEO View Post

      I'd suggest you quit your job ASAP. Right now you're in a comfort zone but your mind works best under critical pressure - you'll stop wasting time on meaningless things. Been there, done that.

      That doesn't work for everybody. In fact, you may be telling someone to commit financial suicide. In my case, my IM income did not improve after I quite my job. In fact it is now at an all time low after 9 years. I am definitely feeling under pressure now but still stuck after 5 months.

      To the OP, $500 is not a hard sum to reach working part-time. I would try reach and surpass that first and have adequate savings before consider quitting your full time job. At a minimum, you must be totally confident in pulling in enough customers before you quit.

      Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author akasher
    Easily. Provide $6000 worth of value and you will receive $6000 in cash
    Do you want to know how to make $100+ daily on autopilot? CPA Marketing, very little competition or saturation, and lasts for YEARS. Look below.
    [My WSO will Help You] -Money Hurricane - Make $100-$200+ per DAY on AUTOPILOT doing CPA marketing. BULLETPROOF SYSTEM
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  • Profile picture of the author angely
    Of course, It is possible. why not? How strange!! I am really astonish to see that you are in hesitation to earn only 6000 Dollar per Year. In this case you need to earn 500 dollar per months. As a web developer is does not matter for any one. Just go ahead. I am freelancer, so I know the 500 dollar is not a big amount.
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  • Profile picture of the author Geoff101
    You make Wordpress themes and think $6000 is a problem? First you need to believe in your self man. You've the skills. Apply THEM consistently and you can make much more than that in a month.

    Try making a theme and sell that on Themeforest. I know people who made a theme and generated over a million dollar in sales in one year.

    Just make yourself spend 30 minutes every day on making a theme to SELL. Do it every day without fail and after few weeks you'll have something to sell.

    Try "Don't Break The Chain" tehnique to force yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Getting up to $500/month in profit from a niche content site is easy peanuts. But you do need to know good SEO principles, and have a good work ethic (VERY important - if you quit your job and suddenly get lazy, you will be screwed). If you find a decent niche you could literally make $500/month profit just from creating one niche site with a few hundred good content pages, monetized with Adsense and product affiliate links.
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  • Profile picture of the author Klemen Znidar
    Easy? Not.

    Achievable? Absolutely!

    You have to remember, that you don't have to only build wordpress themes. There is a ton of clients that needs wordpress help each and every day. If you are good with that, you can charge for your help.

    If you get new clients, you can also charge them for hosting. Thats the real passive income. I wouldn't quite the job until I have some backup money, or a nice system in place though.

    I wish you best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author dannco
    I sure wish I had spent time in the Warrior forums some years ago. It probably wouldn't have been such a chore trying to understand how to put it altogether for so long!! thank you so much for all this info, even though it was about making thewmes which isn't one of my fortes.
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  • Profile picture of the author palmer9999
    Originally Posted by amlouk View Post

    Hi friends.
    I'm a web developer I like making WordPress themes and I can make good looking ones but actually my job prevents me from starting my online business because it takes all my time. So I'm thinking of quitting my job( very boring) and do something else but I need 6000$ a year for my living, is it possible to make that with WordPress themes?
    First of all where are you living that it only costs 125$ a week to live in? I want to live there! Second, DO NOT quit your job if you can't make an online business while you are working how are you ever going to be able to do while you are working. Put the hours in! Don't say you don't have enough time! Even if you work 8 am to 6 Pm everyday you still have from say 7 pm - 10 pm every day that my friend is 21 hours every week!

    If your job is so boring, which mine was and I now just have an online business. Use the time to develop your business plan. Good luck and don't quit your job!
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  • Profile picture of the author eonjohn
    Build a list by creating a low entry front end service or product. Once you get them committed, that's when you can suggest and introduce your high end offer.

    Other people in this forum have made a living without the technical knowledge you possess. So I don't see why you won't be able to.

    Bottomline is, if there is anything that you should acquire that will be the mindset to know that you'll succeed no matter what. And to answer your question, it is easy as long your willing to put in the work. But hey, as long as your doing it on a niche that you love then it won't be boring as hell.

    Getting burned from WSOs after WSOs? Why not try this one instead. Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author PoondK
    Its easy to make 6000 a day if you put the effort into it
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Powder
    Since you are web designer, it shouldnt be a big deal for you to make $6000 a year. All you need is to plan yourself for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mhegedus17
    As a developer it is very easy to make $500/month (hopefully you are at least half decent)

    If you can't find clients to directly work for then simply design your own themes and sell them on themeforest or something.

    My advice: go for quality and not quantity. There are thousands of wp themes out there that all look the same. Spend a whole month developing one theme if you want and sell it for $30-$50. You need around 200 sales to make $6k a year. That's easily doable.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Never would say it is *easy* to make $6K in a year because that really depends on the person, how much you are willing to DIG IN, learn from each new experience and take that learning to refine/improve your next product/campaign.

    On the specific topic of WP themes - the issue is never can I make $X selling Y...the issue IS identifying a hungry market and then working with them to give them what they want.

    So, for example, there is a big market selling WP themes/content packs to those who want to start their own Amazon affiliate sites...but here you have to know it is a theme + niche research + content + optimization + some automation (through scripts or plugins). There is a massive hunger for this.

    Another example, there are still many offline businesses (think chiropractors, lawyers, alternative health practitioners, etc...) that want their own blogs but don't have a clue about what it should look like NOR how to make the first 1-month's worth of posts. If you can give them a "blog-in-a box" for 1-month at say $397 all you have to sell is 15 to get to $6K AND you would be guaranteed pretty steady renewals on content development as well.

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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Farthing
    The most reliable way to make money yourself is to offer a service. Keep working on selling Wordpress themes, but also consider offering web dev services to small businesses, or sales page creation as a WSO. With consistent money coming in like that, it's much less stressful to spend time on passive-income strategies like selling Wordpress themes.

    As an example, I write sales letters and VSL scripts to bring in regular paychecks, and then I write fiction to generate passive income.
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    • Profile picture of the author Biz Max
      Anything that requires selling is not easy, more so in a highly active niche.

      That said, work your arse off and you could blow away $6k, easy. The easy
      part is creating websites... turning prospects into customers. That my friend
      takes an effort and is a learning process.
      Small Business Marketing & Branding Specialist
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    • Profile picture of the author Leonid88
      a)set up odesk profile for yourself
      b)start getting 250 per month
      c)pick up some newbies and teach them how to duplicate your result
      d)start getting 500 - 1000 per month
      e)quit your job
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  • Profile picture of the author shohankabir
    dude don't quit your day job until you replace your income by $600 through wordpress theme selling
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  • mostly it's a forex investment will have a huge impact in your earning if you willing to play with it,but yeah there is a fee and money we have to invest.i have a mentor that can teach you the best ways and he says that you don't have to spend your money just follw his steps.if you wanna this mentor,pm me!
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  • Profile picture of the author Horacioplus
    There are products that pay you more than 6k per sale. All you have to is sell them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ean Stark
    Its not so hard,BUT do not quit your job before you are set online.
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  • Profile picture of the author lunaleee
    Sure, it is really easy to earn $ 6000 a year. After completing your job you can earn this amount by freelancing. there are many company who needs part time work, as a paying guest. You can do this work from your home. There are also many online market place, where you can find this kinds of job. Nowadays it is no longer an issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author wbee
    Don't quit your dayjob just yet. If you really want to do this then you should force yourself to "earn the right" to quit your day job. So if you have to get up earlier and go to sleep later just to build your business then by all means you gotta do what you gotta do.
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