1AutomationWiz Email Deliverability?

2 replies
Hey everyone,

I am potentially going to setting up a new shopping cart with 1AutomationWiz for 5 of my companies. For anyone here using them and their autoresponder how is the email deliverability compared for aWeber, Get Response, etc

Thanks in advance

Michael Corvin
#1automationwiz #deliverability #email
  • Profile picture of the author DonSchnure
    Hi Michael,

    Our delivery is very good at 99.7% on 2x optin and 97.8% on single optin.
    Trying to compare delivery rates of different companies is tough to do as an "apples to apples" kind of thing though because honestly we all use a different time span to record our delivery stats.

    For example we gather our delivery stats as an agragate average. Most providers do it this way. We use a 90 window. Some providers uses as little as 7 days. Of course the longer the stats window the more accurate your results are.

    I do not know what Aweber used for a window, so I can't be as helpful there.
    They are a good company with a solid reputation though.

    I have noticed over the last few months in particular though that Gmail timely delivery is more and more dependent on your personal or company's domain spam score then who is your email provider (provided they are a top tier white listed provider - as is 1AutomationWiz and aweber)

    There are a number of things you can do to ensure that your personal/company spam score stays low however. If you'd like some help with that please let me know.


    Don Schnure
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