Serious New Vendor Question

by 8 replies

#main internet marketing discussion forum #question #serious #vendor
  • I'll start by saying there's no paint by the numbers formula for what you want to do. Almost everything depends on the market and your target audience.

    I can address one of your concerns though. You would be wise to present your sales message in text and video. There are still lots of people that won't sit still for video. They like to be able to scan the material at their leisure and bounce around from one idea to another.

    As for affiliates, don't worry about that. A lot of people spend way too much time trying to court affiliates. The ones you want aren't interested until you start making sales. Once they see you're pulling in the bucks they'll be all over you.

    So I'd suggest you create a product that will appeal to your market and then promote it successfully. The affiliates will follow. If you've got the juice you might consider getting with a JV broker and doing a prelaunch. That can be enough to get other influential affiliates interested. Good luck.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thank you. The affiliate thing makes sense. That is why JV Notify Pro seems like a good fit. There you post your pre launch/launch to some of the top affiliates. I do know we have to split test our product and make sales before you push to affiliates. I want them to make money!
  • I've never even heard of JVNotifyPro. Is it worth it?
  • There are many vendors out there who add a button in the back office to let customers have the opportunity to join their affiliate program.

    So when someone buys your product and are directed to the back office to download it, you need to give them the option to promote your affiliate program.

    This will help you get new affiliates almost on auto-pilot.
  • I would think with a 40 million dollar business you would have your own marketing department and experts who would actually be directing you which way to turn.

    I would not expect a person with a 40 million dollar business not to have an IT department with a web development company, marketing experts and even a graphic design team.
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    • .

      We do have IT and marketing. But our business is offline. and the product i want to promote has nothing to do with my current business. I never said i didnt have the stuff you listed above so not sure what you are talking about?

      Think of this. You are a master internet marketer and make millions online. But now you have an idea that cant be sold online so you want to start a offline company. You need help starting that company because you are not familiar with it. Im in that boat
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  • 1. Is a half page video sales page better than a full page sales page with print or print/video

    "In my experience, the print with video will outperform the video only page. But if you're going to rely on my experience alone, I guarantee you'll Lose money because this is a crucial element that needs to be tested against your own traffic."

    3. Is there a site other than JVNotifyPro where we can launch our site to affiliates

    "don't limit yourself to just a site launch, you should be actively looking for other websites tthat look like they have affiliate monetization and look to do an outreach campaign. The results will be much better after you've already tested the offer and have numbers to show the potential affiliates"

    4. How many up sells convert the best. One up sell, Four up sells?

    ". As a rule of thumb, try to have at least three post transaction offers. This includes up sells and step down sales. It doesn't hurt to go even longer as long as your cart software can capture the front-end and follows up sales in the case of abandonment.

    5. What is the best lead capture approach? A Form, let's say from GetResponse directly on your site...or one that pops up a few seconds after the site in open?

    "A combination of the two. test conversions from form on the sidebar, pop-up, two-step, mid-page, etc."
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    So I have a product that I feel blows the competition out of the water in a certain niche. The niche is competitive but I don't care. My business partner and I (who own and operate a $40,000,000 business already) love competition. No fear here! The business we have now is offline and has nothing to do with the website business we want to set up so I need a little help.