Goal of making $500 a month : But no skills - PLEASE HELP

by jcko
15 replies
I am in dire need of making an extra income of $550 a month in addition to my 9-5. But, I am completely need to IM.

I know there are a tons of ways out there to do this. (even though I don't know how to do any of them yet.

But, what is the easiest and fastest way to get to my goal.

Please Help.
#$500 #goal #making #month #skills
  • Profile picture of the author Alast
    With no skills, it's obviously not going to be an easy road for you. That being said - do you really have no skills? None at all? You typing that message in itself is a skill.

    I strongly suggest you make a list of what you're objectively good at. Don't be so pessimistic when making the list. I do not intend for this to be 'inspirational', however whether you're aware of it or not, you do possess skills. Once you've come up with a list, find out how you can make money with those skills. Do you want to sell products or services? How are you going to achieve this? Affiliate Marketing? Product Creation?

    There are many ways you can make money, you just need to learn about yourself and what you're good at before you can give it a solid crack.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin1977
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    • Profile picture of the author ClickDale
      I don't believe IM is the best business to get into when you are desperate to make a quick income. However, if you do want to make money online I would do it by reselling items. Find items for cheap and resell them for more.

      First, let's break that down into days. If you need to make $500 a month and you work part time 22 days out of the month, then you need to make only $23 a day. Can you find deals to purchase every day for items that you can resell and make a profit of $23 a day? I think it's pretty easy.

      You can download this ebook here for free: http://www.ragstoreseller.com/ebook/Rags-To-Reseller.pdf

      No need to input your email address...just go grab it. It will provide you a list of items that sell very quickly online, and items to stay away from. I hope this helps. Best of luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geoff101
    How about selling services? You know something from your job and you can sell those skills as services.

    If you're desperate then I would recommend selling services and not going for typical IM in the start.

    You can also do freelance work to make $500 a month easily. Helping people with their clerical work on Odesk can easily make you that much.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    There are no easy or fast ways to do this. If you have no skills, I suggest you roll up your sleeves and start getting some. You can't build an online business without skills, time and a lot of effort and sometimes financial investment. If you're believing all those I guarantee $XXXXXXX income in six days WSOs, you're in for a big disappointment and loss of the money you throw at this stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author Humbee360
    Skills are really mandatory in the IM world, unless you have the funds to outsource and the patience, Skill and knowledge are a must.

    Find the path to get those skills but do it in a way that plays to your strengths and interests.

    Everyone has talent, sometimes its artistic or perhaps your talent may be in a totally different area.

    Find that special place where you can be passionate about what interests you.

    That is where you will find skill and then you can learn and gain knowledge.

    The more you know, (I know its a cliche, but its really accurate in this case)
    "Everything goes where attention flows..."
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  • Profile picture of the author deu12000
    You're probably better off getting a part time job. If you need money fast sell whatever you don't need on eBay and Craigslist.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sweersz
      You have to develop some skills first.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Two weeks ago the OP was "a college student" and needed $5k a month..."with minimal micromanagement."

        Now he has a 9-5 and needs only $500 a month...with "easiest and fastest" methods.

        I think we're making progress:rolleyes:
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Oh the lies that are spread online...
    If you are going to lie, RULE #1 Remember your last lie....

    Originally Posted by jcko View Post

    I am in dire need of making an extra income of $550 a month in addition to my 9-5. But, I am completely need to IM.
    Please Help.
    Originally Posted by jcko View Post

    Hello Community,
    I am a college student with many years to go due to my plans on going to law school. To keep it short. What are some proven ways to make money online. I am willing to try, learn, and do anything within in my resources to achieve making $5k a month online with minimal micromanagement.
    Please Help.
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean DeSilva
    You can kill two birds with one stone by picking an online skill that you wanted to learn, and start as a freelancer. You won't make your target right away, but with even one month or two of practice and performance, you can easily reach your goals and then leverage them later into your own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author actionplanbiz
    set aside money from your 9-5 job and invest in ready made websites thats making money. or buy a turnkey website and outsource the seo
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  • There's no way you have zero skill. You can write and speak english. You came to this forum and therefore can navigate the internet.

    -You could sell 100+ fiverr jobs for instance. If you have any kind of skill, anything. People look for all sorts of random shit online, and if you can give them what they want, they'll pay you for it.
    -Design T-shirts on Threadless or other sites like that.
    -Sell stock photos for passive income
    -Buy books or anything at places like thrift shops and sell them for profit
    -Build websites, attract lots of viewers and sell ad space
    -Get another job
    -Do one time jobs posted on Craigslist, Amazon, etc.
    -Get free stuff at dumps and Craigslist and sell it
    -Google "how to make extra money"

    Do some work, I've tried some niche sites and so forth, but nothing has worked for me, though I know it has for others. So I can give you some non-IM type advice.

    I know you have some skills. You have a job which implies a number of skills. So write a list of like 20 skills you have and go from there.

    Good luck. I'm struggling with this money making stuff too.
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  • Profile picture of the author midolyon
    I don't think you'll go far without starting from the basics and learning technics that take about two months or more before you decide to start.
    You have set a goal for you "550$" now you have to work for it, so i'll recommend that you get some knowledges. Try thinking of the things that you are good at and sell them as services, this will give you a good start.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    use your skills to get to your goal, they don;t have to be IM skills.
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Since everybody else has covered the "surely you have SOME sort of skill" stuff I'm going to ask you this: what do you like to do (hobbies, etc)? Can you find a way to monetize them?

    For instance, if you're good at doodles, sell them on fiverr. If you love to knit or crochet, sell small things on Etsy for slightly over cost. You get the idea. Start there, then worry about learning a bunch of new stuff that may or may not work out.

    Good luck!
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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