Any Clickbank product search sites suggestion ?

18 replies
Any Clickbank product search sites suggestion ?
e.g. cbengine
#clickbank #product #search #sites #suggestion
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    What about Clickbank


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    CB Engine has a lot of info and search options for free or a 'pro' member with advanced features.

    Also CB Trends and CB Graph but I have never used those.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
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  • Profile picture of the author alexals1
    Hi, there are many features in clickbank , you just need to learn how to use it
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zazz
    Or you can also query the GB database directly using their api. Did exactly that recently and once you manage the exact syntax for the GET request and how the pagination works (because you only receive 50 items per request), it's pretty easy. Nice thing about using the API is that you can receive your data in XML or JSON format, so no need to process HTML or things like that.

    Once you have that data, an interesting thing to do is to populate a database with it then run some custom queries against it:

    select count(*): 10639
    select count( distinct gravity ): 1299
    select count(*) WHERE gravity=0: 4173
    select count(*) WHERE gravity < 1: 7446
    SELECT count(*) WHERE gravity > 1: 3139
    SELECT count(*) WHERE gravity > 10: 611
    SELECT count(*) WHERE gravity > 100: 30

    What this data says in a few lines already is that 70% of CB products have close to 0 gravity. I'm sure most people didn't know that. I sure didn't know until just now...
    Conclusion: CB search sites are good but nothing beats custom queries.
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    • Profile picture of the author BurtL
      Originally Posted by Bryan Zazz View Post

      Or you can also query the GB database directly using their api. Did exactly that recently and once you manage the exact syntax for the GET request and how the pagination works (because you only receive 50 items per request), it's pretty easy. Nice thing about using the API is that you can receive your data in XML or JSON format, so no need to process HTML or things like that.
      When did they put out an API for their marketplace? I always thought it was an xml file.

      Aphasia: Loss of Language NOT Intelligence.

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    • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
      Originally Posted by Bryan Zazz View Post

      Conclusion: CB search sites are good but nothing beats custom queries.
      Yep, I agree with this guy.

      BTW, a lot of the 1-10 gravity products convert a lot better than you'd expect. It really comes down to how good you can presell. And most the products I promote have a VERY LOW gravity.

      My highest converting product right now (17%) has a gravity of like 6. Then one of my older products, has a gravity of like 140 and converts at 4%.

      So I go after all low gravity products these days. I just personally do a lot better with them and theres a lot more untapped keywords as well.

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      • Profile picture of the author Anthony J Namata
        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        Yep, I agree with this guy.

        BTW, a lot of the 1-10 gravity products convert a lot better than you'd expect. It really comes down to how good you can presell. And most the products I promote have a VERY LOW gravity.

        My highest converting product right now (17%) has a gravity of like 6. Then one of my older products, has a gravity of like 140 and converts at 4%.

        So I go after all low gravity products these days. I just personally do a lot better with them and theres a lot more untapped keywords as well.


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      • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zazz
        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        BTW, a lot of the 1-10 gravity products convert a lot better than you'd expect. It really comes down to how good you can presell. And most the products I promote have a VERY LOW gravity.
        My highest converting product right now (17%) has a gravity of like 6. Then one of my older products, has a gravity of like 140 and converts at 4%.
        So I go after all low gravity products these days. I just personally do a lot better with them and theres a lot more untapped keywords as well.
        In other words, gravity is only one metric to consider, not THE ONLY ONE. As RS points out, more important than gravity is how good a match you have between your list and the product you're promoting. If you have perfect match, then gravity doesn't really matter that much, because your promo will convert because of that match, not because of the gravity.

        Besides finding products to push to your list, another reason to look into CB - and my initial motivation - is market research. As we all know, not all niches are created equal, and CB gives some great insight into what (new) niches to go into.

        So CB's 10639 products are divided into 23 categories and 247 subcategories. If we consider each subcategory as a niche, which ones are best to go into? I see that one subcategory has a whopping 549 products while 4 have zero products. Is entering a niche already crowded with over 500 products a good or a bad thing? Which niches have the best metrics? From what I've seen so far of the different CB search sites, not sure I've seen any answering such questions - I mean evaluating products as a group to get a sense of the value of the niche ... but then I've only skimmed those sites, so I may have missed it.

        Update1: I see cbengine in their CBStatsistics tab aggregates number of products by category. That's good. But the niches are at the subcategory level, not category level which is too broad. Also, I want to get average gravity for each subcategory, I believe that should tell a lot about a niche's value.

        Update2: just managed to get the SQL right for "average gravity per category/subcat" ... and what do you know: top of the list is occupied by a category with less than 100 products overall. Hmm, high gravity, less crowded ... Isn't that interesting...
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        • Profile picture of the author csillitoe
          Bryan this is gold thanks. I'm a newbie here and quite analytical, looking for a way of looking at the affiliate market that makes sense. I'm guessing you're right, we're looking for a reliable way of finding that hot new niche. You're obviously looking at product creation whereas at this stage I'm just looking to be an affiliate.

          Originally Posted by Bryan Zazz View Post

          Update2: just managed to get the SQL right for "average gravity per category/subcat" ... and what do you know: top of the list is occupied by a category with less than 100 products overall. Hmm, high gravity, less crowded ... Isn't that interesting...
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      • Profile picture of the author Highway55
        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        BTW, a lot of the 1-10 gravity products convert a lot better than you'd expect. It really comes down to how good you can presell. And most the products I promote have a VERY LOW gravity.

        My highest converting product right now (17%) has a gravity of like 6. Then one of my older products, has a gravity of like 140 and converts at 4%.

        So I go after all low gravity products these days. I just personally do a lot better with them and theres a lot more untapped keywords as well.

        Really great post. I had no idea, but it makes a lot of sense if you're familiar with how partnerships work online. There's untapped gold at the bottom of the barrel!

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      • Profile picture of the author ayamy24
        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        Yep, I agree with this guy.

        BTW, a lot of the 1-10 gravity products convert a lot better than you'd expect. It really comes down to how good you can presell. And most the products I promote have a VERY LOW gravity.

        My highest converting product right now (17%) has a gravity of like 6. Then one of my older products, has a gravity of like 140 and converts at 4%.

        So I go after all low gravity products these days. I just personally do a lot better with them and theres a lot more untapped keywords as well.

        Hi Red,

        How do you get traffic for Clickbank products?
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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony J Namata
    I'd run a search on the clickbank site if I were you. Really easy.

    FEEL Better. LOOK Better. LIVE Better. Improve energy, virility and sexual performance naturally, without using prescription drugs. AMAZING SECRET REVEALED on my blog, at:

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  • Profile picture of the author mrrightme
    Grav 2-15 convert very good .
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    I use clickbank to find clinkbank products. Seems like the best choice. The main marketblace has all kinds of different options for advanced searches.
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    The best way to find clickbank products is to find them via CB itself, you can also find CB products on cbtrends and cbengine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ripster
    ClickBank is the best search site to search for ClickBank products. Most search sites get their data from ClickBank's API anyway.
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