Could you help me boil my topic down?

9 replies
Hi Warriors,

I'm thinking of starting a blog about anxiety (starting from my own experiences). Now what I find hard is choosing the specific topic. What I mean with that is, that maybe in the future I want to focus on writing people who are past anxiety and want to grow further as a human being. Maybe later I'd like to write about self improvement in general.

After reading the above, do you think I'm trying to hit too much people with one website in the last couple of sentences? I'm just not sure whether there are enough visitors for the anxiety niche to make some money from..

Any thoughts would be welcomed :-)

Ps. if anything in my story isn't clear, please ask, I'll be glad to answer!
#boil #topic
  • Profile picture of the author William Martin
    You want to start with a specific topic. One problem, one solution is the key.

    If you try to go too broad, you will find it difficult to promote your offer and you will confuse your visitors.

    Anxiety is not too small a niche. There is a product on ClickBank called 'Panic Away' that has been selling by the boatload for several years.

    Once you have customers for this tightly-focused 'frontend' product, a proportion of them will naturally be interested in further related products which you can offer through email marketing.

    As you expand your portfolio of products, you can create additional 'gateways' using different frontends, all leading into your complete business.

    I hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonwojo
    I agree with Will. Start with something small, relevant, and where you have experience. As you grow and establish a following, then maybe slowly start introducing tangental topics and assess your visitors' interest. Or maybe hit them up with a survey then decide which way to expand.
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    This thread makes me really nervous, where is my xanax.
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    • Profile picture of the author FingerPicker
      Originally Posted by hustlinsmoke View Post

      This thread makes me really nervous, where is my xanax.
      You should buy my ebook ;-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9009380].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author David Black 68
    I've had a blog focused on panic attacks in traffic and have been selling the previously mentioned 'Panic Away'. I sold a few but think I'd have been better off focusing on a wider niche.
    Focusing on one problem with one solution maybe OK to start with but may limit your scope in the future.
    I think you'd be better to build an 'authority site' on anxiety - hit it from every angle.
    Over time you'll be able to add new sections and rank better for individual niche products within it.
    You could add some self improvement info once you're established.
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    • Profile picture of the author FingerPicker
      Originally Posted by David Black 68 View Post

      I've had a blog focused on panic attacks in traffic and have been selling the previously mentioned 'Panic Away'. I sold a few but think I'd have been better off focusing on a wider niche.
      Focusing on one problem with one solution maybe OK to start with but may limit your scope in the future.
      I think you'd be better to build an 'authority site' on anxiety - hit it from every angle.
      Over time you'll be able to add new sections and rank better for individual niche products within it.
      You could add some self improvement info once you're established.
      Thanks for your answer! So you would write about many forms of and many solutions to anxiety but always keep it related to anxiety?
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      • Profile picture of the author David Black 68
        Hi FingerPicker,
        Yes, I think I'd stick to anxiety for starters - as William said, it's not a small niche.
        The question is, can you produce enough interesting content on the subject?
        You don't want to be running out of enthusiasm after half a dozen posts!
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        • Profile picture of the author FingerPicker
          Originally Posted by David Black 68 View Post

          Hi FingerPicker,
          Yes, I think I'd stick to anxiety for starters - as William said, it's not a small niche.
          The question is, can you produce enough interesting content on the subject?
          You don't want to be running out of enthusiasm after half a dozen posts!
          Interesting content enough. I'm more knowledgeable through experience, but I think that's a better selling position than having studied it a lot but not knowing how it is.
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  • recently i got a newsletter emailed to me.this guys name is ray and he told me that the best ways to attracts visitors dor these days is not a success story but according to him,to attracts readers you just have to write your own failing story and what did you do to recovers from that problems.
    maybe it is just an advice from ray.
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