How much would you pay for a link?

3 replies
Sorry - a database error lost all the info in my original post. So I've posted my query as a reply:

Hi all,

OK so I have managed to create one of the top blogs in my niche, according to Alexa. My Google PR isn't that amazing, but my Alexa rank is 296,000 in the world and 11,000 in the UK where I am based. Alexa says I have one of the top ten blogs in my niche (addiction recovery).

I sometimes get offers of people wanting to pay to submit articles to my website with a link to theirs in them (same niche). I have had offers of payment for this (yes I know Google's not keen). I was just wondering what a reasonable rate for someone to submit a one-link article to my site might be.

I don't really monetise my website otherwise, as I make my living from it as a therapist and I don't want loads of adverts on it - but if someone offered the odd on-topic article, it would save me time writing and also be a bit of cash.

Any thoughts?
Many thanks!
#link #pay
  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    If they are really interested, ask them how much they can offer.

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

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  • Profile picture of the author TerriL
    If I were you, I'd seriously consider adding at least one link (of your own) to every article on that site!

    If you are a therapist and have extensive knowledge, you should be able to 'build a nice list' and then create & promote your own products (i.e. eBooks, Special Reports, Video, Consultation Services via Google Help Outs or even Skype... I could go on and on.)

    Back to the original question, a lot of people 'syndicate' articles on high pr blogs and website absolutely free in echange for a bio link in the article. This benefits website owners looking for quality content, and the article owner who then gets a trickle (or flood) of traffic from being exposed on your website. I don't see Google frowning on this method at all.

    Also, make sure their article content meets your standards, and more importantly... the website and/or offerings they are 'linking' out to should your visitors explore the link(s). Obviously, you don't want your visitors getting burned by a 3rd party pushing junk... and then thinking you permitted it. Another good reason to create your own links, and monetize with your own (*or well researched affiliate goods/services) products.

    Lastly, charge what you think is fair, and they can take it or leave it... after all, it is your site. Oprah charges a minimum of $50,000 for ads published on her website... yep, $50,000 and UP!

    Again, if I were you, I would utilize your authoritve position and start creating products, or at least recommended high quality solutions offered through reputable affiliate networks, and monetize that website.

    Heck, look at Mike Geary "Truth About Abs" - the guy's made millions all while helping people in the 'weight loss' and 'health and fitness' niche from a few ebooks and such.

    Good Luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author mudskippa
    Thanks guys for you help!
    - and Terri, that is really good advice. I do already have a couple of books out, and a small list, but haven't yet taken the plunge yet with creating e-courses and the like.

    I do need to create more things that will give me passive income. I take my work very seriously, which means it takes a lot out of me to dedicate myself to 1:1 clients all the time. I do need to create ways of reaching more people, while still making income - so I can take a holiday once in a while

    Many thanks!
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