Solution for seamless cloud storage?

3 replies
One of my clients is asking for a centralized cloud storage solution, mostly for real-time sharing and editing of pdf/word/excel documents. Something along the lines of Dropbox, Carbonite, Crashplan, etc... there must be dozens of those.

He wants to be able to edit files locally and those would be automatically backed up on the cloud, either instantly or within 30-60 mins. Or being able to work directly from the cloud. Does not need more than 5 users.

Any good recommendations?

#cloud #seamless #solution #storage
  • Profile picture of the author Rok Solid
    Hey Jeff

    I personally use Google Drive, and Dropbox. The Box account came with 50 GB for me but I don't know if that was a special they were running when I signed up because now the site advertises a much smaller capacity.

    They all have desktop folder applications that act like regular folders on your computer. As long as you save the files you're working on in the cloud based folder they'll be automatically synced with the cloud.

    If collaboration with others is required then you can share the file or even entire folders with specified users.

    Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Rok Solid

    Yea I could have but I wanted to try the different services to see which one I liked the best. Still haven't decided

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