What Should My Domain Be?

13 replies
I just finished writing an eBook about learning to play guitar in 5 days and I am looking into making a Squeeze page/Sales Page for it ( kinda like this one http://www.thecrapsprofessor.com/ )

The name on the cover of the eBook is "Learn To Play Guitar In 5 Days!" should I make my Domain something like www.playguitarin5days.com or something like that? I dont think it is very creative, but i have never made a sales page before so i am lost. Anyone have any ideas??

My other question is would you recommend making a squeeze/sales page solely about my eBook of learning the guitar? The book is only about 12 pages long, but it is good content and i have tested it on people, and it worked for them. One again, this is my first time making a sales page and I am not very educated about whats a good vs bad idea.

Thanks so much

#domain #ebook #make money #sales page #website
  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    There are basically two trains of thought, IMO.

    1) go with more of an exact match domain. IE, people type in "learn to play the guitar" or whatever people search for related to what your selling. So you get the domain, "learntoplaytheguitar.com". Personally, I like these in your case and with ebooks/info products. When I search for something that has the exact domain and is credible.. I'm more likely to buy.

    2) Go with something brandable. IE, "TheGuitarTeacher.com" or whatever you decide. It still lets the customer know what they're about to click on.

    Really, it's personal preference. You could be successful either way.

    I'd consider making a squeeze page giving away your product. Then create a larger ebook or backend product to sell them. Like videos to teach them to play. This way, you capture their email with your ebook. If it works like you say, you have their email, and a satisfied customer that will more than likely buy from you. And you can sell them video and promote it as learning faster, easier, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Comeback
    There are 2 different approaches...

    1. If you are just trying to launch this as a "1 off" product then you will be moving on to something else, then you are going to want to name the domain the name of the product. Like, "Guitarheroin5days.com"

    2. If you are trying to build a brand (suggested) and have a series of follow up products and blog posts and content etc,... then go with a "branded" domain. Something like "GuitarsUnstrung.com" or "It'sallaboutstrings.com" ... you get the idea.

    so you have to figure out... are you trying to make a quick buck.. or build a business... then go from there
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  • Profile picture of the author Rok Solid
    Hey Nate

    Sounds like a great product. I've been getting the impression that using exact match domains (ie keyword filled domain names) is being frowned upon by Google and so even if you get a nice high ranking in the beginning, your site won't be on page 1 for long.

    I'm no expert on this subject but you might want to check out source-wave.com. great place to start for a beginner.

    Also for creating websites I use and like OptimizePress but you can also take a look at AuthorityPro which is a bit cheaper.

    Hope that helps and good luck!


    I don't send traffic traffic to opt in pages anymore. I Do This instead...

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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    If you have a lot of money to invest I would go with a branded keyword.

    Otherwise I would suggest going with the exact match.
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  • Profile picture of the author buysellbrowse
    FIVEGUITAR.COM is available:

    No match for "FIVEGUITAR.COM".
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    No match for "GUITARFIVE.COM".
    >>> Last update of whois database: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 02:59:32 UTC <<<
    buysell-browse.com * Free Classifieds Advertising & Promotion *
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9022719].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author efil4renots
    Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

    I just finished writing an eBook about learning to play guitar in 5 days and I am looking into making a Squeeze page/Sales Page for it ( kinda like this one http://www.thecrapsprofessor.com/ )

    The name on the cover of the eBook is "Learn To Play Guitar In 5 Days!" should I make my Domain something like www.playguitarin5days.com or something like that? I dont think it is very creative, but i have never made a sales page before so i am lost. Anyone have any ideas??

    My other question is would you recommend making a squeeze/sales page solely about my eBook of learning the guitar? The book is only about 12 pages long, but it is good content and i have tested it on people, and it worked for them. One again, this is my first time making a sales page and I am not very educated about whats a good vs bad idea.

    Thanks so much

    I would just like to add that you should probably use a smaller font size on your squeeze page, the example one was a bit too big!

    Also you could buy learntoplayguitar.org.uk from Crazy Domains for 50p (about 90 cents) which is not too bad!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnlagoudakis
    Hi Nate,

    There are still a lot of great .com domains available (stick with a .com)... but you have to be creative. I love to use thesaurus.com to find synonyms when I'm looking to find a catchy, short, domain name (there's a tip - keep your domain name as short as possible).

    For your sales funnel, I'd recommend a squeeze page (maybe a short report or video that teaches a really cool guitar trick) and then off your ebook at a one-time offer discounted price.

    Then, in your autoresponder sequence, give some really cool tips in a series of emails... and at the same time plug your guitar ebook - at the regular price.

    Best of luck!
    Need help getting more leads and sales? *** Click here to work with me ***
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  • Profile picture of the author Geri Richmond
    If I were you, I wouldn't buy a domain name with a number in it. No dashes or weird spellings or numbers. They are much harder to rank for.
    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan3
    Definitely exact match domain
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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    If I was you, I would go for branded name or something pushy which would at least attract more and more visitors to look into the site
    such as "guitarlearningzone" "learnguitar" "knowingguitar" "guitarcourse" "quickyguitar" "guitaracademy" etc etc
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  • Profile picture of the author In the know
    Hi Nate,

    Most replies have touched on one of 2 strategies:

    1. EMD - trying to capitalise on google search algorithms, possibly using a loophole to drive traffic in the short term (and maybe long term - who knows?)

    2. Build a longer term business, something you are passionate about and which you can be proud of in 3-5 years from now.

    No one has the answer, it is a personal preference...and no one knows the future...

    I would go with #2. The internet is so crammed full of short cuts and algorithmic second guessing that frankly the only way to ensure your business is sustainable and successful is through providing real value to your readers. Some of the most successful web properties (think Godaddy as one example of millions) have no search meaning, they just added value through outstanding service.

    Good luck with whatever you choose :-)


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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    For establishing a good brand name exact match domains are always preffered if you can inverst good money, otherwise go for something closer to the brand and keyword.
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