star selling solo ads or build an authority site?

10 replies
Hi. If you a decent amount of money. What would be the best to invest? Would you start selling solo ads or is better to build an authority site (or having a profesional do it for you)

I´m thinking about it because I don´t know which one is the best way to go. I will apreciate your advice.


azulita =)
#ads #authority #build #selling #site #solo #star
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Building an authority site or better a web site that people need would be much wiser.

    Selling solo ads is not really a stable business model. Yes, you can make some money
    if you know how to do it but people that really know how to do it make their money
    with coaching.

    You can make $3,000 with selling solo ads per month but you can make $30,000 by showing other people how to sell solo ads. Well, I guess a lot of people would be happyif they had $3k a month but thats a different story.

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You might want to research building an authority site first. There's a lot more to it than you think. I'm not saying you should focus on selling solo ads (assuming you have a list worth advertising on) but you definitely need to research how authority sites are built. Hint: there are lots of moving parts...
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  • Profile picture of the author hustlinsmoke
    You need an authority site in my view no matter what.
    Even a site to give you brand regonition.
    Selling solos is hot right now and about to get oversaturated.
    Not saying it either just to keep you out. It may be a little oversaturated already.

    Why did you just suggest the two items why did you not ask for more items.
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    If you've got a decent budget and can afford to put in consistent money every month into your business... then I would say get into learning paid traffic, building a list, and then monetizing that list through various different ways.

    This is how I got started... AND this is still what I do on a daily basis... it's an evergreen business model.

    Selling solos is only 1 way, so don't just think that that's all you're going to do, because it wouldn't be so wise to only focus on that.

    If you can get good at traffic, then you've got control... an asset that people will pay you money for access to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    Why not do both? It doesn't take too long to run a solo ad business & you can spend the rest of your time creating content for your blog & promoting it.

    Also, with the solo ad traffic you can focus on creating funnels that convert & putting money in your pocket that way BEFORE you sell solo ads to the list. Since you'll be building a list for the purpose of selling solo ads, it won't matter as much in the beginning, but as you move forward you can easily test your traffic & put it through funnels that convert first.
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  • Profile picture of the author actionplanbiz
    i would pick a niche
    set up a squeeze page and offer for that niche
    and test that funnel by invest in advertising
    fail, tweek, fail, tweek, fail, tweek, and succeed
    then upscale and optimize
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    • Profile picture of the author carcin0genic
      If I were to start from scratch I would no doubt set to work immediately blogging dialy to increase my site's authority.

      6 months down the road you're looking at a sustainable business model capable of 6 figures/yr. if done correctly.

      Let's Network!!
      Shoot Me A Message
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    Yeah and you need a working website to continue to get new subs so you can sell fresh lists.
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    both are good business modules if you provide quality to your customers
    for both you will need time to establish good stability, but if you build an authority site it is more profitable than solo ads business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Mangan
    Hi azulita,

    Firstly, I would like to say that I sell solo ads so, there will be those that say my opinion is rather subjective.

    I think some of the previous comments made are just plain incorrect so, let me state my views on some points that were raised.

    1. Selling solo ads is a sustainable business. I'm getting rather 'bored' of reading that selling solo ads isn't a good or sustainable model. My gut feeling is that these type of statements are made by those that don't sell solo ads. I've been selling solo ads since May and my business has grown extremely well. There are many I could name that have been selling solo ads for years and they're doing very nicely from it.

    2. There is no 'limit' on how much you can earn. Again, I've read the comment above about earning only $3,000 whereas having an 'authority site' can earn you much more. Well, let me tell you; I earn way more than $3,000/month and I can name other solo ad vendors that earn way more than that.

    3. You don't need an authority website in order to sell solo ads. All you need is a domain with one page on it - a squeeze page. You don't need an authority site in order to get solo ad sales. I don't have a solo ad sales page on any domain I own and yet I do extremely well. The only authority site I use is the WarriorForum. My ad (and testimonials) are to be found in the Classified Ads section. It's the only real platform you need in order to advertise. Of course, I also advertise in Skype rooms and Facebook groups, but again, there's no authority site. If potential customers want to see testimonials I just give them a link to my WF thread.

    4. When I first entered the solo ad arena back in February 2013 people were already saying that the solo ad niche was over-saturated. People will still be saying this and in 1, 2 or 3 years from now. Of course, you get lots of 'wannabe' solo ads vendors. They appear in the various Skype rooms and FB groups from nowhere and they then disappear just as quick. As long as you treat selling solo ads as a business, with long-term objectives and deliver great service, you'll get all the orders you can handle - even in this supposedly 'over-saturated' market.

    I could go on with other points I feel are constantly being misreported (mainly by those that have never sold a solo ad in their life) but I think I've addressed the more important ones that were raised above.

    That's it. Please feel free to flame me


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