Newbie Question - Making money off Toolbars

by JewPac
5 replies
Hi everybody

I am new to this site and I have a question which I am sorry if its too basic...
I knew a guy who started a very profitable business simply(or not that simply) by getting users to download certain programs he has developed and when installing them, if the user gives permission, it also installs a toolbar.
so my questions are:

1. what could be the business model in the scenario above? i.e how does this guy gets paid and by whom?
2. Is there an official term for this kind of marketing?

Thanks in advance for the help
#making #money #newbie #question #toolbars
  • Profile picture of the author kayfrank
    Personally I think this could be hard for a newbie. You would need a good reason for someone to download a toolbar - what benefit would it have for them? I think people advertise on these toolbars - but who would pay you to advertise on your toolbar unless you had loads of people downloading it?
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    It was a slimey business model that had brief success around 2003-2005. The toolbars were adware. Some of them went so far as to change affiliate codes on websites to that of the toolbar owner's.

    Very few people can be bothered to install anything these days with so much being browser based now.
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    • i agree. Toolbars at best send pop up ads into your face and at worse are full of spyware or even Trojans and Viruses so few sensible people ever download them unless it's Google or some other reputable one, and there is a need to have it?

      Stephen & Jennifer.
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      • Profile picture of the author JewPac
        Thank you guys for the replies.
        I know its kinda of a general question, but what would you consider to be the best ROI in the internet marketing world right now?
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        • Profile picture of the author Lex Gabriel
          Originally Posted by JewPac View Post

          Thank you guys for the replies.
          I know its kinda of a general question, but what would you consider to be the best ROI in the internet marketing world right now?
          I would say solo ads. At least, it has been for me and I don't have a big advertising budget. There may be more ways for others.
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